Rutgers Student Banned From Taking Online Classes Because He’s Unvaccinated

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mark Skid
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I always wanted to bang Ms. Crump :yes:

Twenty years ago, for sure!

Yeah, Donnie, please dial it back a touch mate; you're straddling the line beyond which lie physical threats.

Maybe you've had a bad week or something, but you've been playing with this for 2 days now and I'd prefer it if you didn't.
No, he’s what Marx called a useful idiot
Oh, I totally agree. That would make him ignorant, not stupid. Stupid is when you do (or say) something that you know is wrong, but do it anyway. I've done a lot of stupid things in my life, so I won't be point that finger at anyone.
Oh, I totally agree. That would make him ignorant, not stupid. Stupid is when you do (or say) something that you know is wrong, but do it anyway. I've done a lot of stupid things in my life, so I won't be point that finger at anyone.
Negative. Ignorance lies in lack of information or education. He’s been presented with all of that yet continues to dismiss all as “conspiracy theories”. Therin lies the stupidity.
Technically I think HEMI's right.

The way I've always understood it is that ignorance describes the act of wilfully ignoring things and the inevitable consequence of being ignorant.

Ignorance can be cured through choosing not to ignore something, whereas stupid is forever.
Negative. Ignorance lies in lack of information or education. He’s been presented with all of that yet continues to dismiss all as “conspiracy theories”. Therin lies the stupidity.

Hey @Monkey Man what you suggest I do? Guy called me out from ignore land.
I reply then he tucks his tail between his legs and a mod gets involved.

Pretty bush league.

And then I get asked to dial it back yet not a whisper against the other side.

What the hell?
I got one member using alcohol against me.
Another keeps bringing up my family and/or dad/husband stuff.
And you got a vile racist piece of trash who's stalks members just to insult them in the most
hateful ways.

And the mods sit tight.
And now I get a cuff off-side the head cause pussy @Findthetone1 doesn't have any balls or
sense of humor and good fun.

EDIT: And now you confirm you're biased to the conspiracy side of the arguments.

My days are numbered here @Metalhex
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I already suggested what you do, brother - ease up on the threats thing. Couldn't have been clearer.

Some of the stuff directed at you has been distasteful for sure, but to respond with "you wanna fight tough guy" as you did here, or posting a pic of your baseball bat as you did in another thread, straddles that line I asked you to refrain from testing.

The alcohol references are low blows. They don't break any rules but believe me I appreciate how deeply such things can cut, having lost 2 best friends during a period of 25 years of giving them daily help to kick the habit.

You've shown that you can cop the cuck accusations and so on just-fine; any direct physical threats towards you won't be tolerated but as things stand, you're the one pushing those boundaries.
"you wanna fight tough guy"
I was reported for this? Seriously?

posting a pic of your baseball bat
Did you miss the post directly before mine with the picture of a red aluminum bat and a caption
asking me to shove it up my ass?

At least pretend not be to biased in the mod duties.
Or just use the ban hammer now and make your time here easier.

The very sudden double standard shit STINKS.

Use FB if anyone wants to get in touch in case the hammer does fall.

And please quit with the brother shit.
We don't know each other.
Which will be revealed first? I guess that's all I'm waiting for.

Election fraud?
Covid fraud?
Fauci arrested?
Q gets one correct?
A polaroid of an actual Pizza orgy?

When is one of your dreams finally going to get realized?

That would shut me right the fuck up. Concrete proof and evidence.
Court of law type of shit. You'll never hear another peep from me.

Until then what am I suppose to do?
Just shrug and believe you cause you got me outnumbered?

On that note,
anyone ever figured out why this place is such a magnet for disbelievers?
Based on this example, show me the difference between the Covid variants. Prove it to me. Not just someone saying it there. Show me a Covid test that is able to distinguish the variants. Now, show me the Mu variant that they say is in 49 states. I want proof.
I'm just babbling here... No specific point. We are all ignorant to that which we know nothing about, of course. I'm not part of the red hat vs blue hat brigades, which is why my opinions are based on issues in general. The back and forth is fun, but threats and grotesque wish-upon's really do kill the fun. As far as CVD19 goes... If there is a virus we need a cure for, it is menticide via politics and religion. I've lost several close friends (of over 40) years to both.
Hey @Monkey Man what you suggest I do? Guy called me out from ignore land.
I reply then he tucks his tail between his legs and a mod gets involved.

Pretty bush league.

And then I get asked to dial it back yet not a whisper against the other side.

What the hell?
I got one member using alcohol against me.
Another keeps bringing up my family and/or dad/husband stuff.
And you got a vile racist piece of trash who's stalks members just to insult them in the most
hateful ways.

And the mods sit tight.
And now I get a cuff off-side the head cause pussy @Findthetone1 doesn't have any balls or
sense of humor and good fun.

EDIT: And now you confirm you're biased to the conspiracy side of the arguments.

My days are numbered here @Metalhex
Donnie, you can’t blame anything on anyone but yourself. You’re a narcissist and LOVE to talk about yourself and divulged / share everything about you. Intimate details, pictures and all kinds of bullshit.

Then in an effort to try and use reverse psychology, you post a massively racist rant with such granular detail that your thin vail really shows who the racist really is. Yes, your racist post actually got me angry. You wouldn’t have the balls to say it on the street, so don’t do it here.

Now you called out someone to fight. 🤷 The old internet tough guy talk 🤦‍♂️.

Of course it’s “everyone else” and not you. Right? 🤦‍♂️

You say your days are numbered as if we care? Just leave it you don’t like it… but we all know you won’t. You just talk the talk to get sympathy like a true narcissist.
Did you miss the post directly before mine with the picture of a red aluminum bat and a caption
asking me to shove it up my ass?
:LOL: Sorry, man... This just struck me as funny. Does anyone remember those 20 cent returnable Coke bottles? Well, I once knew a girl who... ah, better leave that one alone.
Donnie, you can’t blame anything on anyone but yourself. You’re a narcissist and LOVE to talk about yourself and divulged / share everything about you. Intimate details, pictures and all kinds of bullshit.

Then in an effort to try and use reverse psychology, you post a massively racist rant with such granular detail that your thin vail really shows who the racist really is. Yes, your racist post actually got me angry. You wouldn’t have the balls to say it on the street, so don’t do it here.

Now you called out someone to fight. 🤷 The old internet tough guy talk 🤦‍♂️.

Of course it’s “everyone else” and not you. Right? 🤦‍♂️

You say your days are numbered as if we care? Just leave it you don’t like it… but we all know you won’t. You just talk the talk to get sympathy like a true narcissist.
This reminds me... Does anyone remember this little YouTube gem? Should have been a #1 hit. :LOL:

"you wanna fight tough guy"
I was reported for this? Seriously?
No, you weren't, Donnie.

FWIMBW, you've made reports for much less, so there's that.

posting a pic of your baseball bat
Did you miss the post directly before mine with the picture of a red aluminum bat and a caption
asking me to shove it up my ass?
Ha! I thought it was a soldering iron (imagine looking at the thumbnail with poor eyesight) and laughed 'cause I thought it was imaginative. He said, "You want something new Donnie? Stick this up your ass".

In response you said, "Fucking Commie. This is what I got leaning in the corner." Referring of course to the pic (not thumbnail) of your baseball bat.

The former was an attempt at humour, to which your response was an inferred physical threat. Big difference.

At least pretend not be to biased in the mod duties.
Or just use the ban hammer now and make your time here easier.
I'm not biased in my treatment of you guys. I wouldn't have been offered 4 mod jobs this year if I weren't able to treat people fairly.

The very sudden double standard shit STINKS.
It would stink if it existed.

Use FB if anyone wants to get in touch in case the hammer does fall.
It won't fall unless you persist with ignoring the only request I've made of you. Even then, I'm not in the habit of first-offence, outright bans; everybody makes mistakes. It'd be a few days, then a week and finally a farewell.

And please quit with the brother shit.
We don't know each other.
I call every dude brother. Hopefully you can learn to live with it... Brother Donnie.

Here in Oz we call everyone mate, including women, and the term's not reserved for friends even 'though friends are called "mates" here and in the UK. In New Zealand it's bro' (brother). You see this sort of thing the world over. This comment from you was rude and uncalled for.

Lastly, I asked you to try not to create unnecessary work for the mods the other day. Have you forgotten this? Please stop badgering me; I've been more-than-accommodating and have "gone the extra mile". I've not seen any mod go to such lengths to comprehensively address so many discreet concerns from a single member publicly in my 5 years here. If this isn't good-enough for you then I don't know what to say; I can't do any more in-fairness.

Please just go on enjoying the forum as best you can brother.
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Hey @Monkey Man what you suggest I do? Guy called me out from ignore land.
I reply then he tucks his tail between his legs and a mod gets involved.

Pretty bush league.

And then I get asked to dial it back yet not a whisper against the other side.

What the hell?
I got one member using alcohol against me.
Another keeps bringing up my family and/or dad/husband stuff.
And you got a vile racist piece of trash who's stalks members just to insult them in the most
hateful ways.

And the mods sit tight.
And now I get a cuff off-side the head cause pussy @Findthetone1 doesn't have any balls or
sense of humor and good fun.

EDIT: And now you confirm you're biased to the conspiracy side of the arguments.

My days are numbered here @Metalhex
I’m tucking tail? You wish sweet cheeks. I NEVER asked a mod to step in. I don’t need mommied buddy