Soldanos users chime in Slo versus JMP

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While I loved Ed's live tone at Cabo Wabo opening it did seem to have some raw kerrang to it maybe a bit subdued. An amp that seems to have that raw kerrang yet still has a master volume and effects loop is the Morris UK68. Here's a clip of the UK68 and a 71 Marshall amp by the same guy. The previous Morris amps seemed to miss the mark but this UK68 sounds pretty darn good but I can only go off the clips.


That 71 owned the other two
As others have mentioned, I have found SLO's to be a bit fatter sounding, great upper mids but if the gain gets pushed, it can get tubby. If I need a boost for that anyways, then I gotta say a good JMP or 80's vertical input 2204. It's got the tight end, the raw grind, and it takes any pedal like a champ. Get one of those hot mods and you've got a modded marshall. So versatile. How many albums have they been in for that very reason?
Others call it the Marshall Karrang. I call it upper mid spike and the SLO doesn't have it. Great amp but I never got the Marshall comparison.
You got Marshall of all striped covered with the Alta. SLO would be a great alternate amp.
The SLO essentially plays itself, sometimes that’s really nice. Again, need both.
As others have mentioned, I have found SLO's to be a bit fatter sounding, great upper mids but if the gain gets pushed, it can get tubby. If I need a boost for that anyways, then I gotta say a good JMP or 80's vertical input 2204. It's got the tight end, the raw grind, and it takes any pedal like a champ. Get one of those hot mods and you've got a modded marshall. So versatile. How many albums have they been in for that very reason?
I’ve never understood the Hot Mods—aren’t they essentially the same as having an old/boost in front? And if so, isn’t it more flexible to have different flavor boxes in front? I know many like them, just never got the concept.
I’ve never understood the Hot Mods—aren’t they essentially the same as having an old/boost in front? And if so, isn’t it more flexible to have different flavor boxes in front? I know many like them, just never got the concept.
It really is not and there is less noise because it's later in the gain stage or something. I a/b'd with an OD no hot mod and no OD with and the hot mod is way better. Ask David at Legendary tones about the specifics but apparently Soldano had something similar a while back and mentioned earlier in this thread

Side note every amp out there need a push (flub factor) EXCEPT the Headfirst Alta which has the internal boosts -coolest feature Ever because they are voiced for that amp to perfectly complement the base tone!
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As others have mentioned, I have found SLO's to be a bit fatter sounding, great upper mids but if the gain gets pushed, it can get tubby. If I need a boost for that anyways, then I gotta say a good JMP or 80's vertical input 2204. It's got the tight end, the raw grind, and it takes any pedal like a champ. Get one of those hot mods and you've got a modded marshall. So versatile. How many albums have they been in for that very reason?
Never heard a Slo get flubby unless there is no drive into front but then again I never found the need to dime the gain on ch 2. Ch 1 gain dimed with a boost is very tight. Listen to the video I posted in the 1st post
It really is not and there is less noise because it's later in the gain stage or something. I a/b'd with an OD no hot mod and no OD with and the hot mod is way better. Ask David at Legendary tones about the specifics but apparently Soldano had something similar a while back and mentioned earlier in this thread

Side every amp out there need a push EXCEPT the Headfirst Alta which has the internal boosts -coolest feature Ever because they are voiced for that amp to perfectly complement the base tone!
I just don’t think I use as much gain as most here. I boost mid gain Marshalls with clean boosts and I’m fine. My SLOs lead channel is set at 10:00 and my bass is lower than that so I don’t need a boost there. Old guy dad rock tone I guess lol
SLO has less "kerrang" and more ooomph. Less grainy, more refined. JMP is rawer and grainier. High-mids are there in both cases but maybe moreso in the JMP case.

Palm-mutes go "DANG-DANG-DANG" with the SLO, a bit like firing bullets. Palm-mutes go "KANG-KANG-KANG" with the JMP, a bit like hitting a metal plate with a metal rod, if that makes any sense. At least it's how I hear it.
Man son you got ahold of some good drugs with your explanation there!!!!! Awesome!!!!?
Those Morris amps do sound cool, but god damn that marshall sounds so alive
My JMP sounds massive set just right with the Mr Scary but it is made to used in a band mix period. A 'Stiletto' of sorts -wait I had that amp too :) The JMP on it's own cranked lasted about 2 minutes then my ears need a break.
Never heard a Slo get flubby unless there is no drive into front but then again I never found the need to dime the gain on ch 2. Ch 1 gain dimed with a boost is very tight. Listen to the video I posted in the 1st post
I guess that's more of an opinion thing but the gain falls apart. But at lower gain settings, yeah the thing sounds great no question.
I got to admit -- I've seen your gig videos and it seem s like the SLO, ALTA, JMP are a little overkill for the gig. It 's not like the different configurations you have used in the past don't sound fine it's just that the amps are a little overkill or in the case of the JMP it's a one trick pony.

That's just my opinion of course!
I got to admit -- I've seen your gig videos and it seem s like the SLO, ALTA, JMP are a little overkill for the gig. It 's not like the different configurations you have used in the past don't sound fine it's just that the amps are a little overkill or in the case of the JMP it's a one trick pony.

That's just my opinion of course!
Hey now—let’s not get all judgey. My wife reminded me Sunday, “you do realize you play one gig a month and you’ve spent more than twice what you make playing in a year on shit in the past few weeks”…that’s part of the dance man ?‍♂️

Now I want to see links to @cragginshrd busking on a street corner through an SLO :rock:
Those Morris amps do sound cool, but god damn that marshall sounds so alive
Yeah after getting accustomed to lots of vintage gear (not just amps) most recent made stuff IME usually does sound comparatively dead or bland sadly with just a few exceptions here and there like wizards and Alessandro’s still having some of the liveliness
It really is not and there is less noise because it's later in the gain stage or something. I a/b'd with an OD no hot mod and no OD with and the hot mod is way better. Ask David at Legendary tones about the specifics but apparently Soldano had something similar a while back and mentioned earlier in this thread

Side note every amp out there need a push (flub factor) EXCEPT the Headfirst Alta which has the internal boosts -coolest feature Ever because they are voiced for that amp to perfectly complement the base tone!
I’ve had lots of amps that don’t need any boost (actually sound worse/choked with them), but perhaps are more metal than what you may be going for. My Hermansson’s, Wizard Hell Razor, Megalith Beta, OG Uberschall, Langner modded Marshall I had, and most Cameron’s I had (as some examples) I’d never boost

I’d boost my iic+, Recto’s, SLO, Marshall’s and Naylor’s (used to have 2)