Saw Satch/Vai, heard the 3rd Power Dragon

  • Thread starter Thread starter RevDrucifer
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I love Joe’s playing, never a fan of his tone. I’m hoping this amp changes that. I hope he does some studio recording with it

Dare I say it, it sounds more like the tone is being delivered from his hands rather than the gear he’s relying on to get the tone.
I got super lucky and got front row seats in the middle for this tour- excited to actually hear the amp in person :)
Awesome! I caught a couple G3 shows this past tour up close and it is quite an experience being able to hear their amps on stage over the PA system.
I've seen Joe a few times over the years, I liked his live tone best back before he went with Peavey (Marshall 6100's?)
I wish Scott Splawn would just send him a Quickrod, he could nail VH with that and nail all of his own tones no problemo.
Lol synergy stuff is solid..maybe the preamp they designed for him sucks though. That i can see.
I don't care for Vai's tone since going to the Synergy either.. But, yeah, different modules I've heard sound solid. Vai's tone sucks though.
I'm happy for everyone involved, its just not for me. :dunno: