Stupid things you've done

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I was repairing an amp and, as my feet were cold, I instinctively put them on the central heating radiator behind my desk. Electrocution in style. My body turned into a spring that threw me halfway across the room. Lesson learned: Don't bias the amp in cold weather.
Stupidly decided to change the strings and clean my Les Paul Gold Top one night after numerous Jack and Cokes. At the time, my cleaning regiment included blowing the dust off with a can of compressed air. You ever see what happens to a nitro finish when you accidentally hold the can almost upside down? No? Allow me to exhibit:
My first gig I jumped off a stage trying to be cool and guitar cord was too short to accomplish this feat. Stood there soloing wondering why I couldn't hear anything and people were pointing and laughing. Turned around and cord was hanging off the stage.
I also left my Uberschall in a week . It sounded amazing for an hour before the fuse blew
put stickers on a ibanez pro540r, ripped the painting and varnish to the primer when i removed them.

also, tried to mod / bias myself a jca22h, touched something that made all the lights in the house dim while emiting a strange noise. the amp, house electrical box and i survived.

any gear i buy more than two timess is a waste of time/money

selling amp heads to clueless guy with great tubes in them
I built a 2204 a few months ago which was my 4th or 5th time building one. This one wasn't getting power to the heaters so I was tracing the power coming in from the IEC and I moved a wire with my bare hands while it was still plugged in. It hurt and scared me to death.

The dumbest thing I am doing now is I have several builds on order and they are all being completed at the same time. My chubtone explorer is probably first followed by a Ceriatone All Access plexi and a Mayones Duvell. With the build times so far off, I thought surely I will have the cash for them by the time they finished. Anyway I am good for the Chubtone and Nik but the Mayones may take some hustling to come up with. I'm trying to pay for everything without sacrificing my amps since the amps I have now are ones that I love but if I have to I will.
When I was a young teenager and knew nothing about amps and speakers, I replaced a speaker in my cabinet. I tightened it super tight and bent the frame beyond words. I always thought that the speaker would be a tighter sound.

That it sure was.
Related to gear

I must be getting old but....

1. I've told the story before about how I accidently plugged my cab into the FX return of my Quick Rod. And then didn't hear any sound. :scared: Sadly- took me 5 minutes of checking everything but that. What. Still no sound? Let me try this? No? Next. No?

2. Last week I came home from being gone a bit and realized my Splawn had been left on (standby off) for about a week. :no:

3. Yesterday I unplugged my 4x12 at the cab with the intent of swapping to my 1 watt Blackheart and ended up plugging the 8 ohm tap of that amp into the 8 ohm tap of my Recto. And then didn't hear any sound. :doh:
You need to use the system senior citizens the world over use, post it notes and setting their alarm for everything imaginable.
I had just come home from work. I had been working in Studios in LA and I had worked 16 hour days for a couple weeks straight and was tired. I was leaning back in my bed strumming my acoustic watching tv. I had just changed the strings on my acoustic and hadn’t clipped the ends off yet. Fell asleep. Woke up an hour later thirsty, opened my eyes and sat up. The string gouged me straight in the center of my eye and entered my actual eyeball. On top of being ABSOLUTELY EXCRUCIATING I was in a stage 10 panic because I could not open my eye and the few times I managed to very briefly open it I could not see. Dear god, I’ve blinded myself. I knew I could fall asleep and the thought entered my mind that my I could gouge my eye out. So it’s 3am and I am struggling to get to my car because clearly I have to go to the ER, I am beyond fatigued and the pain was out of this world. I make it to my car and make the journey across Hollywood to cedar Sinai and luckily I don’t have to wait in the ER. I guess the injury to my poor eye was severe enough to go in. This doctor takes me to the damaged eye and going blind room, puts some drops in my eye to numb it. The relief was intense. Now he is shining a light brighter than the sun so either way I will now go blind as he burns out my cornea. He asked me how it happened. I tell him and he actually said, “well, that was stupid.” Agreed doc, not smart, YOU DICK!!! He is examining my eye making sounds like, “hmmm, ahh,” and lastly the most unsettling, “oh my……..” I ask what?? What???? Yo doc!!!! What?!?! What?!?! He says, “well, it looks like you have a severe abrasion to your cornea and you will most definitely suffer from blindness………” OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Life as a half blind man!! My mind is flooded with questions, but he finishes his sentence, “for a while because the top layers of the eye are damaged.” So my dumb ass temporarily lost my vision and suffered EXCRUCIATING pain from gouging my eye with a string I easily could have avoided if I cut them or set the guitar down. The doc gave me a few opiate scripts and I went home and became blissfully unaware of the immense pain in my eye. A couple days later I started getting vision back. Yup, I’m a dumb ass.
Okay I popped for this.
The inequality in effort of some of those conversations were seriously worse than talking to a really hot girl in dating apps (no exaggeration). Some guys are just lazy I guess. Maybe from time to time I should just write posts like “killer bro” or “dude that’s awesome” or “EVH is the best human being that ever existed”. I mean why do we need to delve deeper than that anyway right. Hopefully most guys here get that I’m just being sarcastic and trying to have fun
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When I was about 15(1987) I bought a brand new new JCM800 head. I didn't have the money for a cab so I got a 1/4" to RCA adapter and ran the speaker out of the Marshall into my boombox. Sounded killer for a few hours but then something blew and I had to take in in for repair. Picked up a 4x12 shortly after.
The inequality in effort of some of those conversations were seriously worse than talking to a really hot girl in dating apps (no exaggeration). Some guys are just lazy I guess. Maybe from time to time I should just write posts like “killer bro” or “dude that’s awesome” or “EVH is the best human being that ever existed”. I mean why do we need to delve deeper than that anyway right. Hopefully most guys here get that I’m just being sarcastic and trying to have fun

I do the short comments when I want to be positive but don't have any real feedback to give

But in general, I like actually adding something to the convo, esp if its interesting to me

Talking to a hot girl on a dating app is a no-win situation for a dude tbh - youre willingly putting yourself into her stable of validation whores, which signals to her that you're not worth a shit.
Stupidly decided to change the strings and clean my Les Paul Gold Top one night after numerous Jack and Cokes. At the time, my cleaning regiment included blowing the dust off with a can of compressed air. You ever see what happens to a nitro finish when you accidentally hold the can almost upside down? No? Allow me to exhibit:
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Shit I’d done the whole guitar at that point. Call it a Murphy lab model and add $4k to the value 😂