Share your vhx settings!

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The speakers in our cabs are the most important aspect of our tone.
+ mic when playing on stage (ah and do not forget the FOH Tech), however from my experience Diezel amps lead to a nice easy soundcheck, basically you are done in 2-3 sec. The Tech normally is fine with what you deliver (talking about amateur level of course)

From my humble opinion, best Cabs I have used with Diezel amps:
V30 Rearloaded in 2x12"
Peavey 4x12" Sheffield Speaker.. quite nice a little rumble on the down but still nice for the price
Mesa 412 oversized no flub just Booms. Just a giant cab to move . I had a mesa 212 in the past and had the flub when using mesa roadking. A boost pedal cures most flubbyness
Thanks for the feedback!

My concern with the Mesa was that it was too "boomy". I had them like 15 years ago but a lot has changed. If it has great low end but not flub I might have to get one. I am considering a Mesa 4X12 or the Diezel 4x12 Front loaded with G12's because of the "attack" stats. :-)

Diezel never seems to be in stock so I might go for the Mesa to mix up the brands. VHX gets the Mesa cab and the VH4 gets the Diezel RL with V30's
Thanks for the feedback!

My concern with the Mesa was that it was too "boomy". I had them like 15 years ago but a lot has changed. If it has great low end but not flub I might have to get one. I am considering a Mesa 4X12 or the Diezel 4x12 Front loaded with G12's because of the "attack" stats. :)

Diezel never seems to be in stock so I might go for the Mesa to mix up the brands. VHX gets the Mesa cab and the VH4 gets the Diezel RL with V30's
See I have had a differing experience with the oversize Mesa cab: I found it way too boomy and overbearing in the low end. I got rid of it pretty quick. If you get a Mesa cab, get the Traditional or regular size one. I use an old one from '99 that sounds killer with my VHX. Bogner also makes really good cabs, and while I don't know how it pairs with a VH4 or VHX, I know the Ubercab sounds killer with a Herbert!
See I have had a differing experience with the oversize Mesa cab: I found it way too boomy and overbearing in the low end. I got rid of it pretty quick. If you get a Mesa cab, get the Traditional or regular size one. I use an old one from '99 that sounds killer with my VHX. Bogner also makes really good cabs, and while I don't know how it pairs with a VH4 or VHX, I know the Ubercab sounds killer with a Herbert!
Thanks man. I was just wondering if perhaps I should just wait for Sweetwater to get in a Diezel FR cab with G12's. This way I have better idea perhaps what I can expect
Got home from a business trip and boom... the flub is back. It really seems like it comes out when I have guitars with the EMG Het Set. When I switch to guitars with the EMG 60/81 the flub goes away. So weird...

Anyway, Musicians Friend had one last Diezel 4X12 FR with G12K100's so I snagged it. I really want to compare it with my Rear loaded Diezel with V30's.
I use an Emperor RS 412 loaded with Weber Silverwolf/Graywolf.

It has some flub at times, but other times it’s thick and stiff. It’s a rather warm cabinet.

I’ve found that it’s better to let the amp warm up and be moderate with the settings. Less is more. The cabinet provides a lot of the punch, so when you push the settings it results in a looser flubbier tone due to the bass response. However, I’ve noticed that when you crank the volume on the amp after it’s warmed up, it tightens pretty significantly.

It’s somewhat of a double-edged sword. The amp covers a lot of tones, but the finishing touches of your chain will affect what tones it excels at. I had the cab made, and I wanted something that sat in the middle, where I could get that looser warmer vintage tone from it, and I could get a thick, grinding metal tone. The cab sounds great, and it’s super effective at getting those sounds, however if you’re chasing just one of those sounds, other cabinets do somewhat better.

On the other hand, for a live mix, it’s fantastic. I fluctuate between a bluesy JCM800 yellow channel, and a Blueface channel 3 rhythm. I love the red channel for leads, and I jump between Vintage - 2, and Modern - 2 for that.
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I'm playing my VHX through a Diezel 412F with Celestion G12-65 Heritage.

Here are my goto settings for a dry, fast and percussive rhythm sound on Ch3:

Shape 0
Classic Voice
Gain 0.55
Treble 0.55
Middle 0.65
Bass 0.65
Presence 0.55
Deep 0.55

Also Ch4 can give a killer high-gain rhythm sound with thicker mids and more saturation with the same settings, except gain around 0.45-0.5 depending on the output of the guitar.

Running the bass high on a Diezel amp gives you a different voicing that I really enjoy. But you need a cab that can handle it ;-)
It’s been some time since I’ve seen anybody share their settings, we’ve got some new VHX owners posting on here. What else have you all discovered since owning it?

Currently in practice I’m liking
Channel 3 - Classic, Shape 1
Gain: 0.45
Bass: 0.50
Mids: 0.80
Highs: 0.65
Deep: 0.50
Presence: 0.70

Master Volume knob at noon, and run the channel volume to taste/depending on how many people we’ve got sitting in. I’m running this through my emperor cab, and either my Les Paul or my Schecter C1 Apocalypse.
I’m messing around still months later, but for rhythm playing I am really liking Blue channel Shape 0 or shape 1 Classic. For shape 1 I like to max mid cut (sometimes brought down a bit to 0.85) and mids, treble/presence to my liking (usually around 0.65-0.85 depending on volume). Bass and deep I try to keep around 0.45 to 0.60. Any higher/lower with those two I find myself needing to tweak everything else more. I keep the channel volume at max and master was around 1000. Shape 0, I max the mids, and treble/presence about the same as Shape 1. I keep bass and deep 0.45-0.65.

I was using a Bugera PS-1 with above, but I started to experience audio issues a couple days ago, so I removed it and had to bring master down below 0900.

For clean, I like Green channel with gain no more than 0.35, Treble/Bass pushed, mids around 0.5, presence and deep I can’t remember at this moment but somewhere around 0.65-0.75. Compressor, Delay, Flanger/Chorus (one or the other) to my liking. I don’t do a lot of cleans but I’ll be diving deep soon because I have been meaning to find out how well it can sound with my Piezo bridge.

I haven’t gotten along with Yellow channel yet.

Have also been doing A/B/Y stereo with my SYN-2. I think the Uber module compliments the VHX pretty well.

Edit: I should add that I don’t like the way my EC-1000’s JB bridge plays with the VHX but my Het Set guitars are killer with it. Have a a couple other pickup sets I have yet to use.
Still trying to find my way around, but this is it right now: For 7 string rhythm (only one guitar in the band) I use either blue or red.
For tighter parts:
Shape 0/Classic
Gain 0.55
Shape 1/Classic
Treble 0.5
Mids 0.5
Bass 0.4
Presence 0.45
Bass 0.45
MidCut 0.15

For a looser feeling:
Shape 1/Modern
Gain 0.4
Treble 0.55
Mids 0.6
Bass 0.45
Presence 0.75
Bass 0.35
MidCut 0

I use Jens Bogren IRs, in this case BaldandBeautifulEQ1, even so the V30 IRs of the VHX are quite good.

Effects are mainly 2 digital delays, one very short (50), one longer (450). Effect level is adjusted by two expression pedals (Behringer FCB1010).
Still trying to find my way around, but this is it right now: For 7 string rhythm (only one guitar in the band) I use either blue or red.
For tighter parts:
Shape 0/Classic
Gain 0.55
Shape 1/Classic
Treble 0.5
Mids 0.5
Bass 0.4
Presence 0.45
Bass 0.45
MidCut 0.15

For a looser feeling:
Shape 1/Modern
Gain 0.4
Treble 0.55
Mids 0.6
Bass 0.45
Presence 0.75
Bass 0.35
MidCut 0

I use Jens Bogren IRs, in this case BaldandBeautifulEQ1, even so the V30 IRs of the VHX are quite good.

Effects are mainly 2 digital delays, one very short (50), one longer (450). Effect level is adjusted by two expression pedals (Behringer FCB1010).
I really like the stock IRs in the VHX. I can’t wait to see what’s been added in the next version, if IRs are updated. I uploaded some of my own, but honestly just stick with the K100 that’s on there.