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The good thing about our capitalist society is that none of you skidmarks will receive the luxury of a reeducation camp once the free market tosses your sorry carcasses aside.

France: Protestors Rise Up In Their Millions Against WEF ‘Puppet’ Macron and Globalist Elite​

French protestors are rising up in their millions against President Emmanuel Macron and the globalist elite who are determined to take away their rights. There is anarchy on the streets of major French cities and the mainstream media continues to cover up the scale of events.

The protesters in Paris represent all of humanity, mobilized, and resisting the greed of globalist elites. Police involved are violently fighting against the people and protecting the interests of the elites.

However as the government, police and mainstream media continue to suppress this important movement’s progress, the people continue to rise up.

Western mainstream media continues to suppress information regarding the scale and intensity of the revolution taking place on French streets. While the world is distracted by Trump’s legal battles in New York, the elites are taking away people’s rights and blood is being shed in the streets.

The French protests are not being reported by mainstream news outlets because the elites fear the protests will be contagious. Instead, the masses are fed political theater while there are real battles taking place elsewhere.

Land of the Sheep, Home of the Defeated​

When people are referred to as sheep, the implication is that like sheep, they are people who mindlessly follow the herd to their own eventual slaughter, without ever asking any questions or considering any other alternative. The accusation is that the group is mindless and spineless.

At this moment in history, America (USA) is no longer a Land of the Free or Home of the Brave. If it were, nothing we have witnessed for at least the past three years would have ever been able to happen in this once great country.

Unlike the Americans of 1776, who voluntarily pledged to each other their Lives, Fortunes, and sacred Honor for the cause of freedom and liberty, today’s Americans are of the go-along to get-along sort. Lured into the trap by their “love of money,” (the root of all evil), the American people, from coast to coast, top to bottom, surrendered their freedom and liberty for promises of mere pennies on the dollar.

Next ‘Mega Pandemic’ Is Already Planned: HIV + SARS + H5N1​

The globalist elite, in conjunction with governments worldwide, are now planning the next plandemic, which many experts claim is already fully planned and just waiting to be unleashed on humanity.
Some of the largest vaccine company’s are readying their brand-new human avian flu H5N1 injections in preparation for what Dr. Paul Cottrell says will be the release of some kind of chimeric bioweapon composed of SARS, HIV, and bird flu.

Vaccine giants GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), Moderna, and CSL Seqirus told Reuters recently that they have already begun or are about to begin testing the new shots, which are designed to tackle a hypothetical “mutated” version of H5N1 that transmits to humans.

Sanofi, another pharmaceutical competitor, says it already has H5N1 jabs in stock and “stand ready,” meaning they are ready to be unleashed at a moment’s notice once the government is ready to announce the next Pandemic 2.0.

Moderna has indicated that its H5N1 injections will be made using the same messenger RNA (mRNA) technology found in its covid injections – this means even more spike proteins inside people’s bodies.

Raffael Nachbagauer, the company’s executive director of infectious diseases, also said it is ready to start testing its experimental bird flu injections on humans in the first half of 2023, and is capable of doing so “very quickly” in the event of an outbreak declaration.

WHO says bird flu infections in humans are rare, so how can there be another pandemic?​

According to “scientists,” bird flu is already spreading rapidly across Europe and more recently jumped to North and South America, killing nearly 200 million birds and other animals in the process. The initial outbreak reportedly occurred in October 2022 at a mink farm in northwestern Spain.

In the United States, some 52 million birds in 46 states have either died or been put down following exposure to the virus. It is unclear if the same fraudulent PCR tests used during covid were also used to swab these birds for the disease.

This is the excuse they are now giving for the egg shortage, claiming that tens of millions of chickens had to be put down because of the risk of bird flu. Now, eggs cost an arm and a leg and are becoming increasingly difficult to find at the grocery store.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the bird flu risk to humans is virtually non-existent. Just four cases of human infection with bird flu were reported last year, two of them in Spain, one in China, and one in the U.S.

The only way bird flu will actually become a threat to people is if it is tampered with in the same way that covid is believed to have been manipulated in a laboratory using gain-of-function technology.

“The next one will be aerosol HIV with SARS and bird flu (H5N1),” one commenter wrote, echoing the sentiments of Dr. Cottrell. “Where is our hero?”

“Their profits must be waning,” wrote another about Big Pharma’s efforts to once again rake in record profits from another manufactured scare.
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Trilateral Commission Declares 2023 ‘Year One’ of the New World Order

In other words, the free enterprise capitalism you may have learned about in college is dead. It is being replaced by “industrial policy,” i.e., global corporatism the primary method of which is technocracy: key decisions are made by so-called experts and imposed on populations in top-down fashion. As I’ve stated many times before, Western powers are not democracies. In genuine democracies, informed voters would put a stop to such shenanigans at the ballot box.

The WHO Will Control The World If They Are Not Stopped

Published on March 29, 2023

“Governments hold first detailed discussions on proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005)”—Did you know about this?

Very major changes regarding how we are governed are currently being discussed and promoted.

They are called the International Health Regulations.

Amendments (summarized below) Almost unbelievably it surrenders national governments’ authority to an unelected world body or to be more precise its chief. Just look at the powers being invested in ONE man!

Your MP needs to know about this. Read more here and here

I have written to 20 or so of our politicians plus the CMO, I await replies

Good morning,
The matters I raise are matters for all representatives, I am tired of being fobbed off by people saying I am not in their constituency-these are not constituency matters, MLAs are making decisions which affect people who are not their constituents.
(MLAs are political representatives at the N.I government)
I raise two matters and would be grateful for a response.
1 We should be very worried–note the extra-territorial powers. What is the party’s position on this?
International Health Regulations. Draft Amendments:

· Expand the definitions of pandemics and health emergencies, including the introduction of ‘potential’ for harm rather than actual harm. It also expands the definition of health products that fall under this to include any commodity or process that may impact on the response or “improve quality of life”.
· Change the recommendations of the IHR from ‘non-binding’ to mandatory instructions that the States undertake to follow and implement.
· Solidify the Director General’s (DG’s) ability to independently declare emergencies.
· Set up an extensive surveillance process in all States, which WHO will verify regularly through a country review mechanism.
· Enable WHO to share country data without consent.
· Give WHO control over certain country resources, including requirements for financial contributions, and provision of intellectual property and know-how (within the broad definition of health products above).
· Ensure national support for promotion of censorship activities by WHO to prevent contrary approaches and concerns from being freely disseminated.
· Change existing IHR provisions affecting individuals from non-binding to binding, including border closures, travel restrictions, confinement (quarantine), medical examinations and medication of individuals. The latter would encompass requirements for injection with vaccines or other pharmaceuticals.
2. CA+ (treaty):
· Set up an international supply network overseen by WHO.
· Fund the structures and processes by requiring ≥5 percent of national health budgets to be devoted to health emergencies.
· Set up a ‘Governing Body’, under the auspices of WHO, to oversee the whole process.
· Expand scope by emphasising a ‘One Health’ agenda, defined as a recognition that a very broad range of aspects of life and the biosphere can impact health, and therefore fall under the ‘potential’ to spread harm across borders as an international health emergency.
2 Will the party make a statement on the disgraceful scenes in houses of parliament when most of OUR elected representatives were seen leaving when Andrew Bridgen MP stood up to voice real concerns about the harms of vaccines raised by his constituents-concerns which I and many others share.
Surely it is a duty of our elected representatives to listen to concerns even or especially when they may not share those concerns?
The sight of Andrew Mitchell ordering MPs out , a man sponsored by his pharmaceutical connections is an affront to all right thinking people..
See more here

Video: Most Serious Economic and Social Crisis in World History.​

March 29, 2023
Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Caroline Mailloux

We are currently at the crossroads of the Most Serious Economic and Social Crisis in World History. It is an outright war against all humanity: the Planet’s 8 billion people.

Starting with the corona crisis
in late January 2020, the global crisis (2020-2023) –which is ongoing– has literally disrupted and destroyed people’s lives Worldwide in the course of the last three years.

The scale and complexity of the 2020-2023 Global Economic and Social Crisis far surpasses all previous “depressions” including the 2007-2009 Recession which was categorized as the most serious economic meltdown since the Great Depression of 1929.

Everything is interrelated starting with the Covid pandemic, the mRNA vaccine, the powers of Big Pharma, global governance, corrupt governments, the destabilization of the Nation State, the war in Ukraine, media disinformation,
the demise of international diplomacy, the threat of nuclear war.

If Senate bill 686 passes this will be the norm.​

France Begins Prosecuting Citizens Who Insult President Emmanuel Macron Online

The first unprecedented prosecution is set to occur in northern France where a woman is set to face trial in June for criticizing Macron.
The woman’s arrest took place last Friday, following a complaint filed by the local administrative office in response to her Facebook post.

Saint Omer prosecutor Mehdi Benbouzid confirmed the arrest and provided details to AFP. The Facebook post in question was published on March 21st, a day prior to Macron’s televised interview with TF1, where he defended his contentious pension reform plans that have incited protests across the nation.

In her Facebook post, the woman had written, “This piece of filth is going to address you at 1:00 pm… it’s always on television that we see this filth.” The accused, a woman in her 50s, was an active participant in the “Yellow Vest” demonstrations that challenged Macron during his initial term in office.

Charged with “insulting the president of the republic,” the woman is set to stand trial in Saint Omer on June 20. Speaking with the regional newspaper La Voix du Nord, the woman expressed her disbelief at the accusations, stating, “They want to make an example of me.”

Identified as Valerie by the newspaper, she recounted her shock upon discovering that police officers had arrived at her home to arrest her. “I asked them if it was a joke, I had never been arrested,” she said. “I am not public enemy number one.”
So, how can anyone with a working brain deny the Great Reset etc is happening when the WEF / Schwab announce their progress proudly / blatantly to the whole world?
Amazing, the ignorance.😂
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Gee , I wonder what it could be . So ridiculous .

WHO Reveals ‘Staggering’ New Global Infertility Statistics – Experts Baffled​

A new World Health Organization (WHO) report has revealed that a staggering one in six people worldwide are now infertile and unable to conceive – and experts are baffled.

While the WHO declined to speculate on what is causing the worldwide infertility crisis, the report comes amid warnings of declining sperm counts worldwide.
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