Splawn Quick Rod vs Suhr SE 100?

  • Thread starter Thread starter MrFlexx
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Whatever Splawn you get, it is more versatile with the Old/New & Mid Cut. ...I've got both a QR and Comp fully loaded. Those options definitely make a difference in tone and feel.
I already have a Splawn. I was just wondering how they compare to each other. If I maybe should get a Suhr too.
Haven´t played the Suhr SE, but I have had several of its closest SE siblings and still have the Custom Audio OD100 SE+. Very saturated, a ton of low end, not the typical Marshall peaky mids, a bit sizzly up top in the best possible way. That circuit was originally designed in 1993, and that tells a big part of the story. The Quickrods I´ve played basically sound like tweaked Marshalls, like what the JCM900s should have been.
I haven't played the Suhr SE100 either but I remember alot of people describing it exactly as you have here. I own a 79 Splawn Modded Marshall 2203 and I also owned a very early 2003 Quickrod that I bought new from Scott but sold when I stopped playing out. I agree about the description of Splawn being a tweaked Marshall. I still like mine after all these years..........not a single hiccup with that amp since he rebuilt and modded it.
I own a Splawn and mostly wonder how it compares to the Quick Rod to know if I should get one too. From what you described I'm even more interested of complete with the Suhr SE 100.

Mark Day used to post alot of Suhr clips, to me the Suhr sounds, more modern, saturated with alot of gain. But if it's what you are looking for.....

If you want a more vintage machine then maybe look into the Morris UK68.

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