StevieRaveOn":7b4ae said:
STEEL KAGE":f7dcd said::|::QBB:
Then Perhaps you dont listen to enough Schon because he just keeps getting beeter and better. Check out any of his recent solo work and tell me that the guy isnt a phrasing genius. The guy has it all, Phrasin, chops timing and can hang in any situation. Again, Im obviously biased because hes my favorite player of all time but Im also open minded and subjective enough to give credit where its due, regardless of who's playing..
Like I said, I think Setzer is an awesome player, underrated even but in the context of this song,the way that it was done, he just seems out of his element to me.. Now if it was done in a cleaner more traditional style, Setzer would have appealed to me a bit more but make no mistake, Neal would easily have risen to the challenge. The man has all kinds of depth and can hang with a myriad of blues stylings...
Digital Jams":fd13a said:
carlygtr56":58a5c said:LOL, Bill Haley and the Comets shit.
I hate that whole style. It's useless for anything but playing Elvis.
I'm sure you do some research there are guys who smoke his pompador in that style. James Burton and the like.
carlygtr56":2e38f said::|::QBB:
Put it up against Neal's account and get back to me
When is the Stray Cats reunion? There music was so special