Retubing my 5150

  • Thread starter Thread starter Drewky
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i have had good luck with SED's and JJ's but if Jerry says there is an issue with JJ's and 5150's i would try something else. and i agree Groove tubes are crap, every goddamn dealer around me sells them, and says they are the best. isn't it funny that its also the only tube they sell/stock :lol: .
JerryP":d8144 said:
Call Doug and get the TAD 6L6WCG-STR and some Tungsol 12AX7's.


I think the TAD power tubes sound more musical than the Svets. I prefer them in my Mesa too.

I never tried running ALL Tung-Sol pre's, but at least try them in V1.
Drewky":96556 said:
The NOS RFT is a bit too expensive for my current budget. Would putting the 9th gen chinese throughout be a noticable difference from having the RFT in it?


If you need to be cheap, go with Chinese 9th Gen in V1 and V5, and EH 12AX7's in the other 3 slots. JJ's or SED 6L6's for the power amp.
and i dont know how the 5150 is , but i had an EH in my V1 on my penta, and holy shit it was noisey and screechy, microphonic sounding too.
Yeah I'm not a fan of the EH tubes either.
The Shuguang 8th or 9th gen sound really balanced, not too bright or too tubby. The Tung-sol's are gainy like the JJ's are and aren't too noisy, they also don't get as muddy as the JJ 12ax7's do. I've heard really bad things about the Groove Tubes Mullard reissue (12ax7M) but I must have gotten a couple of good ones because they sounds great in my first two slots. If the stories are true, I expect they'll just sound like crap one day and that'll be that, but until then it's sounding damn good.

I go back and forth on my power tubes, I've got SED =C= 6L6's in there now and I'm liking them a lot. I'm gonna try the JJ's one more time - I'll bias them med-hot and run them up loud for a change, that should decide it for me.