So what’s the new synergy module gonna be??

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Synergy experts....what about the SYN1 running through your amp. Is it worth it?

I've been interested in the Synergy stuff since it hit but as has been mentioned on here the power amp, dense/resonance accounts for alot. I had thought about the SYN 50 head but heard it's a little light in the trunk.

So thoughts about the SYN1? Running through a Marshall (34's) or EVH (6L6's) power section?
I cannot speak to the SYN-1, but I’d run my SYN-2 through my Carvin V3 (bias set for 6L6s and had depth/presence) — it sounded really good.
Synergy experts....what about the SYN1 running through your amp. Is it worth it?

I've been interested in the Synergy stuff since it hit but as has been mentioned on here the power amp, dense/resonance accounts for alot. I had thought about the SYN 50 head but heard it's a little light in the trunk.

So thoughts about the SYN1? Running through a Marshall (34's) or EVH (6L6's) power section?
Yes, that is the best/only way to run it imo. Put it into a decent tube power amp and it slays
I mean the dude no respect, but Sweetwater needs to get someone younger and more capable with better ears to do their metal oriented demos. The dude from Grim Reaper seems arthritic or out of practice and never seems to have amps dialed in very well.

Also, the fact that he doesn't say a single genuine or spontaneous thing in any of his videos is pretty off-putting. Every word that comes out of his mouth sounds like straight up official ad copy read from a teleprompter, like some local actor guy reading the script for a 90's daytime TV commercial.
Synergy experts....what about the SYN1 running through your amp. Is it worth it?

I've been interested in the Synergy stuff since it hit but as has been mentioned on here the power amp, dense/resonance accounts for alot. I had thought about the SYN 50 head but heard it's a little light in the trunk.

So thoughts about the SYN1? Running through a Marshall (34's) or EVH (6L6's) power section?

I bought the SYN1 from Sweetwater when they were including the BE module for free a couple years ago. Currently using SLO and 6505 modules. Mainly run it with a PS2 and have no issues with the low end. Plenty on tap with the Depth knob and low end tuning switch. I have also used the SYN1 with an EL34 loaded JCM800 power amp and it sounded great that way as well. Don't forget that each module has a 3 position cathode switch to change the configuration of the input bass response. Supposed to help better match the original amps power amp response.

Another thing that I really like about the SYN1 is that it can be used to add two channels to your current amp, and when doing that you are also using the power amp characteristics of that amp.
Synergy experts....what about the SYN1 running through your amp. Is it worth it?

I've been interested in the Synergy stuff since it hit but as has been mentioned on here the power amp, dense/resonance accounts for alot. I had thought about the SYN 50 head but heard it's a little light in the trunk.

So thoughts about the SYN1? Running through a Marshall (34's) or EVH (6L6's) power section?
I have a couple of SYN2's with several modules and have run them a couple of different ways.

It really depends on what your goals are.

If you're trying to get as close as you can to the actual amp in both sound and feel your best bet is to run the Synergy through at least the same brand or series of amp. For instance my Savage and Powerball sound and feel that much closer to the real thing when going through my Engl inferno or Morse. Same with my IICP module. Going through my Mark III I get closer to the full Mark series experience.

If your goal is a 98-99% approximation to the real deal amp with a solid feel then going through a power amp that already has a solid foundation and feel that you like with will get you there. If you're running the module through a wimpy, thin power amp that's what you're going to get. If you have it going though a solid power amp with a lot of balls you'll get that experience. As far as the sound influence, yes the power amp will affect that as well. Whether it's a good match for the module is subjective. You may not like an 800 module going through 6L6's. Then again it may be your new favorite mix and match combo.

A third option is to run modules through a Fryette PowerStation. That's one of the power amps they test modules with. I've been using my SYN2's mostly with my PS100. I think this gives you the best balance when dealing with multiple modules. This has the module doing the heavy lifting on tone with the PowerStation having minimal influence in that regard. You'll be closer to the actual amp verses using a different power amp than what's usually associated with it. The PS100 has enough controls to let you dial in the balls and brightness to your liking. In most cases you can get at least into the infield with that. Feel wise I'd call it neutral. There's some give to it but it's not overly saggy. There's also some tightness to it but nowhere near being sterile. Like I said, pretty neutral to be a good balance.

A final option that to me is up there with the PS100 is using an upgraded Randall RM100. Foglifter and dual channel mod is a must if using Synergy modules. You get an even better experience adding on the NFB mod and Mercury transformers/choke. Granted, even if you get a RM100 on the cheap the mods are not really cost effective. I was able to score a fully modded RM100 for less than the cost of the transformers. If you do happen to come across a RM100 with Mercury transformers grab it. It's definitely worth having if you start going down the Synergy/MTS rabbit hole.
I have a couple of SYN2's with several modules and have run them a couple of different ways.

It really depends on what your goals are.

If you're trying to get as close as you can to the actual amp in both sound and feel your best bet is to run the Synergy through at least the same brand or series of amp. For instance my Savage and Powerball sound and feel that much closer to the real thing when going through my Engl inferno or Morse. Same with my IICP module. Going through my Mark III I get closer to the full Mark series experience.

If your goal is a 98-99% approximation to the real deal amp with a solid feel then going through a power amp that already has a solid foundation and feel that you like with will get you there. If you're running the module through a wimpy, thin power amp that's what you're going to get. If you have it going though a solid power amp with a lot of balls you'll get that experience. As far as the sound influence, yes the power amp will affect that as well. Whether it's a good match for the module is subjective. You may not like an 800 module going through 6L6's. Then again it may be your new favorite mix and match combo.

A third option is to run modules through a Fryette PowerStation. That's one of the power amps they test modules with. I've been using my SYN2's mostly with my PS100. I think this gives you the best balance when dealing with multiple modules. This has the module doing the heavy lifting on tone with the PowerStation having minimal influence in that regard. You'll be closer to the actual amp verses using a different power amp than what's usually associated with it. The PS100 has enough controls to let you dial in the balls and brightness to your liking. In most cases you can get at least into the infield with that. Feel wise I'd call it neutral. There's some give to it but it's not overly saggy. There's also some tightness to it but nowhere near being sterile. Like I said, pretty neutral to be a good balance.

A final option that to me is up there with the PS100 is using an upgraded Randall RM100. Foglifter and dual channel mod is a must if using Synergy modules. You get an even better experience adding on the NFB mod and Mercury transformers/choke. Granted, even if you get a RM100 on the cheap the mods are not really cost effective. I was able to score a fully modded RM100 for less than the cost of the transformers. If you do happen to come across a RM100 with Mercury transformers grab it. It's definitely worth having if you start going down the Synergy/MTS rabbit hole.
Thanks for the insight. Any experience or thoughts on the Syn50 head?

Honestly I'd like to pair the Syn1 and the 6505 module with my EVH 50 Watt Stealth. Frankly I'd love to have the 6505 reissue but I'm not dealing with that amps poor master volume. Why they didn't fix that on the reissue is classic oversight by Peavey and I just don't feel like sticking things in the loop to control the volume, been there done that years ago.

There is not that many modules I'm interested in but just having the platform there to scratch that itch sounds like fun.
Have to say that I don't love the two demo vids. The only Recto that I have liked though was the Tverb I bought new in 1995. Loved that one! The other Dual Rec's, Rectoverb, and the 2nd Tverb that I bought about 10 years ago just didn't do it for me.
Thanks for the insight. Any experience or thoughts on the Syn50 head?

Honestly I'd like to pair the Syn1 and the 6505 module with my EVH 50 Watt Stealth. Frankly I'd love to have the 6505 reissue but I'm not dealing with that amps poor master volume. Why they didn't fix that on the reissue is classic oversight by Peavey and I just don't feel like sticking things in the loop to control the volume, been there done that years ago.

There is not that many modules I'm interested in but just having the platform there to scratch that itch sounds like fun.

I don't have any direct experience with a SYN50. I will note a couple of key factors that made me skip over it and choose the RM100 instead.
1. I wanted 100 watts, not 50.
2. 3 module slots was more enticing than 2 + dedicated clean. I want to pick my clean channel and have options vs be stuck with a build in one.
3. SYN50 is 6L6 tubes. The Randall has the option of using most any octal tube.

I wouldn't doubt the 6505 module would sound good through your EVH head, but there may be a lot of tonal overlap. I'm not overly familiar with the tonal differences between the EVH stealth and 6505 amps. I just know they're in the same ballpark. You may get what I experienced with the IICP into the Mark III. Knob and slider positions were slightly different between the two, but there were many, many settings where they were almost indistinguishable from each other. Most of the difference was that the Mark III had a hair bit more rawness to it and the IICP was slightly smoother.
Have to say that I don't love the two demo vids. The only Recto that I have liked though was the Tverb I bought new in 1995. Loved that one! The other Dual Rec's, Rectoverb, and the 2nd Tverb that I bought about 10 years ago just didn't do it for me.

Leon Todd and Fluff have dropped their videos. More "influencer" videos are sure to come.

As someone who's been using various iterations of modular gear since 2008, I will note that the SYN-50 head is quite good for what it is, and better than the SYN-5050 power amp. I can only assume it's because the head uses decently sized, conventional transformers.

It's also worth mentioning that, although you can upgrade a Randall or Egnater modular head with selectable input bias settings (I've had it done), that mod only allows you to select one setting at a time. The Synergy head(s) and preamps adjust that setting automatically to match each individual module.
I always thought a Syn 2 + your power amp of choice was the best way to do this system.
It probably is, tone-wise. But the Synergy solutions are decent when portability is part of the equation.
I still use a Randall RT2/50 with my modular stuff. It sounds great and it's built like a tank. I don't really care if the modules don't match their namesakes exactly. To me it's more about having a canvas with a lot of options for creating my own sounds.
These sound way more like a Rev G to me. I’ve owned a Rev C modded recto so not sure how accurate they are to a real one, but this module does not sound close to it. I still think it’s a great release for the Synergy users though ?? Pretty rad you can have a IICP/DRECT setup now.
I wouldn't doubt the 6505 module would sound good through your EVH head, but there may be a lot of tonal overlap. I'm not overly familiar with the tonal differences between the EVH stealth and 6505 amps. I just know they're in the same ballpark. You may get what I experienced with the IICP into the Mark III. Knob and slider positions were slightly different between the two, but there were many, many settings where they were almost indistinguishable from each other. Most of the difference was that the Mark III had a hair bit more rawness to it and the IICP was slightly smoother.
Yeah that's kinda what I want to see and it might be better than just buying a new 6505 reissue where I don't want to deal with it's master.

It's been a long freaking time since I played the OG 5150 but that was my main amp for years. I like the EVH 50 Stealth, nice little amp to have around but there's something there I cannot quite put my finger on, maybe something in the high mids. When first plugging in sounds great but the more I play the amp at one sitting it starts poking out at me. Then again my ears and playing are so attuned to Marshall might just be me now.

I'm probably gonna give the SYN1 a shot soon. Sounds like fun and there's not alot of modules I'm all that interested in. The Bog Uber, SLO, 6505 and a few others. Start out small and get my feet wet.
Unless the module can literally reach over and turn the Presence and Depth knobs on a separate poweramp to 10, that sounds like marketing BS to me.

The most physically probably equivalent of that kind of thing would be to just cram a shitload of high treble and sub bass into the module and design it to compensate for the "most standard" scenario of a rack poweramp dialed "normally" in other words with significant negative feedback (Presence and Depth around noon or so). The Presence control on a Recto's modern channel is just a simple preamp high pass filter so they could still add that control to it and it would behave like the real thing though.

The biggest challenge is going to be incorporating a Synergy Recto preamp (which basically needs a poweramp's presence and depth maxed out to sound right) with all the other Synergy preamps, most of which are designed around amps that use much more negative feedback.

I think a Synergy Recto preamp could sound great with the proper poweramp and settings though, if you're only going to be using the Recto module, sure.
I don't disagree at all.. i interpret them as building some of the sound into the preamp to account for an anemic poweramp but end of the day, the limit is the power amp 100%. That's always been the knock. I had a listen to it..i suppose it does that fizzy tight recto thing but I still think the Randall Grail sounded better in the clips I heard. I'd love to ask Dave Friedman how diff it is from the Grail he designed under Randall.
It probably is, tone-wise. But the Synergy solutions are decent when portability is part of the equation.
A Syn 2 and a Syn 5050 in a 2 space rack would be pretty small, and would be easy to move around.
I don't disagree at all.. i interpret them as building some of the sound into the preamp to account for an anemic poweramp but end of the day, the limit is the power amp 100%. That's always been the knock. I had a listen to it..i suppose it does that fizzy tight recto thing but I still think the Randall Grail sounded better in the clips I heard. I'd love to ask Dave Friedman how diff it is from the Grail he designed under Randall.
I think that is the case for pretty much anything. Same reason why those little 20w amps never sound that great.

Big power = big sound :)
Ugh, I can’t with those Sweetwater vids. Here’s a better video.

I’m actually shocked they were smart enough to make a Rev C. These will sell like crazy.

So can this go direct into say a VHT 2150 and save 6 billion trucks loaded full of cash for what it costs for a rev C these days :)
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