Suhr humbuckers

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I've only tried the Aldrich which was decent but not what I'm looking for and way more output than I want. Looking for hot PAF type tone that's bright and clear without being honky in the mids. Some SSV+ descriptions look right but others make it sound like it's too bright.
This is for an Alder Star guitar with Floyd. It's got a lot of mids and I'm hoping the slightly scooped nature of PAF types will suit it better. I think I'm probably in the Thornbucker+/SSV/SSV+/SSH range for output. The SSH+ looks too hot just based on the numbers. Appreciate any comps between these and also other well known pickups for reference.
I've only tried the Aldrich which was decent but not what I'm looking for and way more output than I want. Looking for hot PAF type tone that's bright and clear without being honky in the mids. Some SSV+ descriptions look right but others make it sound like it's too bright.
This is for an Alder Star guitar with Floyd. It's got a lot of mids and I'm hoping the slightly scooped nature of PAF types will suit it better. I think I'm probably in the Thornbucker+/SSV/SSV+/SSH range for output. The SSH+ looks too hot just based on the numbers. Appreciate any comps between these and also other well known pickups for reference.
I have a roasted alder bodied Charvel clone with a Floyd. The JB in it was mid city.
I wanted it to sound more like my Suhr Modern Mahogany with Maple top and SSH+ pickup. The Suhr sounded bigger while still popping in a mix. @scottosan came up with a wind that he calls the Roxy. It gave some beef and articulation to the Charvel, sounds killer. Prices are fantastic, too.
I've only tried the Aldrich which was decent but not what I'm looking for and way more output than I want. Looking for hot PAF type tone that's bright and clear without being honky in the mids. Some SSV+ descriptions look right but others make it sound like it's too bright.
This is for an Alder Star guitar with Floyd. It's got a lot of mids and I'm hoping the slightly scooped nature of PAF types will suit it better. I think I'm probably in the Thornbucker+/SSV/SSV+/SSH range for output. The SSH+ looks too hot just based on the numbers. Appreciate any comps between these and also other well known pickups for reference.

The SSV+ might be what you're looking for. I never bonded with the Thornbucker, although many can get it to sounds really good. There was a honky low, mid thing I couldn't get rid of. I've heard the same thing in the Duncan Saturday Night Specials and it may be the Alnico 4 magnets which is common to both.

The SSH+ is really hot -- too much so for me. The SSH is a great pickup however probably too much mids for what you are after. My alder Star got a set of Pariah Destruction 70s, which are the recreation of the Dimarzio Super Distortion. The other possibility is a Duncan Custom.
Another really nice option is the Arcane PX-8. Hot PAF with an Alnico 8 magnet.
The SSV+ might be what you're looking for. I never bonded with the Thornbucker, although many can get it to sounds really good. There was a honky low, mid thing I couldn't get rid of. I've heard the same thing in the Duncan Saturday Night Specials and it may be the Alnico 4 magnets which is common to both.

The SSH+ is really hot -- too much so for me. The SSH is a great pickup however probably too much mids for what you are after. My alder Star got a set of Pariah Destruction 70s, which are the recreation of the Dimarzio Super Distortion. The other possibility is a Duncan Custom.
I just watched a really good Japanese (I think) video on all the Suhr single screws and I was leaning towards the plain ole SSV. I like the SSV+ too but in some clips it seems a little too single-coil-ish. Which might be what this guitar needs, I've tried 3 pickups in it and never thought it was too bright. I think I've narrowed it to those two tho.

EDIT: It's still in my Youtube tab so:
What about a 78?

I had a ssv+ in a suhr alder classic antique and hated it...plink plink plink. The above clips sound great though so you never know.

This thread also reminds me that the V60lp is one if my fav neck single coils, I need a new strat for one lol.
I had a set of Aldrich pups in a ESP that sounded killer. The cleans were a little pushed as the pit put is hot af, but overall, really like that set.
Big fan of Suhr pickups in general. Used an Aldrich set in my les Paul for years and they do split really well.

These days I am getting more into lower output pickups, well at least compared aldrich. Big fan of the thronbucker and thornbucker plus. I have a thornbucker set in a Gibson es339, and a thornbucker/thhornbucker+ set in my lp standard that used to have the Aldrich pickups.

After the clip, really want to try the SSV+
If anyone here has a 53mm bridge set, or even just a bridge, and wants to trade for something, LMK!
I got the SSV and just installed it and its the best pickup for this guitar so far by a longshot. A little more output than I expected but I'm cool with that. It's got plenty of top end but I installed a 470k resistor in series with a 0.1uF cap from wiper to ground since there is no tone pot. It kind of reminds me of a Duncan '78.
I got the SSV and just installed it and its the best pickup for this guitar so far by a longshot. A little more output than I expected but I'm cool with that. It's got plenty of top end but I installed a 470k resistor in series with a 0.1uF cap from wiper to ground since there is no tone pot. It kind of reminds me of a Duncan '78.
Is the cap and resistor like a treble bleed?
The SSV+ might be what you're looking for. I never bonded with the Thornbucker, although many can get it to sounds really good. There was a honky low, mid thing I couldn't get rid of. I've heard the same thing in the Duncan Saturday Night Specials and it may be the Alnico 4 magnets which is common to both.

The SSH+ is really hot -- too much so for me. The SSH is a great pickup however probably too much mids for what you are after. My alder Star got a set of Pariah Destruction 70s, which are the recreation of the Dimarzio Super Distortion. The other possibility is a Duncan Custom.
I had similar experiences, not one of those pickups
I could ever vibe with.
I did patiently adjust each one of them also.
I actually adjust all my guitar pickups to the guitar and to the amps I use the most.
This is as important as biasing an amp &
a legit setup on the guitar with proper saddles/intonation for the style to played,
-coupled with the style/design of the guitar.
Took me years to really figure this out, apply it and dial out the hot mess & bring in the goods.
Those and Bare Knuckles.., although BK has the
dopest pots & caps , particularly their push-pull
For me it’s Motor City’s all the way.
However, for vintages’ Strat/Tele,
-David Allen & Van Zandt.
Also, if ya can be patient, contact Seymour Duncan and have them custom wind your favorite pickup of theirs, hell yeah!!
Their CS P90 in a bridge single coil for a
Strat is a the bomb, etc.

There was a dude, WB?
About 10 plus years ago who used “67” vintage
He caught the Cameron Cold and flaked away..
SUPER DOPE pickups.
I have never heard/felt a pickup with such
ease of controlled feedback.
KILLER in my 63 block, 07 Historic 335.
I had his higher wind, the “Greg Wind”
in my old school 07 Historic Lemonburst,
just totally f’n killer.
Damn, that dude had the recipe man.
‘Suuuper sketchy to deal with though…,
he mastered to art of the fake tracking number.
Super rad dude when you got him on the phone though…,or who the hell was he?? LTFOL!!!

-Another one bites Freddie Mercury’s nutz’.
Also, learning about what wood is my guitar that I’m playing made of.?
Alder vs Ash, hard rock maple vs mahogany etc.

Fiesta, -my guitar still thinks it’s a tree,
my electronics/components on my guitar
are like wires on an engine or when a patient is connected to to wires/components in a hospital bed.
Somebody has to be the doctor.
My controls are there to dial out the hot mess
while keeping my hair on fire…rock-n-roll.
I had the SSV in my Suhr Modern Satin and I thought it sounded incredible mahogany body maple top.