Donnie B.
Well-known member
I also own a couple of sorta iconic amps (SLO, XTC 101B)
Ya, you dabble in toys.....

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I also own a couple of sorta iconic amps (SLO, XTC 101B)
I can't get into the IR/FRFR thing either. I'd rather use a tiny guitar cab if necessary.I sold my tube rig when I got the Axe-FX III a couple years ago. I'd always been someone who might use a modeler or something solid state for rehearsal or personal practice, or even small gigs, but my primary rig was always going to be a tube head. After 30 years of playing, the Axe-FX III changed my mind.
But I ended up rebuilding my tube rig last year. It's just more comfortable for me. I used the Axe-FX III for my outboard effects in the loop of my amp, and it works great, plus that's also my backup if my amp ever has a problem. Then I got an FM3 last November, and I like it just as much as the Axe-FX III, it's just a different tool for a different job.
I haven't been happy with IRs and FRFR. To me that's where modelling still falls short. Those of us who've spent decades with amp-in-the-room probably aren't going to see equivalency with emulation of a mic'd cab, because it's apples to oranges. Not necessarily substandard, just different.
I don't care whether the models in the Fractal stuff are identical to their traditional namesakes or not. I see it as a set of ingredients and utensils for creating the sounds I want. Through a driven cab, I like the sound every bit as much as my tube rig. I also regularly get compliments on my tone from other guitarists, which is surprising considering the adversarial attitudes of bands/musicians in my area. Bands don't really come out to support other bands. They come out to critique, and talk about how much better they could do it.
I just think it's great that we've got a lot of options.
If Cygnus is so amazing, what's not to like? Kind of "this sounds the best". But if you don't agree heres a couple dozen arcane digital tweaks you can make so you'll agree it sounds the best.
Playing the "this one's more real" game is foolish with a Fractal product. They've always sounded great.
Just go back and read all of the initial reviews of the original Axe.
Going all nuts and saying Cygnus is the 'best Fractal ever'! (and each major update along the way) would
have to mean that the original Axe Standard sounded pretty bad - or at least a few dozen updates from
'sounding just like tubes'.
I haven't been happy with IRs and FRFR. To me that's where modelling still falls short. Those of us who've spent decades with amp-in-the-room probably aren't going to see equivalency with emulation of a mic'd cab, because it's apples to oranges. Not necessarily substandard, just different.
I don't care whether the models in the Fractal stuff are identical to their traditional namesakes or not. I see it as a set of ingredients and utensils for creating the sounds I want. Through a driven cab, I like the sound every bit as much as my tube rig. I also regularly get compliments on my tone from other guitarists, which is surprising considering the adversarial attitudes of bands/musicians in my area. Bands don't really come out to support other bands. They come out to critique, and talk about how much better they could do it.
I just think it's great that we've got a lot of options.
That said, when explained, it makes a bit more sense. Pre-Cygnus I was putting a PEQ block after every cab block of high gain presets to cut some nasty 3K-4K fizz.
Listen, I am not trying to be a dick, just playing a somewhat extreme devil's advocate.
So are you saying that previous to Cygnas, Fractal's modeling wasn't very accurate?
Using so many PEQs as band aids wouldn't happen in the analog world in an overwhelming
majority of cases, so having to previous to Cygnus is a pretty big flaw with their modeling.
that fizz is present in 5150's and Dual Rec's all day long
Not anymore with the Cygnus update.....![]()
Tell you what, best bang for the buck bedroom tone rig in my experience is an Orange Brent Hinds Terror with Russian 6n14n’s, 100 ohm bias resistor (stock is 150), and a V30 in an open back cab.I’m just a bedroom heck who never gigs. I like recording and chasing other tones. I currently have a Kemper and Mark V:25. I want one but at the same time feel like I’m gonna be let down. What say you?
You need one I have 1 for sale??
No I don't do reverb I have it for sale here and a couple other places. You can find my ad in the classifieds.
I have an Axe FX III. If you plan on participating in the online Fractal community you may want to consider if you are ok joining a cult. It gets a little weird there at times, particularly around firmware releases. The cult of personality around Cliff is huge and I found it a bit disconcerting to see grown, successful men being such sycophants, cringe-y even. Independent thought and questioning will generally get the true believers all up in your junk. I just stopped being a part of the community... which is a big part of owning an Axe FX.
There is a lot of artificial harmony on the FAS forum and the tensions boil over from time to time and are typically "moderated away" very quickly (i.e. deleted). There are also the favored "sons" of the forum: the FMs who can be toxic and get away with it while others are accosted for far lesser "offenses". AdminM@ wants FAS members to be "FAS Ambassadors", unless you are one of the annointed members who can behave like general little shits. There is one high post count member who seems to need to weigh in on everything and is generally a jerk in doing so. He also thinks he is a pseudo-mod but he does not really contribute as much as he thinks he does. But he is allowed to get away with being a toxic twat on the forum and has for years.
I also found that even when they are legitimately helping you (there are very knowledgeable people who can point you straight fairly quickly), most of the "names" on the forum incorporate a heaping does of condescension with their assistance.
The current "Cygnus" thread over on the FAS Forum has a number of serious posters... and more than its fair share of boot licking too. The people who dare to deviate from the company line are getting the typical FAS Forum treatment for non-conformists: chided, argued with, lectured, and dismissed.
As an example, one FM reported the levels on a specific amp model were too high. Cliff responded with a snarky "turn the level down" (and of course got the obligatory "like" and "haha" reactions from the cult members). Leon Todd reported the same issue with the same amp model. Cliff's response: "Fixed for next release". Cliff is really sensitive about the "snark" that blows his way but he is probably the snarkiest SOB on that forum. If the forum is rough and tumble, let it be that for everyone not just the chosen few.
Cliff's a New Englander and busting balls is part of the New England culture.
I was born and spent my first 37 years in New England, and you're right. We love busting balls.
And while Cliff does do that now and then, he's also a few other things that I won't bother typing out.
Being from New England has no bearing on those traits.
And just cause you have a lot of fanboys doesn't mean you have to be an a-hole.
LOTS of folks in the MI business handle it just fine - like Doug has to date.