@eclecticsynergy please stop "spamming" pics mate.
You're posting them less than a minute apart and I've let it go in your threads in OTC (probably hundreds of 'em), but it's getting to be a bit much now.
Do you realise that peeps receive notifications every time you update a thread? How about notifications that threads have been updated
whilst we're posting? There've been 3 in the short time I've been typing this, all by you. Oops... make that 4.
It's long been considered good forum etiquette to not do this. I don't like having to say this but I think it's gone on long-enough.
You do realise that you can upload 10 pics into 1 post, don't you? Think of it as a "session" - an update to a thread. If you have more than 10, then consecutive posts are obviously-fine.
Make that 5 now...
Hopefully you get the point.