Tempting Trade offered to me... What say you?

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The KSR isn't going to be another 6505 so you don't have to worry about that if you do make the trade.
This is coming from someone who owns a KSR and doesn't care that much for the Roadster. I agree with most others to keep the Roadster. It's OOP, you've always wanted one, had difficulty tracking one down and now own one. I wouldn't want to let that go unless it was for something even more special that you've always wanted. The KSR in some form (Ares, Orthos, or Gemini) is mostly readily available that you can pick one up anytime you're ready to give it a go.
I would keep the mesa.

In my experience, it's not every day you pick up something you wanted for a long time & are happy with it. When you come across gear like that, it's worth hanging onto.
Sounds like I'm keeping the Mesa ? Damn that's a lot of responses but that's why I always turn here.

I do boost the Mesa currently. May try stacking boosts to see what it does. Had good success with that on my JCM800. Really made that thing super tight.

As soon as people started comparing to an SLO I was all set. I know guys love those but the couple I've played just didn't seem to flip any switches for me.

Y'all rock! Thanks gents
Never, ever, ever get rid of an amp you love if you can help it, even if you come across something you "might" love more. There's a good chance you won't love it more after all, and an almost guaranteed chance that down the road you'll regret getting rid of the first amp.

^ edit: great news!
Never, ever, ever get rid of an amp you love if you can help it, even if you come across something you "might" love more. There's a good chance you won't love it more after all, and an almost guaranteed chance that down the road you'll regret getting rid of the first amp.

^ edit: great news!
I've gotten rid of far too many sadly. I will miss my Ultra Lead forever. I try not to get rid of any gear anymore. Usually just trade when it's a trade up. Honestly I have $250 realistically in the Roadster. It all started with a block letter I found that they thought was broke and ended up just needed tubes. ?
I had both of these amps. I would take this trade in a heartbeat - I sold my Roadster and kept the Orthos, and I don't sell anything haha.
That said I have other Rectos that I like better than the Roadster for "that" sound. If I could only have one it'd be a harder decision. It sounds like for you the best choice is to keep the Roadster. If anything, pick your least favorite between the 6505+ and 5153 and sell it, then save up for a 3rd amp (KSR or whatever) that is in a different ballpark than the other two, so that you have 3 really versatile options.
I have a Roadster that I had converted from a combo into a head shell (the head shell looks killer and I had the guy make 4-5 different front panels to change the look up here and there).

It had taken me an extremely long time to track a Roadster down that was in perfect condition, a great price, and the latest of the Roadster amps.

The amp sounds killer with the right drive in front (and by itself, it is okay), and I don't see myself ever selling it, so long as I have the right drive in front of the amp.

The KSR Orthos II will not need a drive and it is a killer amp.

I have a KSR Ares and it is one of my favorite amps (and the Orthos is supposed to be real close to the same tones plus a Clean Channel).

I would say keep the Roadster and buy a KSR amp (Ares, Orthos, Artemis, Juno, Colossus).

They are different enough where you'll enjoy both amps.

Another option would be to purchase a used Orthos II from a Guitar Center (have it shipped to a local GC and see if you would want one).

You would be out on just shipping costs to the GC store.
Do not ever sell or trade amps that you have grown to love...It's a mistake that many of us have made and always regret.