Rengade or Rebel 30?!?!?

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RockNRun":39kmc3ex said:
Hey, new forum member here (1st post, and no, not a HCAF refugee, lol, been reading this board for years, just never registered).

I've been doing my homework for months now on the Renegade and Rebel heads...I've sampled all Egnater's stuff at my local GC except the 30 (grrr, where is it). I think they're all great in one way or another and provide ya with more bang for buck than most other new amps in that range ($). The cleans in particular are great compared to the new Fender stuff (in that price range) so why not, plus you get more amp with Marshally/Vox-ish crunch if you need it. So I "think" I've decided on the Rebel 30 Head as I am only interested in a studio amp for tracking Fenderish (6V6) CLEANS (crunch and munch is covered with my Q-Rod, which does have very good cleans, but still, EL34B's, heh) and word is the 30 head is KILLER through a 2x12 cab. I have the Egnater 212 cab but its being used with my Splawn head (an awesome pairing!).

I have a really sweet vintage Fender 2x12 cab (open back) and will use that with the Rebel head, basically giving me two distinct setups/rigs, the Q-Rod/Eggy cab for dinner, the Rebel 30/Fender cab for the sweets. I'm not interested in combos so that rules out a used Fender for cleans in the same price range (which relys on luck newayz ;-). Can anyone recomend an ideal speaker (for single spkr, close mic recording purposes) for use the Rebel 30 knowing it won't be used for dirt, just cleans? Or will the Elite 80 and its nice headroom do that trick? An added plus would be one that balances well with the Elite80 (but thats not really important).

If you're strictly talking cleans I'd go Celestion Gold. I prefer my Scumbacks, Tone Tubbys and Cannabis Rex but I don't play much clean stuff.
Thanks for the suggestion, added (well, STARTS the list). I don't play much cleans either, but enough to wan't to spend money wisely at first and not regret having cut corners later.