Rockinchippy 2022 Cameron Amps Rig Rundown

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I’d agree with this except the Laney; only tried the AOR stuff and they were just ok.
But yes, had I tried a stock vintage SL long ago I would have saved a ton of cash.
I own both. The laney keeps up with the Aldrich in more ways than one.

I’ve been tempted to mod the Laney to have a depth knob. That’s the only equalizer that doesn’t exist.
I own both. The laney keeps up with the Aldrich in more ways than one.

I’ve been tempted to mod the Laney to have a depth knob. That’s the only equalizer that doesn’t exist.
The AOR? The one I had was not very good sounding. Maybe there was an issue with it?
I think he works or worked on Wall Street. Investments.

i might be not remembering correctly but i think that makes it sound sexier than what it is...pretty sure he works in a Tech function lol (j/k for anyone else in Technology).

Might be Tech at a banking institution - but that is even less sexy than the Apples, Metas, Googles of the world
He obviously knows that a YT post like that is going to cause a stir. Maybe he thrives on that. Did he post his YT on any guitar forums? I guess he didn't play through any of them so I can skip it. If you had 5 Camerons wouldn't you always wonder if maybe any of them were part of a transaction that originally screwed one of the 14 people that were originally scammed. I can only imagine what would happen if he actually posted it here? :LOL:

He can’t post here after openly ripping Rigtalk in that NAMM video. He said something along the lines of Rigtalk members are effin A-holes or something like that. Sacrilege!!!!
He can’t post here after openly ripping Rigtalk in that NAMM video. He said something along the lines of Rigtalk members are effin A-holes or something like that. Sacrilege!!!!
Really? Well, now it's really on !!!
Please don't. I find it interesting and also useful - a number of times I've reached out to someone via PM with a specific question. There's no better source of info than actual users.

Man I really hope this doesn't happen too often, kinda sucks. If you can't come to RT and talk about cool high end shit where are you going to go?

Exactly! Seems there's a lot of OT threads around so more talking of rigs is very welcome in my book. Doesn't have to be high-end stuff at all - I'm more than happy to read about someone's JCM900 NAD if they're really digging it and just want to share.
I love seeing bitchin new gear, especially the rare stuff that sounds epic. It allows me to DARE TO DREAM, that maybe one day, even I, could acquire such a magical and spectacular piece of gear.

GAS is a truly powerful and insidious affliction to have to endure, it’s the never ending hardship because there is always something else you see that you deem is a mandatory acquisition. GAS is both harsh and wildly exciting. It’s like being a kid on Christmas morning to only be told Santa didn’t come because you are a bad boy and that you will have to wait until next year to get that $15,000 prototype hybrid dumble/Larry. And the pain continues to run deep for yet another year of desires and loss.
Exactly, they say sharing is caring lol. I go back and forth with having my sig and not having it. I don’t wanna come off douche-y or seem obnoxious by taking up so much space (even with the smallest font lol), but at least I made more friends than haters with it and I’d guess those who care already remember anyway
Braintheory, you must proudly display your list of bad assery and awesomeness. You have some bitchin gear that out rockin chippys rockin chippy.
GAS is a truly powerful and insidious affliction to have to endure, it’s the never ending hardship because there is always something else you see that you deem is a mandatory acquisition. GAS is both harsh and wildly exciting. It’s like being a kid on Christmas morning to only be told Santa didn’t come because you are a bad boy and that you will have to wait until next year to get that $15,000 prototype hybrid dumble/Larry. And the pain continues to run deep for yet another year of desires and loss.
These days, you'd sooner get a brand spankin' new Dumble than a Larry.
The lore of all this Cameron shit is what draws people to all these posts , whether this dude is jerking himself off on the video doesn’t matter , any title on any forum with Cameron in it is getting traction no matter what . We all feed into the bs because of the lore around those amps both the good and the bad . We are all chasing the “tone dragon “ and Cameron is and probably will be always in that top area due to scarcity and the story behind it . Same shit with Jones tone chasers and blue face vh4s just less drama . I’m not down with ripping people off or being a scumbag but I’m a honest enough person that if I had the chance to buy a Cameron amp for under 3k I probably would just put of curiosity based on what’s said . We all feed into the machine and lore that is Cameron amps . So we should all stop bitching about it and take it for what it is . Just my opinion
The part that draws everyone in is that he actively and brutally ripped off many people for a LOT of money and their amps that were sent in, yet the dude would show up at amp feats and nobody would call him out and just kiss his amp instead. Can you think of another con man or shyster who has so brutally robbed people and still associates with and even hangs with people in the industry after his acts of subterfuge? Then some guys pop up on threads saying he is a hood guy who means well who just made a mistake?!

So, imagine knowing about this dude who robbed so many people, and even knowing some of his victims from the guitar forums. And even though you know some of his victims, and you know he is a heavy duty thief and shyster, YOU MAKE A POST SAYING, LOOK AT MY 9 CAMERONS AND THEN SAY HOW CLOSE OF FRIENDS YOU ARE AND THAT HE MAKeS CUSTOM SIGNATURE MODELS FOR YOU!!!

This is staggering behavior and of the poorest form.
That's really all it is. It's right up there with all these douchebags here that list their 30 amp collection in their signature, like it's a right of passage. "HEY look at me, I'm special".
I represent that statement! lol
The part that draws everyone in is that he actively and brutally ripped off many people for a LOT of money and their amps that were sent in, yet the dude would show up at amp feats and nobody would call him out and just kiss his amp instead. Can you think of another con man or shyster who has so brutally robbed people and still associates with and even hangs with people in the industry after his acts of subterfuge? Then some guys pop up on threads saying he is a hood guy who means well who just made a mistake?!

So, imagine knowing about this dude who robbed so many people, and even knowing some of his victims from the guitar forums. And even though you know some of his victims, and you know he is a heavy duty thief and shyster, YOU MAKE A POST SAYING, LOOK AT MY 9 CAMERONS AND THEN SAY HOW CLOSE OF FRIENDS YOU ARE AND THAT HE MAKeS CUSTOM SIGNATURE MODELS FOR YOU!!!

This is staggering behavior and of the poorest form.
By this logic are you going to crucify the member who just listed his Cameron I’m guessing he bought 2nd hand in the forum . ? I get it man I do . But where’s the line ?