Scammer Alert: VanMalmsteen

  • Thread starter Thread starter Code001
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Tracking is pretty much standard even with economy first class. just saying
This is correct. On top of that, I have accounts on UPS, USPS, and FedEx which all show incoming packages and even regular mail items regardless of whether tracking was provided or not. If others don't have this, please make accounts on these sites and enable Informed Delivery. It'll help keep you up to date on what is heading your way and by which date. If it wasn't for those, I probably would have continued waiting this out.
Wow... I usually stay out of these bad deal threads but this is pretty fucked. Dude offers a refund on the spot but back peddles without offering any tracking and has now opted out whining like a bitch. I dont know this guy but ANYONE who pulls what this guy did in an open forum is pretty much the definition of a scammer! If ya sent it, provide tracking.. if not.. you already offered a refund. Ya really wanna get dragged thru the mud over $50?
Wow. This is stupid. Bye. When your pedals show up I hope you all feel stupid.

Fuxk you guys and Rig Talk.

If your ahit doesn’t show tomorrow I’ll refund you guys in full. Scammer I am not, but RT is gonna run with the narrative it chooses. Now there will be zero responses from you until delivery.

Enjoy the gossip, fuckers.
Shit talking Rig Talk? Oh now you done fucked up. Beware of common thieves and people of low character my Rig Talk brethren.
I understand that people get busy and may not be able ship asap, but at least give a heads up saying something. A little communication goes a long way. A lot of us don't know each other besides our username, but we all look out for each other. No one wants to see a member get screwed.
Did anyone actually confirm this dude is friends with shit bag? Or actually is him?

There’s a concurrent thread over on TGP from Fatbagg under another username that ripped off a guitar + cash trade. Cash was sent to Fatbagg and he went silent on following through on the rest of the deal.

Seems he’s back to fucking people over on here too with pedals and pickups claiming he has 9 of the same exact pickup without actually saying anything about inventory ahead of time or selling many of the same one in the same original thread (suspicious as fuck).
It's really not difficult to send a quick message, even if the message is "hey man, I'm super busy this weekend, Ill try and get your pickup sent out Monday/Tuesday/whatever - I'll give you a heads up when it's sent out" ?

Especially since he couldn't PM code001 about shipping, yet PMed me back to sell the same pickup he already sold.

We banned Fagbagg once and we can ban his punk ass again...
Van Butt slam you are weak af.
Also it’s confirmed VanMalmsteen is the same person as Fatbagg. A person on TGP just told me a friend of theirs sold a GNG on here to VM and the address to ship to VM was identical to Fatbagg’s address.
Did he actually pay the person for the item?
code001 is good peeps. I hope he gets his money back.
Fatbagg never refunded $2,200 he stole from @khprojects. I doubt the wah pedal, the pickup, and the cash for the fucked trade deal on TGP are all never going to get refunds ever either.
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