Talk me into / out of blind buying a Wizard halfstack

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MCII for low volume playing isn't very good. The loop has some bleeding with master low and push pull pots feels very loose. This was letdown for me after all those 'flawless' reviews.
And EQ in loop ... always sounds somewhat fake but ymmv
I had a MC50. Loved it for tight, thrashy stuff. As well as more mellow classic rock and bluesy stuff. Took a while to get used to the direct and open feel. But loved it once I did.
The only criticism I have is that it wasn't the best amp for juicy leads. Think SLO or Naylor. Or even my Marshalls have been better for that. It was a great amp, like a really good JCM, with more gain and a slightly lower mid voicing, but drier, more open and direct, and because of that, not as juicy or warm.

Dunno if you've seen this, but I compare the MC to a 2203, Naylor Duel 100 and Rev F Dual Rec. It's the only 50 watter, and sounds pretty big for 50 watts, but showed itself when trying to keep up with the Rev F or 2203 at insane volumes.:

Also made these 2, just messing around:

And lastly, this for that thrashy sound that I really haven't found in any other amp. My fav amp for this type thing:
That’d probably be the best option for the OP.
I've got an MXR10 band EQ in the loop with mine full time but its set flat and only there for a clean volume boost; use loop return as a global master. Probably other smaller footprint options for me like the 6 band but that's what's there now
I had a MC50. Loved it for tight, thrashy stuff. As well as more mellow classic rock and bluesy stuff. Took a while to get used to the direct and open feel. But loved it once I did.
The only criticism I have is that it wasn't the best amp for juicy leads. Think SLO or Naylor. Or even my Marshalls have been better for that. It was a great amp, like a really good JCM, with more gain and a slightly lower mid voicing, but drier, more open and direct, and because of that, not as juicy or warm.
This captures my thoughts perfectly, as well.

It’s like a highly idealized ‘crunch’ amp with more gain available. It’s not fat, saturated, greasy like an idealized ‘lead’ amp is to me.

BUT - it has a highly addictive feel and responsiveness that is great for leads - the tone didn’t quite match that to me.

It can get a little strident in the high end
This captures my thoughts perfectly, as well.

It’s like a highly idealized ‘crunch’ amp with more gain available. It’s not fat, saturated, greasy like an idealized ‘lead’ amp is to me.

BUT - it has a highly addictive feel and responsiveness that is great for leads - the tone didn’t quite match that to me.

It can get a little strident in the high end
It won't get quite as saturated/liquid as a Naylor, but with the right boost and EQ in the loop, the MCII/MC25 can get very very greasy & moderately compressed but still have insane clarity & note definition.
To be fair, that’s one thing I never really tried that much my Wizards.

I just wanted a simple setup with all the gain coming from the amp, if it was a higher gain amp vs a more clean setup with pedals.

I do remember it being really good with a Klon type pedal, when I tried it that way for a bit.
Has anyone tried a compressor in the loop or before the input to grease the amp up at all?
Would you say the fx loop is where to place one or the front?
For compression if go in the loop . But man a wizard can be super compressed and greasy as you can with its gain full and some follow . It’s too much if you go all the way. I don’t use it like that but it does get there
Wizards are not low volume amps, they are made to be played at band volumes at gigs. In that use they are pretty awesome, sound huge on the stage and mix with band great. At least the MC does, cannot comment on any of the other models, but from what I have heard they are not for me anyway. Had my custom modern Classic since ‘05

The Fryette UL was my main amp prior to the Wizard. I don’t find them to sound at all the same. Looking forward to the new one. Loved my old one.
MCII for low volume playing isn't very good. The loop has some bleeding with master low and push pull pots feels very loose. This was letdown for me after all those 'flawless' reviews.
And EQ in loop ... always sounds somewhat fake but ymmv
Love the MCII but the push pull knobs do feel loose for sure.
Still one of my favorite amps though.
Tbh 2 of my wizards was not good. One MCII was noisy and never sounded really good. My MC25 was noisy as well and REALLY bright. Sold them quickly. The best was a 50 w MC1 but that was really good.

Thanks everybody. I made up my mind. I have found a few clips that were not at all convincing - and it could be very well that the amp was great in the room and it just didn´t come across... But it made me decide that it´s just too much money. Depending on how much the new Ultralead is going to be that´s supposed to be released in January (yes I know, but one can hope right?), I might be able to get that for a bit more than half of what the Hell Razor would be (remember I´m in Europe). I can´t justify that :aww: Maybe I´ll run into one some day, who knows...