So what's the verdict on JJ preamp tubes ?

  • Thread starter Thread starter NaturalBornBoy
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mctallica1":1evczp3d said:
Depends on the amp. I like them for some slots in some amps and dislike them for other amps.

There is no one right answer on what will sound good in everything. ;)

Good point, I did like the JJ's ECC83S's the best in a sovtek mig 60 I used to have.

For some reason peavey amp owners seem to like JJ preamp tubes, I see the most glowing reviews with 5150, JSX, Triple XXX owners than any other amp brands.
blackba":2zjx23tg said:
mctallica1":2zjx23tg said:
Depends on the amp. I like them for some slots in some amps and dislike them for other amps.

There is no one right answer on what will sound good in everything. ;)

Good point, I did like the JJ's ECC83S's the best in a sovtek mig 60 I used to have.

For some reason peavey amp owners seem to like JJ preamp tubes, I see the most glowing reviews with 5150, JSX, Triple XXX owners than any other amp brands.

I think it's mostly due to the fact that the JJ pre's are pretty dark sounding so the fizzyness is reduced especially in amps like the 5150 and 5150II
I think it depends on the amp..after trying a bunch in my amp, I always go back to the JJs
shreder75":1vcgzs4v said:
I think it depends on the amp..after trying a bunch in my amp, I always go back to the JJs

Not to mention the player's preferences and tube variation.....
blackba":1aa55kon said:
shreder75":1aa55kon said:
I think it depends on the amp..after trying a bunch in my amp, I always go back to the JJs

Not to mention the player's preferences and tube variation.....

yeah, there's that too =D
blackba":3jeqvsru said:
anomaly":3jeqvsru said:
psychodave":3jeqvsru said:
I dont like them at all.


I find them dull/muddy sounding. I like JJ power tubes alot though.


I have tried both the ECC83S and ECC803S too, I didn't care for either one.

I really like EI's but they were inconsistent and are no longer made. Tungsol RI and EH 12AX7's are your best bet now. Not a big fan of the 9th gen Chinese, but some love them....

I tried a gold pin EH 12AX7 today in the V1 slot of my Legacy head today and I was disappointed. The gain became dull and lifeless.
NaturalBornBoy":1dkj20tj said:
Yay or Nay ?

How's their reliability ?

If I had an amp that had brittle highs and I wanted to smoothen the highs, would JJ pre's be the way to go ?

JJ tubes, in gereral are "meh"

They work, and they work well, but they aren't all that great when compared to what else is out there...

Now, the new TungSOL 12ax7's...and the SED =C='s - those are the bees knees!
I believe JJ's are a good current production tube and make there own

this is takin from a web site about different tube makers, most of these are all the same different label read


Reflector Corp, Saratov

Makes most of the tubes marketed by New Sensor Co. of New York under the "Sovtek" brand name. Some of these are old
Russian types, others are made especially for export. Types in production: 2A3, 300B, 12AX7 (3 variations known), EL34 (3
versions), 6CA7 fat, 5AR4, 5881, 6922, 6EU7, 6L6GB, 6V6GT, 6072A, 6973, 7199, 7591, 7868, EL84 (2 versions), KT66, KT88, KT90,
6P15P. "Sovtek" also markets 5U4G, 5Y3GT, 6SN7, 6SL7, three 12AX7s and a few other types made at other factories. Note:
there is no "Sovtek" factory. "Sovtek" is only an American brand name owned by New Sensor. New Sensor now owns the
Svetlana brand name and is using on tubes manufactured by Reflector. The Electro Harmonix tube are also made by this
plant. In 2005 New Sensor bought the names of Mullard and Tung-Sol and are placing these names on tubes of their New
Sensor banner.
NaturalBornBoy":20yis9rp said:
I tried a gold pin EH 12AX7 today in the V1 slot of my Legacy head today and I was disappointed. The gain became dull and lifeless.

Your best bet is to buy a few different brands and try them and see what works best in your amp. I have had good luck with EH 12AX7's, they are generally okay in my comparisons, not the best, but not terrible either.
It's tough to say a tube is bad or good. Obviously a crap tube is a crap tube, meaning microphonic and or noisy tubes are exempt from this. . . I think that tubes are just another form EQ. Some tubes will work better in certain amps then others. I find that the JJ preamp tubes tend to tame a shrill amp a tad, and have a generally pretty well balanced sound.

I've read a lot of controversy of people calling them a dark sounding tube, and others disagreeing. Not quite sure where i stand with this, but I have to say they do make a great tube and they work excellent in certain amps. I personally prefer Tung sol and or a sovtek 12ax7 LPS in the v1 of my preamp and a few jj's mixed in to tame things out. I find the tung sol and sovtek add a nice definition to the guitars attack , where the jj's kinda dull it out a tad...

All in all they make good stuff, but there are a ton of other company's that make great stuff to. . .

later! :D