The Magnet

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I get the term, but I’m just moving through the wound string a bit too much on the first down stroke. I’m thinking that is due to the change or initial run and im just using it too much power on the first stroke? Could be the string tension is different and I’m not compensating for it?
My first guess would be that maybe you’re digging in too much in order for the attack to have the tone you want? I know I do that. I’m always trying to get a good solid attack with less pick and less movement. But I tend to go back to old habits if I don’t play enough.
If you watch a real pro play, it almost looks like they're not even really playing what you're hearing - there's so little hand movement.

After watching players like Nuno, you realize it's about economy of motion.. There's no wasted effort.

He uses the exact amount of motion/effort needed to accomplish the lick. No more, no less.

Over the years I've try to eliminate the extraneous hand motion out of my playing, and it really does help.

ymmv :ROFLMAO: ?
If you watch a real pro play, it almost looks like they're not even really playing what you're hearing - there's so little hand movement.
Can’t remember who said it to Yngwie but they told him his right hand looked like he was knitting. And he gets great attack when he wants it.
If you watch a real pro play, it almost looks like they're not even really playing what you're hearing - there's so little hand movement.

After watching players like Nuno, you realize it's about economy of motion.. There's no wasted effort.

He uses the exact amount of motion/effort needed to accomplish the lick. No more, no less.

Over the years I've try to eliminate the extraneous hand motion out of my playing, and it really does help.

ymmv :ROFLMAO: ?

Gain helps here too.. you can relax more if there is enough gain to get you there.
This guy is such a nerd but it is the video we all need! I honestly am all over the place with heavier, lighter, gripier, pointy vs more traditional picks these days. Day to day I switch preferences. Also. I notice some picks i like the feel on low strings but hate on the high strings.. my hand also travels further back towards bridge the higher up i go on the lighter strings so i get more scratching sound and less meat. I have had to adapt by bringing my picking hand forward towards neck when i hit the lighter strings.

This guy is such a nerd but it is the video we all need! I honestly am all over the place with heavier, lighter, gripier, pointy vs more traditional picks these days. Day to day I switch preferences. Also. I notice some picks i like the feel on low strings but hate on the high strings.. my hand also travels further back towards bridge the higher up i go on the lighter strings so i get more scratching sound and less meat. I have had to adapt by bringing my picking hand forward towards neck when i hit the lighter strings.

That’s the inventor of The Magnet.

I use the Jazz III but Fender makes a 551 which is almost exact same shape/point but is Celluloid and sounds better to me. I use that too especially if pick scrapes are involved. They wear fast tho. My pick angle is very close to EJ and YJM.
I realize this isn't a popular thread, but I finally had some time to sit down and use the magnet. I learned that, at times, when using economy picking, my first initial downstroke on each new string is a little too much and the pick actually hits the next string before the upstroke. This doesn't always happen, but it happened enough for me to notice. Now I have been focusing on adjusting so I don't hit the next string which had made my playing faster AND cleaner. This is something I never knew and the magnet revealed it. Nice!!
Nice. It’s hard to change your technique when you’ve been playing a long time. I’m learning some flat picking bluegrass stuff right now that has a lot of economy picking in it. It kicked my butt for awhile, but economy picking does allow for much more efficient movement, which equals a smoother sound and less muscle tension in the hand. It’s difficult to get there when you wanna alternate pick everything, though. Lol
Can’t remember who said it to Yngwie but they told him his right hand looked like he was knitting. And he gets great attack when he wants it.
Yngwie’s right hand is one of the most compelling techniques in all of rock guitar. It’s such efficient movement it appears almost as if his right hand is hardly moving at all.
My first guess would be that maybe you’re digging in too much in order for the attack to have the tone you want? I know I do that. I’m always trying to get a good solid attack with less pick and less movement. But I tend to go back to old habits if I don’t play enough.
I think that might be part of it... seems I'm using more force on the initial strikes, then I relax a bit through the run. I've really focused on that and I see an improvement in the last few days. Gotta make it last though. haha
Ok- mine just arrived. Will definitely have to spend some time with it this weekend. I'm looking forward to the same kind of discoveries about my picking technique.
Troy has video-recorded so many different players with great picking and it seems they all do it different. Seems that finding someone that picks similar to the way you pick would help a ton. I don't think I could ever pick like Molly Tuttle but she's a beast with that right hand.

Also, at least some of the players have multiple techniques. Like EJ with his 'bounce' technique (which slows you down) and then his more linear picking when he's playing fast. Removing all the hop/bounce and keeping it linear is one thing I have had to work on a lot and still do.
This guy is such a nerd but it is the video we all need! I honestly am all over the place with heavier, lighter, gripier, pointy vs more traditional picks these days. Day to day I switch preferences. Also. I notice some picks i like the feel on low strings but hate on the high strings.. my hand also travels further back towards bridge the higher up i go on the lighter strings so i get more scratching sound and less meat. I have had to adapt by bringing my picking hand forward towards neck when i hit the lighter strings.

I use “Cool Picks”…. 1mm black. Slight bigger than the Jazz III. When I found out about them a decade or so ago, I bought a shit load since you couldn’t get them easily. I easily had like 300 of them…but they last a long time when you rub them in the carpet and re-sharpen the edges. I must have 200+ left. ?. Probably enough for my life time.

Seems the prices have tripled since I bought them.
I use “Cool Picks”…. 1mm black. Slight bigger than the Jazz III. When I found out about them a decade or so ago, I bought a shit load since you couldn’t get them easily. I easily had like 300 of them…but they last a long time when you rub them in the carpet and re-sharpen the edges. I must have 200+ left. ?. Probably enough for my life time.
The carpet trick! I’ve done that for decades to nearly every every pick I have....

I use these and swear by them, good grippy surface too:
I appreciate you guys who are constantly scrutinizing your technique.

I came to the realization years ago, that for better or worse, my formative years when I was really putting the hard work into my playing defined my style and my sound. It cannot be changed.

I don’t say this to disparage anyone from wanting to improve. It’s my own reality.

I’ve become relatively content with my sound and playing. I do envy those who can do things I couldn’t dream of playing, but that’s just life. There will always be someone better.

Witnessing Holdsworth, Scott Henderson, Frank Gambale and Cacophony in my early years was mind blowing, but I realized my limitations at that time.
I find anything over 1 mm is too thick for me now but another huge gripe is grip. I got sent a 1 mm ESP branded Pick and it has a label on it. Super easy to grip and play with but I can't find anything really comparable. It is one of those ultra sharp though. Like essentially a triangle at the tip. Never would have thought I could play with those but I guess i'm " evolving "? . I was looking at Lynch pick the other day and he almost holds to the front of the pick and uses the rear half to contact the strings. So bizarre. Marty the hell does he pick with that gimpy hand.
I realize this isn't a popular thread, but I finally had some time to sit down and use the magnet. I learned that, at times, when using economy picking, my first initial downstroke on each new string is a little too much and the pick actually hits the next string before the upstroke. This doesn't always happen, but it happened enough for me to notice. Now I have been focusing on adjusting so I don't hit the next string which had made my playing faster AND cleaner. This is something I never knew and the magnet revealed it. Nice!!

I need to get one of these stat
Pretty cool device, someone on my facebook just posted a video using one.

I've been wanting to get back into making some guitar videos again, I'll probably pick up one of these at some point.
I need to get one of these stat
FWIW, I took a small piece of bubble wrap (the kind with the small bubbles) and put that in a microphone clip and then wedged my phone in that so it would have a light grip on it. Then positioned the mic stand for the phone to be about belly height and angled downward just so. Then I just play standing up with a strap. I just walk up to the camera and once everything is positioned it works pretty good.
I appreciate you guys who are constantly scrutinizing your technique.

I came to the realization years ago, that for better or worse, my formative years when I was really putting the hard work into my playing defined my style and my sound. It cannot be changed.

I don’t say this to disparage anyone from wanting to improve. It’s my own reality.

I’ve become relatively content with my sound and playing. I do envy those who can do things I couldn’t dream of playing, but that’s just life. There will always be someone better.

Witnessing Holdsworth, Scott Henderson, Frank Gambale and Cacophony in my early years was mind blowing, but I realized my limitations at that time.
I thought about not being able to make a change, but I’m actively working on it. The only thing I don’t like is that it’s making me think then playing, vs letting it flow naturally. I’m sure this will go away, but I’m happy with the results so far. I do realize this may end up fruitless, but it’s fun trying to advance.