I have just spent the last 5 hours playing through this new cab.
Conclusions I have arrived to....
1. The bass is very touchy. I usually run a lot of bass, I like to
feel a good riff. AS I work the bass and deep knobs, I've either got nearly no bass or I've got too much that "flubs" out. As soon as I get the bass set right, just changing to a different guitar or tuning seems to change the bass response completely and I am back to knob tweaking.
2. This cab seems to sound boxy to me. If I close my eyes, I'd think I was playing through a 2x12 cab. I think part of this is due to the mid range on these speakers. I found myself rolling my mids off more and more tying to get a less "midy","boxy" sound out of the tone.
Removing my Herbert and trying out my Powerball gave similar results. Found myself rolling off the mids. I believe this must be what you guys consider "hollow" sounding?
I think I am going to try an X with a pair of V30's, if I can find a pair cheap. If I don't like that combo either than I guess I will try Greenbacks in this cab. I really like the tight bass, smooth mids, and not much tonal variance regardless of volume with the Greenbacks.
The cabinet is awesome, very sturdy and attractive, but not the tonal qualities I was expecting.