Definitely!everyone whos cool anyways right? lololol
Definitely!everyone whos cool anyways right? lololol
the joke the video is makingwhich part?
the joke the videos making, or the irony of them getting offended because its true?
you're gonna have to be a bit less vague brother
the joke the video is making
AC15 AND A BAJA TELE SHOULD DO YAClean boost into a $2500 deluxe reverb clone…all the gain anyone should ever need
Ha ha. OK. Makes sense. I didn't realize it was that bad. I guess that same riff/same lick/same tone copy thing. I don't go to TGP. I don't even have an account there. Its reputation precedes itself I guess. As you've heard first hand, I would say I don't try to do that :hahaThat video is what (not all, of course) boomer guitarists sound like to everyone else. The same Fischer Price "My First Rock N Roll Riff©" and the same pentatonic lick, every. fucking. time.
It's especially bad on TGP. All of these ridiculously rich idiots painstakingly crafting their tone......and then they play like the video.
Of course, you could make the same joke about zoomers, but Rudy Ayoub has an entire youtube channel devoted to doing exactly that. Retarded "djent" riffs, retarded axefx tone (5150 preset with mids maxed), and retarded strymon shimmer clean instagram tapping.
For contrast, gen X and millennial guitar players seem to be a diverse lot who play a whole lot of genres.
Ha ha. OK. Makes sense. I didn't realize it was that bad. I guess that same riff/same lick/same tone copy thing. I don't go to TGP. I don't even have an account there. Its reputation precedes itself I guess. As you've heard first hand, I would say I don't try to do that :haha
What tweed inspired tolex should I order for my Morgan 1x6" grab'n'go combo that best accessorizes with my 50+" waisted tan pants?
Those 76 era LPCs are notoriously heavy right? Your average TGP Boomer is going to burn out the motor of their stairlift bringing such a guitar upstairs where they plan to engage in some sexy role playing with their spouses by donning a shaggy wig whilst doing their best Peter Frampton talk box impersonations in one last vain attempt to get the ole juices flowing.The only time I got into trouble was asking about my 76 Les Paul in the vintage forum and being warned my 76 Les Paul custom was not considered vintage, and that the forum was intended for rotten pieces of wood that resemble a musical instrument.
Man...the only amp I’m really on a GAS track for is another Swart Atomic Space Tone, that’s a badass little amp. I would actually use it though....That Cutthroat Down Brownie is pretty sweet too, dude dialed in A JCM 800 style 2nd channel.well-lit collection of R9 Les Pauls and Fender Custom Shops paired up with Swart and Fender Princeton combo amps.
My last ban was for calling out that dipshit that started that whiney Wizard thread, dude literally goes on about owning one of literally everything, every model of PRS, multiples of Gibson R series, dozen Fender CS’s, I don’t take most people seriously that use the terms ‘my new build’ or refer to guitars as ‘pieces’, but hey if you’re not waiting for your new build to get done what else is there?TGP is really starting to blow. They just banned Cliff Chase of Fractal Audio for *correctly* calling out a troll who has been banned and then re-registered multiple times because the mods got butt hurt that they couldn't do their jobs well enough to catch the guy first.
Apparently being one of the single most knowledgeable living authorities on the workings of tube amps who also contributes regularly to discussions doesn't matter over there nearly as much as being able to show off hot pics of your carefully curated and well-lit collection of R9 Les Pauls and Fender Custom Shops paired up with Swart and Fender Princeton combo amps.
It’s not like Rick from Wizard NEVER speaks to customers by phone. It’s just not something he‘ll do very often. Hell even I’ve spoken to him once or twice. I’m sure Rick quickly sized this guy up from initial email correspondence and thought he wasn’t worth the impending headache.My last ban was for calling out that dipshit that started that whiney Wizard thread, dude literally goes on about owning one of literally everything, every model of PRS, multiples of Gibson R series, dozen Fender CS’s, I don’t take most people seriously that use the terms ‘my new build’ or refer to guitars as ‘pieces’, but hey if you’re not waiting for your new build to get done what else is there?
They will get their wifes boyfriend to carry it around for them.Those 76 era LPCs are notoriously heavy right? Your average TGP Boomer is going to burn out the motor of their stairlift bringing such a guitar upstairs where they plan to engage in some sexy role playing with their spouses by donning a shaggy wig whilst doing their best Peter Frampton talk box impersonations in one last vain attempt to get the ole juices flowing.
TGP is a woke joke and a circle jerk of wannabe cork sniffers at best. They temp banned me for saying that I don't believe in free hand outs and that women should earn their signature guitars instead of getting participation trophies. The disgusting attacks against me as the only women commenting on a thread about women's signature guitars was pretty much the last straw. Apparently, all of their virtue signalling to each other is far more important than an actual women's opinion on the subject. People are so blind and ignorant with their lala land social justice. Didn't help that the little girl Scott Peterson was totally okay and on board with violent messages being thrown my way by psychotic leftists. Good riddance to them.