So With Shitty YT Demos Being A Current Hot Topic Right Now...

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But Dan, you do have a lot of hate. Like that's the only explanation for why you can never ever quote the book. You made grand assumptions about me and what I wrote, none of which happened to be true, because you didn't read the book. So I put it down to the same sort of scorn you just level on anybody who isn't 100% tube only loud playing and must think as you do. I am not that militant.

You will have to justify all the kinds of dark-hearted things you have said to me on here just because of something I disagreed with. Quote it. Let's show the world how bad it is. First of all, I want you to pull up quotes where I claimed expertise, being a sage, whatever lies it is you are telling. I have yet to figure out the reason, so quote it. Then the stuff in quotes that makes me so deserving of your constant harassment.

In fact, there is a free introduction to the book, where I plainly state my own limitations, on my website, which you never read.

So you got my attention with the several dozens of insults. Now quote up why anyone should deserve your level of extreme persecution to make forums as uncomfortable for others you disagree with to participate in.


Read Donnies post. He's already covered this. Probably the only time this year I'll agree with him.

Dude, re-read Dan's post. You come on too strong among a group of really, really strong guys.
Strength as in gear knowledge and experience - books and/or gig miles.

I made the same mistake here thinking that it was just another forum filled casual players and gearheads.
Nope. I got schooled really fast.

Right now you're getting schooled too.
My advice? Take it, shut up, and eat your humble pie nice and quiet.

Then just choose your spots to chime in more wisely.
And if you don't immediately get on the defensive, you might actually learn some cool things here.
Donnie, no one deserves the level of harassment and hatred and literally venom spilling out of some people here. That's not strength. It's borderline criminal behavior, Donnie. Nobody should ever take that. Watch me in action. I have never insulted anyone or called them names or personally attacked anyone. They can't quote me doing that. I won't do that either. This is why whatever it is they think is so clever right now, won't be because I have done nothing wrong. :love::love::love:

What you've done wrong is pretend you're something you aren't.

And the "hate" is people informing you, Mr emperor, that you aren't wearing any clothes at the moment.
Whatever the fuck happens, I hope to God that no one thinks TTD is an alt of mine!

And Dan, ya made my day.

I think lots of people reading these threads with be horrified at the rancor and contempt being laid on. I am. Personally attacked and everything. For no reason shown!!!

You are not being attacked.
You are being overly dramatic by claiming you are - which will only vilify you even more.
It's a simple choice.

1) You dig it here and would like to fit in better - so take the advice you've been given.

2) You don't like it here - the place isn't going to change so either stay and be miserable or split.

Later dude.
This guy rocks! Ha:giggle:

All I am doing is giving you a listen to what the amp sounds like in the room. Of course you cannot get the percussive effect of the 4x1 cab, HOWEVER, once you start going thru a DAW and adding IR's yes it might sound slick and ready to record but thats Not what it will sound like when you plug in the room.

My playing is mediocre at best, I'm just blessed to have cycled thru a lot of great amps and like to pay it forward for all the similar bedroom clips I've listened to prior to buying high end amps.. This is an example of my off the cuff super fast take on giving you an exact idea of what these amps will sound like without a lot of talking or any backing tracks -bonus to me!

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This is still happening… isn’t it? God DAMNIT I love rig talk. Who could possibly have hate in their heart ( let it out…. 10 points for whoever gets that reference) with this level of sheer entertainment?
I like that.

I don't like your harassment though. You still haven't explained why you personally attack me or where I personally attacked you.

BTW, nothing I put up there was done with anything less than me sitting on my PC alone with Bias FX and messing around.

……I have no doubts in the world judging by the….audio… that that’s all you used.

"Cyberstalking" and "bullying" 🤣🤣👌👌

You walk in here like you're Jesus Christ himself risen, deigning to give the plebians a crumb of your universe shattering guitar knowledge - for which you've written a book - and then have the audacity to cry foul?

You talk mad shit, and when you're found out as being an average joe with no more recording or guitar knowledge than anyone else, and most likely LESS?

HeLp I'm BeInG CyBeRbUlLIEd

Seriously, grow a sense of self-awareness, then grow a dick.