Slayer: Reign in Blood - 1986

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Saw the show here in San Francisco

Never got into Slayer tbh, alternate picking or galloping E string all the time failed to catch my attention.

Vocals are also as bad as LaBrie in DT ?
Nobody cares what you DON’T like foo.

Oh yeah…turkey fights!:rock:
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This album is my favorite from them hands down... whats trippy is I haven't listened to this song on a good pair of headphones ever... Was this remastered? cause the guitars sound way clearer than I remembered. And do we know who is panned left and who is on the right? Its like im hearing it for the first time again lol...

Update: Im guessing Jeff on the left and Kerry on the right
I agree RIB is their best record but I dig SOH more myself. Its more balanced to me and sounds better. After that it's Seasons. I liked many of the their records after that and have seen them many times. But seeing them in 1988 was the best one for me. The band stayed true to what they were and never really changed much. I admire that - its hard to do really.
RiB is my favorite Slayer album. They were sort of local to me here in So Cal. One of my friends was dating Tom's sister. We saw them at clubs locally before they broke out big. I remember seeing them at the Country Club in Reseda in 1985. It was amazing! They skyrocketed after that gig...
I was never a fan of their frenetic lead playing, but it fit. The whole vibe of the band was massive.... Tom scared me back then. I was convinced he was demon possessed, lol. I wasn't even religious back in those days....
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I love Reign in Blood. Killer album, killer production. I wish it would go on and on.

Still, my favourite Slayer album is also Divine Intervention. :m4:

Undisputed Attitude left me cold at first, but it wasn't until I later realised that these were all covers of punk songs that I got into it. It was my gateway to bands like Minor Threat.

I hated Diabolus in Musica, loved Christ Illusion. I haven't bought any Slayer album after Hate Worldwide sadly, I just felt that they became a parody of themselves when they stuck to 1-2-3-4 thrash beats.

It's no secret I blame Bostaph for that.

In that order, everything else is bull. Except Decade of Aggression gets a bonus mention.
Could never get into Slayer and I tried. The vocals and turkey fight solos killed it for me.
i listened again for the first time in years, and still it just dosent do it for me like other Slayer albums :dunno: Raining Blood though is one of the great metal songs ever
Off the top of my head I cannot think of any other heavy metal band, ever, whose first four albums sound as different to one another as Slayer. Sure, later albums got same-y sounding, no doubt about that, but you can't touch the variety of those first four:
Show No Mercy - Priest/Maiden influenced speed metal
Hell Awaits - ditched the NWOBHM aspect and went for longer and epic Mercyful Fate styled songwriting
RIB - ditched the previous albums influences and leaned heavily into concise, hardcore punk
SOH - ditched the previous albums influences and slowed down, Sabbath style
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