Beats the ever living shit out of me. Almost 50 are "watching" it at a stupid cheap price on Reverb.
Actually, I think more people are just broke. Many used to getting nice tax returns are getting much smaller refunds, none at all, or OWE. When they made adjustments to withholdings to "put more take home pay in America's pockets", they failed to say, "But be prepared to write us a check at tax time".. I know I had to.. Got a nice refund last year, this year I had to PAY. Fuckers..
I'm not broke at all. I just can't fit anymore guitars in my man cave. Mrs. Lee is busting balls non-stop about my clutter. I'm probably getting another Marshall tomorrow, worth around $1800 for a gun trade that I have $200 into. I can't stop. I'm actually storing ammo underneath furniture where Mrs. Lee can't see (if not looking).