Rock Solid Amps - Slams Being Deleted??

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SgtThump":21066 said:

Wow. I missed all of that! DOH... I seriously used to think he was cool.

Prolly cause he was lighting my ass up all the time. :D

Wizzy and I didn't hit it off too well, and with a "how to bias a TSL" thread I posted a reply that wasn't a copy of the commonly posted instructions, he went off the deep end, and I jumped in right after.
SeaDog":df956 said:
I'm no lawyer, but isn't some of the stuff that was written about Derek kinda slanderous/libel?

Courts don't give a shit about that kind of stuff unless you can show a significant loss of revenue caused by what the person said/did.

Even then it'd be a toss up.

After my Dad got nearly killed by a bar owner, bar owner was convicted in criminal court at a stupidly reduced sentence (plea bargin, DA didn't want to "btoher" with it), and lost in Civil Court, I have zero faith in the court system.
vchizzle":c2a9e said:
pretty sure PRMike is a different guy. i'll stay out of the other shit.

i will say this. when you were first on here Carl, i thought you were a complete dickweed, doing nothing but trying to piss people off. i don't know you from the old days, but from my 1st HC, then later, Rigtalk days i never heard anything but crap come from you.

now...since you've been back here, I'VE yet to see a glimpse of that from you at all. in fact, i find most of your posts/clips/etc interesting and informative. thanks for your contributions here. i've learned a couple things i didn't know.

i'm not kissing your ass. i will stick up for people when they've been cool. that's how i see it here.

+1 I used to think Carl was a dick aswell but since he has returned I've learned a lot of cool things from him and his recommedations/reviews go a long way know too.
SgtThump":e1a86 said:
Wow. I honestly didn't know there were this many people that thought Wizard of Ozz was a dick. Man, I must've been smoking some good weed during those flamewars. I don't remember anything about him being a dick.

Wizard of Ozz as in... Wizard of Ozz the mod of the I missed all of this stuff too :? I always thought he was cool aswell. :? :?
Bob Savage":cbaf9 said:

Nope, he's a first class jerk. He's great as long as you agree with him but he seems to have issues when it comes to dealing with other peoples opinions. At least that's been my experience with him.

I had not noticed his ability to be a jerk until he started heavily bashing Engl's quality on a thread. When I was asked what I thought, I explained how I might expect a certain aspect of one amp's design (mounting an output transformer to a circuit board) to not be a wise idea, but that it depended on the situation (since it is evidently a smaller output transformer and might be mounted well to the board, as long as the board is good and the board is mounted well to the chassis etc.--hey, I'm not an Engl service tech so how would I know?) He then took my words out of context (recently) in an argument with Derek, saying that I'd "agreed" with him about "Engl's build quality being shit". I was going to reply on the thread but it was locked before I got the chance. I was not happy about that at all, especially when I defended the rest of the things he was slamming about the designs (which so many other companies using PCBs do the same, and don't have serious problems with).

That made me take another look at him.
Bob Savage":28c42 said:
Nope, he's a first class jerk. He's great as long as you agree with him but he seems to have issues when it comes to dealing with other peoples opinions. At least that's been my experience with him.

I agree with this. As long you agree with his opinions everything will be fine.

If you disagree with his opinions, things can take a downturn quickly :D
SgtThump":a1703 said:
Wow. I honestly didn't know there were this many people that thought Wizard of Ozz was a dick. Man, I must've been smoking some good weed during those flamewars. I don't remember anything about him being a dick.
Youd change your mind if you saw the crap that he talked about Derek's wife and kids...
carlygtr56":76d4d said:

Yet, I see nobody jumping on the guy on HC for tossing Bluesaholics' family to the dogs.
I guess if the masses don't like the guy, then it's accepted?

Synergy shouldnt have mentioned Derek's business, even though it's his website, he can do what he wants.

All this shit is doing is poluting a few boards with useless back and forth shit, and if anybody thinks this petty BS is going to any court, you're mistaken.

Petty to you maybe not me and the guy has sent emails to every company I do business with claims that Im a drug addict and other things trying to ruin my rep and business. If you think any business can do that against other business's your completely wrong. He could of easily made his point clear by mentioning my business in his claims about Mojave without the whole buyer beware BS and ridicule that ended up making him look like an idiot. Even so his Mojave claims about me are BS too as he was never an official dealer cause he never completed his buy in as I did.

SgtThump":0b1b9 said:

I always thought "Wizard of Ozz" was really cool. Are you sure this is him stirring everything up? Does he own a music store in Florida? How would he be associated with Synergy guitars or whatever?

Yeah, so did I. :?

Gulp, after reading the rest of the thread, It seems like I've missed a few key thread on HC about that guy.

oh well.
OneArmedScissor":98539 said:
LOL I don't think Wizard of Ozz is Bluesaholick.

Besides, that guy has never seemed to care to hide behind an alt moniker before when he just spews crap. Bluesaholick is harmless, definitely not worse or near equal.

I don't think Bluesaholic is either but Heinz is I'm sure especially since the IP address comes from Miami and thats where he lives. Anyway his troll thread backfired in a way that could not of turned out better for me. :mrgreen:

Derek 8)
carlygtr56":d7d8a said:

Yet, I see nobody jumping on the guy on HC for tossing Bluesaholics' family to the dogs.
I guess if the masses don't like the guy, then it's accepted?

Synergy shouldnt have mentioned Derek's business, even though it's his website, he can do what he wants.

All this shit is doing is poluting a few boards with useless back and forth shit, and if anybody thinks this petty BS is going to any court, you're mistaken.
I havent seen it , he did it to me by posting crap about my mom in his avatar, Im sure that hes done it to alot of others as well. I still wont go there, you know my feelings about that. Again, I have yet to see it and If I did, Id say the same thing. Fuck the masses BS that dont fly...
DerekB":78e29 said:

I don't think Bluesaholic is either but Heinz is I'm sure especially since the IP address comes from Miami and thats where he lives. Anyway his troll thread backfired in a way that could not of turned out better for me. :mrgreen:

Derek 8)
Heinz was DEFINITELY that fat fuck Mike.... It was pretty funny to watch it blow up in his face though...
philb":d3986 said:

Yeah, so did I. :?

Gulp, after reading the rest of the thread, It seems like I've missed a few key thread on HC about that guy.

oh well.

Me too. I never saw any of that shit, I've bought a guitar and an amp from him in the past (Les Paul R0 and a VHT Pitbull) and always got along with him really well. It's a huge surprise to me. :x :x :x
Wizzard of Lard is a Grade A jackass. Anyone that starts insulting someone's family over a friggin guitar amp needs to get their priorities straight. I still laugh when I think about him crying because he claimed that Derek "made him carry his own amp".
carlygtr56":32e1b said:

Yet, I see nobody jumping on the guy on HC for tossing Bluesaholics' family to the dogs.
I guess if the masses don't like the guy, then it's accepted?

I don't read through any Bluesaholic threads, but do people take him seriously?
I've done alot of business with rock solid amps and can assure anyone that has doubts that there is nothing to fear. Everything that I have ever bought from DerekB has been packaged imaculately and had no such marks or tears on it. Everything was in new condition and had that new amp smell. :D It doesn't leave the Engl factory even in the condition Heinz5757 has said. I've talked to Horst Langer (ENGL Designer) and he has a lot of pride in his amps. If something did happen to an ENGL amp, DerekB and Horst would be on top of it until it was resolved. I bought a new cobra once from DerekB that went bad due to tubes and he had it replaced with a new amp the same week before I shipped back the bad one. Thats service. :\m/:
eric_kv2":b057c said:
I've done alot of business with rock solid amps and can assure anyone that has doubts that there is nothing to fear. Everything that I have ever bought from DerekB has been packaged imaculately and had no such marks or tears on it. Everything was in new condition and had that new amp smell. :D It doesn't leave the Engl factory even in the condition Heinz5757 has said. I've talked to Horst Langer (ENGL Designer) and he has a lot of pride in his amps. If something did happen to an ENGL amp, DerekB and Horst would be on top of it until it was resolved. I bought a new cobra once from DerekB that went bad due to tubes and he had it replaced with a new amp the same week before I shipped back the bad one. Thats service. :\m/:

I can assure you there isn't anyone on this board that has any doubts.

That said, I'm sure we can all have doubts if asked to show up in court.... ;)
Bob Savage":d2e52 said:

I don't read through any Bluesaholic threads, but do people take him seriously?

I do. Am I wrong to do so? I await your reply with worms on my tongue...

I feel honored.

My name is not Mike, Mike V, the Wizzard, Carl, Rob B or Bluesaholic. Keep guessing!