sadly none of those cool amps (uber ultra, larry amplification, hell razor or anything wizard or omega ampworks)
randall thrasher
meas mark iv
peavey 6505
kaos hatred custom
single rec modded by hermansson,
mi amplification-megalith gamma
mesa badlander rack
that weird custom ukrainian amp that costs literally nothing BSGW custom ravage, which despite it's cheaper feel ie, headshell and tolex etc, is a really good sounding amp
but i was planning on getting the Uber next just saving pennies etc for one
would prefer to get the uber used but that'll be a while
as for the wizard stuff, i have been hesistant because of the talk of it not being the metal djent style shit that i want like so hell razor may change things
in all actuality i should probably hit up red stuff prior to the Uber, but i stll need time for money to be more available