The Most Hurtful Words...

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There is a member on here called @panhead who called me a slanted-eyed Covid carrying GOOK! I would like to say to him...get a LIFE YOO LOSER!!! Who ever talks to a women like that...especially when he calls me a BITCH! What KIND OF FORUM IS THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It takes a sad person to commit to rascism. Dont let yourself become like ‘them’. You cannot combat rascism with rascism. Dont stoop to their level, hold your head high and be proud of you heritage.
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:LOL: Seriously man?

Maybe you should go back and read all "his" posts of the last 2 or 3 days. I don't remember anyone being as insulting or racist here in the forum... ever... and not by a long shot. :yes:

Constant accusations of folks being inbred, wicked, privileged, pedophile white males. Never seen anything like it.
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SG91 comes in here and starts shit with everyone, and cry’s when she or he gets the same treatment back. Typical liberal.
:LOL: Seriously man?

Maybe you should go back and read all "his" posts of the last 2 or 3 days. I don't remember anyone being as insulting or racist here in forum... ever... and not by a long shot. :yes:

Constant accusations of folks being inbred, wicked, privileged, pedophile white males. Never seen anything like it.
Let me backtrack and check this out, apparently I missed some things...
Let me backtrack and check this out, apparently I missed some things...
Indeed you did, brother.

I don't blame you - someone cried wolf and you responded with good intentions. Problem is he / she was crying wolf big-time. An epic misrepresentation if ever I saw one. :LOL: :cheers2:
Indeed you did, brother.

I don't blame you - someone cried wolf and you responded with good intentions. Problem is he / she was crying wolf big-time. An epic misrepresentation if ever I saw one. :LOL: :cheers2:
You, sir, are correct. It’s the primal response of instinct to come to the aid of someone ‘targeted’. However, you can’t start shooting and complain about return fire.