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As far as V30s are concerned, isn't the Mesa V30 different than the UK V30?
I've never compared an original late '90s or earlier UK V30 with a Mesa V30. But from what Steve Fryette has said, they should be the same.
I've played my Earhart (Cornford MK50HII) through a Bogner V30 cab and a Mesa V30 cab at a couple gigs, and I did feel that the Mesa cab felt a bit warmer. I have also done separate recording sessions with that amp through an Orange 2x12 and a Chinese V30 loaded Avatar OS2x12. Now it really isn't a fair comparison since the cabs could be just as big of a variable as the speakers.
Yeah being that it was different cabs, it makes the comparison less valid. There's a big difference between a Bogner and a Mesa cab.
I think an ideal combination would be Mesa V30 speakers in a Bogner 4x12 cab.
I haven't tried that one yet. But I'm thinking about doing it. Not sure if I want to do V30s or Scumback Blackbacks though.
Also, I remember reading that the real difference between Chinese and UK made V30s is the frame. The cones are supposedly the same and made at the same factory, but the Chinese frame is stamped while the UK frame is cast. Whether or not that's true is unknown to me, but it would certainly make sense.
the frames do appear different to me. The magnet is also different. As well as a few other small differences here and there.