So, a new CV-19 subvariant is making the rounds. Who's getting a vax this fall when it gets released?

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Says the guy with a max lifespan of 4 years tops LOL. I can't believe you actually think getting stuck 3 separate times is survivable . It's not and you will find out sooner than you think.
Sounds good. I'll let you know when I drop dead from it.
If the current viral theory is correct, with each successive injection it just drives mutant viral escape exactly the way all the variants have done in the past three years and will continue to do so. Nobel prize winning virologists have been saying this for three years...........

Straight from Dr Fauci.............Listen up..............


"There is another element of SAFTY That is, if you vaccinate someoneAnd they make an antibody response, and then they get exposed and infected Does the response that you induce ACTUALLY Enhance the infection and make it WORSE And the only way you will know that Is if you make an extended study Not in a normal volunteer HOW HAS NO RISK OF INFECTION But in people out there that are in a risk situation. This would not be the first time, if it happened That a vaccine that looked good in initial safety Actually make people worse!
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Pfizer Vice President and top scientist, Dr. Michael Yeadon stated that these shots only present serious risks, and absolutely no benefit and will cause PAIN, SUFFERING, LASTING INJURIES AND DEATH.”

The jab's destroy your immune system , they cause major blood clotting, they have a detrimental impact on your reproductive system and contribute to a significant rise in deadly cancers. Many will also develop accelerated Parkinson’s-like diseases, Huntington’s disease, and all types of autoimmune diseases and neurodegenerative disorders.

The COVID shot will greatly accelerate the death's of those who take it by crippling their immune function.

Finally, he emphasized, COVID “has never been about a virus or public health. It’s wholly about control, totalitarian and irreversible control at that.

Of all the lies we've been told over the past year, the ones that worry and frighten Yeadon the most are the lies about virus variants and booster shots. In fact, he believes not buying into these lies is the key to your very survival.

There's no possible benign interpretation of this,"Yeadon says. Boosters will be used to decimate your immune system even further for those that survived the first mRNA injection. Seriously. I can see no sensible interpretation other than a serious attempt at mass depopulation.

This will provide the tools to do it, and plausible deniability. They'll create another story about some sort of biological threat and you'll line up and get your top-up vaccines, and a few years down the line you'll die .

That's my belief — that they're lying to you about variants so they can make damaging top-up vaccines that you don't need at all. I think they will be used for malign purposes …

Everything happening now is tied to ‘population reduction by whatever means necessary’ as even medical doctors and ‘big pharma’ executives warn ‘the vax’ is a ‘depopulation weapon’

The vaccines are not vaccines at all , they slowly degrade ones health over time rather than protecting one from severe disease and death.

“Let’s make sure we are clear… This is not a vaccine. They are using the term ‘vaccine’ to sneak this thing under public health exemptions…It’s not a vaccine. It is made to make you sick… You are getting injected with a chemical substance to induce illness, not to induce an immuno-transmissive response…

This is about getting you sick and having your own cells be the thing that get you sick… Our leadership who are actively participating in this malfeasance must be made aware that this participation will have consequences. This kind of complicity is no different than what the German doctors and scientists were accused of and went to trial for at Nuremberg.”

A coalition of 18 independent physicians make up who sued the state of Alabama, alleging “that they have proof that there never was a COVID public health emergency.” They further allege that the CDC rigged the PCR tests to inflate the numbers of COVID-19 deaths. The doctors tell us “testing for COVID-19 is based upon the PCR test which has been established to create approximately 80-90% false-positive results.”

It is a significant factor that the above doctors are not anti-vaccine, which removes the most damaging weapon from their critics. Unlike federal political physicians, private physicians risk everything to present what they consider life and death medical facts while federal health officials are charged with spinning myths, mistakes, and malice.
Everything happening now is tied to ‘population reduction by whatever means necessary’ as even medical doctors and ‘big pharma’ executives warn ‘the vax’ is a ‘depopulation weapon’

The vaccines are not vaccines at all , they slowly degrade ones health over time rather than protecting one from severe disease and death.

“Let’s make sure we are clear… This is not a vaccine. They are using the term ‘vaccine’ to sneak this thing under public health exemptions…It’s not a vaccine. It is made to make you sick… You are getting injected with a chemical substance to induce illness, not to induce an immuno-transmissive response…

This is about getting you sick and having your own cells be the thing that get you sick… Our leadership who are actively participating in this malfeasance must be made aware that this participation will have consequences. This kind of complicity is no different than what the German doctors and scientists were accused of and went to trial for at Nuremberg.”

A coalition of 18 independent physicians make up who sued the state of Alabama, alleging “that they have proof that there never was a COVID public health emergency.” They further allege that the CDC rigged the PCR tests to inflate the numbers of COVID-19 deaths. The doctors tell us “testing for COVID-19 is based upon the PCR test which has been established to create approximately 80-90% false-positive results.”

It is a significant factor that the above doctors are not anti-vaccine, which removes the most damaging weapon from their critics. Unlike federal political physicians, private physicians risk everything to present what they consider life and death medical facts while federal health officials are charged with spinning myths, mistakes, and malice.
Dumbass. Do you have anything less stupid you can show us? Then maybe we can have a discussion.
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