Review and clip: Lovepedal 200 lbs of Tone.

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Good tone, kickass playing. I love how you've grown over the last 2 years.
sah5150":ibthfomp said:
degenaro":ibthfomp said:
I love how you've grown over the last 2 years.

Yeah, he looked taller to me last time I saw him too.

That was because you were on the floor wit Barzini having his way with you. :)
degenaro":28imfs3z said:
Good tone, kickass playing. I love how you've grown over the last 2 years.
Thanks brother. My alternate picking still sucks balls. I focussed so much on hybrid picking that my alt picking has suffered a lot. Im trying to get it back up to speed but failing miserably. :lol: :LOL:
degenaro":24tupc1p said:
sah5150":24tupc1p said:
degenaro":24tupc1p said:
I love how you've grown over the last 2 years.

Yeah, he looked taller to me last time I saw him too.

That was because you were on the floor wit Barzini having his way with you. :)

I wish he would keep his damn mouth shut already...

I really dug your playing and your basic tone. To me the pedal is almost TOO smooth though. I wouldn't like it for what I play, but it sounds like it works well with the stuff you do though.
moronmountain":1sav7s3g said:
I really dug your playing and your basic tone. To me the pedal is almost TOO smooth though. I wouldn't like it for what I play, but it sounds like it works well with the stuff you do though.
It is almost too smooth. But wait till I throw in front of the Superbass, that will bring out the raunch. Its amazing how good it sounds into my champ though. :)

A few more thoughts that I posted on TGP:

Tweaked the internal trimmer today. Mine was set at about 2:30. I dialed it back to noon. It brightened it up a bit and added a little volume this way. Like some of said, this puts it closer to Fuzz Face land. But to be honest, this pedal is quite a bit different than a Fuzz Face IMO. Much tigher lows, much more focussed sound without sounding congested in the mids, and a lot clearer sounding. With delay behind it, it sounds awesome.

It cleans up alright but doesnt get pristine, and doesnt clean up as well as a Sunface NKT, but its more than adequate. But its such a dynamic pedal even with the fuzz way up, if you pick softly or with your fingers, you get an almost clean yet sustained type of sound. Pretty freaking cool.

I played it into my tech's blackface Princeton Reverb today, but I was using my Vigier and that has Dimarzio PAF Classics in it, and it didnt sound as good as my Strat or LP. But its those pickups. They're kind of characterless and dont match well with my other fuzzes. The guitar itself is spectacular though.

Of course the real test is with my Superbass. But I have a feeling this pedal with excel at stoner/doom style tones as well as the vintage ones.


Well I just put the trimmer back to 2 o'clock because it sounded more EJish.

A few other things about this pedal... You know how with a good sunface, you roll back your guitar volume to 8, its not so much fuzzy as it is a good crunch?

This pedal isnt like that. Rolling back the guitar volume a notch or two down, makes it just a little less (in a good way) of what you already have. Its still has the fuzz overtone to it, but it makes it a little clearer in the highs. ONce you get down to about half way on the guitar volume, is when you get more of a clean/crunch thing, but if you dig in hard enough, you will hear that fuzz around the edges.
Damn it Shea, you're going to get me back into pedals now, aren't you? :D

Great review man, sounds like a cool item.
StevieRaveOn":zut7t8s4 said:
Damn it Shea, you're going to get me back into pedals now, aren't you? :D

Great review man, sounds like a cool item.

The best way I can describe this pedal is... Its the perfect fuzz for guys are who not fuzz guys. As if it sounds like what a non fuzz guy would expect to hear when he plugs into a fuzz, but instead of being disappointed he gets a usable sound.

That said, this pedal is not the end all be of all of fuzzes for me, and its certainly not kicking any pedals off my board, but it sounds good for wanting to apporixmate the EJ tone.
The best way I can describe this pedal is... Its the perfect fuzz for guys are who not fuzz guys. As if it sounds like what a non fuzz guy would expect to hear when he plugs into a fuzz, but instead of being disappointed he gets a usable sound.

That said, this pedal is not the end all be of all of fuzzes for me, and its certainly not kicking any pedals off my board, but it sounds good for wanting to apporixmate the EJ tone.

First off, nice clips...both sounded great.

I've put off buying up a few Fuzz pedals for a long while now but lately have been jonesin' hard to pick one or two up. I've already convinced myself I need a Sunface (germanium probably) but I'm wondering is this Lovepedal a good alternate or possibly compliment to that pedal, meaning does it kinda pick up where the Sunface leaves off and continues into the heavier Stonerish type fuzz sounds? Or am I way off base? Thanks.
RO223":1jk92l0s said:
The best way I can describe this pedal is... Its the perfect fuzz for guys are who not fuzz guys. As if it sounds like what a non fuzz guy would expect to hear when he plugs into a fuzz, but instead of being disappointed he gets a usable sound.

That said, this pedal is not the end all be of all of fuzzes for me, and its certainly not kicking any pedals off my board, but it sounds good for wanting to apporixmate the EJ tone.

First off, nice clips...both sounded great.

I've put off buying up a few Fuzz pedals for a long while now but lately have been jonesin' hard to pick one or two up. I've already convinced myself I need a Sunface (germanium probably) but I'm wondering is this Lovepedal a good alternate or possibly compliment to that pedal, meaning does it kinda pick up where the Sunface leaves off and continues into the heavier Stonerish type fuzz sounds? Or am I way off base? Thanks.

I responded on HCAF but Ill copy/paste here for the folks that may be interested as well. :)

Well its not really a fuzz face... Thats the thing. Will iit work awesome for stonery stuff? Absoutely. It works awesome stacked with an overdrive pedal. Only it stays tighter and clearer than the average stoner tone. I mean you can palm mute with this thing and its chest thumpin'. Although, with the Sunface, if you roll back your guitar volume a couple notches, it turns from a fuzz into sort of a fat crunch too. Also, the Sunface NKT275 doesnt ahve that much gain, so it loves to be in front of an overdriven amp. Thats where that pedal shines. The 200lbs on the other hand.. You can put it into a clean amp, like I did with these clips, and get a super meaty fuzz like sound, with an amazing lead tone. The 200lbs is not a traditional fuzz though, so if thats what you're looking, definitely go with the Sunface. I already a few fuzz face clones so this was a nice addition to the collection...

Although I would say it does kind of pickup where the Fuzz Face leaves off. As in, more gain, clearer, smoother, more articulate. But like I said, it does NOT do that ready to explode sound, but its perfect for those ZZ Top tones where it sounds like a track of fuzz and a track of crunch at the same time.

I will say this: This pedal is way different than any other fuzz or distortion pedal Ive ever used. It almost feels like you're running reverb with it, even when you're playing dry! Its really weird and awesome at the same time.
I wonder how this would sound in front of my splawn....I don't really run the gain too hot and actually have a 5751 in there to tame the gain a bit. I am willing to try. I have found the OD pedal in the BB Preamp that works for me. But never tried a fuzz. If I used a fuzz, it would only really be on leads anyway...that is why this one might work?
crwnedblasphemy":1xom6y5t said:
that is why this one might work?
Oh it works great for that. You can get a pretty convincing EJ tone on command. Its not spot on, but its good enough for gov't work. :yes:
Telephant":20vqwoy9 said:
degenaro":20vqwoy9 said:
Good tone, kickass playing. I love how you've grown over the last 2 years.
Thanks brother. My alternate picking still sucks balls. I focussed so much on hybrid picking that my alt picking has suffered a lot. Im trying to get it back up to speed but failing miserably. :lol: :LOL:

hey, do you have any hybrid picking exercises? i'm trying to learn how to do it, but I can't figure out where to start, or where to develop :P

the first clip was great, I thunk it will cut better on a live situation than the one with the les paul