Rig-Talk, the last haven for real musicians

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If it’s south of Downtown I may have had a room there in the early 2000’s. God, I miss being loud in the room with good players.

Yes, it is.
There's still a scene here.
Hell yeah. I think one reason for the less popularity of rock/metal compared to rap and others is the fear of getting out of line and being cast out/cancelled.

Call me crazy but I think rock/metal should be rebellious and dangerous and a big FU to authority. A few years ago when I heard an ad on the radio where Paul Stanley was telling people to mask up, get the vaccine and stop the curve, I just sank my head is disappointment. Not to call him out specifically but I thought it was symbolic for the decline of rock and roll rebels.
Well, your not a rebel if you swim with a cut or open mouthed in the Ganges either 🤷‍♂️
What i like most about 100 watt amps is the way an e5th makes my balls tickle
Around here there are very few young bands. My band is pretty loud. Drummer pounds the kit, bass player has a 700 watt Aguilar stack and I have my 100 watt Wizard, no 4-12 anymore though. Still have some but I don’t feel like moving them anymore. 2-12 or two 2-12’s. Most bands around just use modelers. Different times I guess.
IIRC it’s on Airport Wy. For years there was a great spot in Kirkland/Bellevue off 520 to rehearse, right next to a drum store. Taking me down memory lane on when living was fun.

Well, if y'all are ever in the area we'll have to party!
Would love to take y'all to see my daughter's band.
She controls the crowd so well and just makes my heart melt.
Then I realize it's 10pm and should have been in bed an hour ago :ROFLMAO:
Satan is calling and I am listening
There’s something wrong there can be no deny
My body’s weak and my soul stops resisting
There’s nothing left to live for I will die.

First verse of Systematic Suicide
Written about 2 weeks after my first wife left my ass while I was strung out on smack. Jan 2020

Sounds rough.
Glad to see that you're pulling yourself through that kind of darkness and on a seemingly better path.
Are musicians just a bunch of whiney pussbags now-a-days? Rig Talk is about the only forum where you don’t get shat on for mentioning 100 watt amps and big 412 or larger cabs. Apparently we’re the last haven for those who like big gear and big sound.

I don’t frequent other forums, but do skim topics now and again when trying to look up specs or do some research. I swear its nonstop 20 watts is all you need, big cabs are too heavy, 1x12 grab and go combo, and how much does the guitar weigh. Top it off with silent stages and wanting gear that fits in your backpack. Even bass players are all “check out my amp the size and weight of a note card.” “I go DI to board, speakers are too heavy to bring to a gig.”

What the fuck??? Are you a musician or are you a fucking pussy that barely has the strength to hold a pick. Heavy gear comes with the territory. If it weighs too much for your limp dick ass to move then get the fuck out!

This’ll sound like old man yelling at clouds…. I came from the days of the 1000 lb peavey combo amps. It was either that or all 100 watt half and full stacks. No one bitched about “it’s too heavy.” Fuck all what it weighed. You just deadlifted your shit and lugged it down the block.

Screw all this lightweight pussy horse shit everyone else is after. When I finally expand my space later this year (hopefully) I’m building myself some 4x15 cabs.
Most of us bitched (internally anyway) at how heavy shit was back then, especially in awkward load in/load out situations. You just sucked it up because that was the gear we had and there was no light weight alternative. I’m just stuck on it now after years of being accustomed to how it sounds, feels and even smells. I get no aesthetic joy out of a box and a cable and only hearing it through a monitor or headphones/IEM so I never will do that at home.
If I was ever to play live again, even though my neck fusion would force the issue, I’d probably be fine using those boxes and carry in a gigbag and back pack and be done. But I can easily imagine not enjoying it a whole lot without stage volume, where the sound surrounds you and you get that immediate response dynamically from the amp.
Most of us bitched (internally anyway) at how heavy shit was back then, especially in awkward load in/load out situations. You just sucked it up because that was the gear we had and there was no light weight alternative. I’m just stuck on it now after years of being accustomed to how it sounds, feels and even smells. I get no aesthetic joy out of a box and a cable and only hearing it through a monitor or headphones/IEM so I never will do that at home.
If I was ever to play live again, even though my neck fusion would force the issue, I’d probably be fine using those boxes and carry in a gigbag and back pack and be done. But I can easily imagine not enjoying it a whole lot without stage volume, where the sound surrounds you and you get that immediate response dynamically from the amp.

I stopped the band thing about a decade ago. I could easily make do with a small amp. Hell, even when playing with a band we could have used tiny combo amps for practice. But that just didn't do it for anyone. It needs to be cranked to at least some sort of respectable level. If you cant feel the air moving why bother playing at all. Anything else is boring, uninspiring, and just not enjoyable.