the narrative is starting to crumble...

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Krull":2apnzlf1 said:
CNutz":2apnzlf1 said:
Krull":2apnzlf1 said:
I'm talking about this virus and what it's doing to the global economy.

Oh, now it's the virus. I though it was someones narrative that was damaging the global economy? You change your mine like a bipolar. Are you bipolar, peachy?

Wasn't it always about the virus you fucking retard?

I thought the virus was not bad, and there was this false narrative that was damaging the economy. Now your saying the virus is damaging the economy?

Make up your mind, polar!
Krull":2q9ruarm said:
CNutz":2q9ruarm said:
Krull":2q9ruarm said:
:lol: :LOL: and you program AI? :hys:

Explain the chart for us mere mortals, peachy.

Omfg! If you can't understand it there is no helping you. Stare at it like one of those 3D paintings. Maybe one day you will see the sailboat. :hys:

Let me guess, if I can't figure it out, you're not telling me kind of thing? :hys: :hys: :hys: :hys: :hys:
Krull":15nltt9k said:
CNutz":15nltt9k said:
Krull":15nltt9k said:
CNutz":15nltt9k said:
Krull":15nltt9k said:
:lol: :LOL: and you program AI? :hys:

Explain the chart for us mere mortals, peachy.

Omfg! If you can't understand it there is no helping you. Stare at it like one of those 3D paintings. Maybe one day you will see the sailboat. :hys:

Let me guess, if I can't figure it out, you're not telling me kind of thing? :hys: :hys: :hys: :hys: :hys:

Explained above for you retarded one.

OMG, how many times are you going to edit your bullshit messages. Jesus :lol: :LOL:
Krull":2yak1117 said:
CNutz":2yak1117 said:
Alright, I've got to get back to world domination.

Maybe one day you'll understand that chart. Have a good one Blue Cunt.

The chart makes perfect sense to me. I'm just not sure what your point is. I can only assume you think you've uncovered something due to your retardation, and lack of understanding.

This is why I would like you to explain your point. But, you won't explain will you? Because it'll be totally embarrassing for you :lol: :LOL:

Get back to feeding on your sister's udders, have a good day.
CNutz":1axxh8a3 said:
Get back to feeding on your sister's udders, have a good day.

Now that says a big fuck you Krull :shocked: . I love it. :hys:
Dear CUNTNutz, all you're doing is regurgitating what you believe to be true.

Yes, there is a virus but it ISN'T at the magnitude of what you say OR anyone else.

We've heard from doctors, nurses & hospitals that NON-REALTED deaths are being recorded as covid. Because they're made to do so.

Where is THE science from the Dem Govs & Mayors to support their lockdowns etc?

Also check on past year's flu death numbers and look at this year's as they're down. Why do you think that would be?

Fauci flips like an In'N'Out patty on the grill every second day, why?

When you look at the number of 'actual true' deaths it DOES NOT warrant locking down a country NOR does it justify the fascist actions of Dem govs etc....Even a retard like you can't agree with what they're doing, can you????????????

As I always ask of each cuntwit Democrat, BRING US THE IRREFUTABLE facts and ONLY then will we be in agreement. Until then all you're doing is trolling and gaslighting.

Plain & Simple

Stop posting like a dog fucking Libtard & adult up with FACTS.

You bring us the facts and I will GLADLY change my mind and 100% agree with you. If not, my sweaty balls need a licking. :thumbsup:

\:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/
Krull":6k4zs639 said:
:hys: I see you are still here, trying to figure out that chart. Good luck Cuntnutz. :lol: :LOL:

Well since you would not tell me, I had to look up where you got your info from ... ou-to-see/

"Finally, there’s the chart Democrats really don’t want you to see: The number of new COVID-19 cases peaked a month ago and has been trending downward ever since."

:hys: :hys: :hys: :hys: :hys: :hys: :hys: :hys:

NO SHIT, we've all been forced to wear masks, and take measure to slow the spread. OMG you Trumptards never fail to deliver
HAHAHAH that was your big secret, Krull. AHAHAHAH :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL:
CNutz":3dokr6l7 said:
I hope Trump wins again, you fuckwits are super entertaining. :hys: :hys: :hys: :hys: :hys: :hys: :hys: :hys: :hys: :hys: :hys:

I promise if Trump wins again I'll impregnate you as I want you to have my child. With a name such as CuntNutz how could I NOT want to. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

You think we're entertaining? Having you post & attempt to try miserably is the BEST entertainment we can expect.

That aside, even YOU know it's blown up WAY OUT of proportion as it serves Libtards in an elecction year. Even Blind Freddie can see it.

Cnutz, I do enjoy your posts and cuntingness as it does bring the shared laughs.

:cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
CNutz":1yhlo1b6 said:
WGAF":1yhlo1b6 said:
Dear CUNTNutz, all you're doing is regurgitating what you believe to be true.
Actually I've just been poking fun at the Trumptards. Only thing I posted with data on it came from your buddy Krull.

His own chart says the case death rate is 3.10%, that's 31X higher than the flu, and cause for concern.

That was his, not mine. I'd say you guy's are doing good at owning yourselves today. All I have to do is poke, and laugh :lol: :LOL:

Can I sincerely ask a favor? When I'm poking you can you hold my nuts as it's a turn on bro.

TrumpTards? Sort of funny but you gotta admit Libtards & LibCunts sounds much better.

So, can you tell us all about your sexual experiences with Nancy Pelosi & Adam (I like little boys) Schiff?

:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:
WGAF":308ulvsx said:
CNutz":308ulvsx said:
WGAF":308ulvsx said:
Dear CUNTNutz, all you're doing is regurgitating what you believe to be true.
Actually I've just been poking fun at the Trumptards. Only thing I posted with data on it came from your buddy Krull.

His own chart says the case death rate is 3.10%, that's 31X higher than the flu, and cause for concern.

That was his, not mine. I'd say you guy's are doing good at owning yourselves today. All I have to do is poke, and laugh :lol: :LOL:

Can I sincerely ask a favor? When I'm poking you can you hold my nuts as it's a turn on bro.

TrumpTards? Sort of funny but you gotta admit Libtards & LibCunts sounds much better.

So, can you tell us all about your sexual experiences with Nancy Pelosi & Adam (I like little boys) Schiff?

:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:

I'm not down with homosexual activity, however I bet Kull could help you out with your "nuts being held by a man" fetish :lol: :LOL:
Krull":6y61hk7f said:
Ya, did you know Trump is in charge of Sweden too? Let me guess, they were wearing masks and social distancing and shutting down businessss too.

You are no match for me Cuntnutz. :lol: :LOL:

You think Sweden did no shutdowns, no social distancing, no masks :hys: Jesus, you are the alpha retard aren't you?

They took mitigation measures. The big difference is their country is not full of retards, the people can be trusted to do the right thing.
Krull":2hacpm1c said:
And no, the majority never wear masks. Stupid Cuntnutz. :lol: :LOL:

I'd wear a full face mask 24/7 if I looked like this..

Krull":2x5baq20 said:
CNutz":2x5baq20 said:
Krull":2x5baq20 said:
Ya, did you know Trump is in charge of Sweden too? Let me guess, they were wearing masks and social distancing and shutting down businessss too.

You are no match for me Cuntnutz. :lol: :LOL:

You think Sweden did no shutdowns, no social distancing, no masks :hys: Jesus, you are the alpha retard aren't you?

They took mitigation measures. The big difference is their country is not full of retards, the people can be trusted to do the right thing.

Prove it fuck face. They didn't even come close to doing what the USA did. And no, the majority never wear masks. Stupid Cuntnutz. :lol: :LOL:

Closed high schools universities
Business open but reduced hours
Restaurants at reduced capacity

Swedes have been asked to keep their distance in public, refrain from non-essential travel, and work from home when possible. Gatherings of more than 50 people are also banned. People age 70 and over are advised to stay away from others as much as possible.

You can look it up for yourself.

Our first round of shut downs in the US, I fully agree was retarded. We now know we can work around the virus without totally shutting down all non-essential.
I'd say we are now doing a similar approach to what Sweden did. With the exception of more people wearing face masks, and some states making it a requirement.
Krull":xlbtyg0x said:
I can't find a damn thing about Sweden closing schools or shutting down anything for that matter. No one wears masks, it's actually discouraged. And yet look at the chart. Trump did a good job. ... 20(Reuters)%20%2D%20Swedish%20high,prime%20minister%20said%20on%20Friday.

Pay special attention to the first paragraph

STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - Swedish high schools will re-open for on-site education on June 15 after having been closed since mid-March to limit the novel coronavirus outbreak in the country , the prime minister said on Friday.

Anything else fucktard? :lol: :LOL:
CNutz":1vvutddi said:
Picasso":1vvutddi said:
Krull":1vvutddi said:
And no, the majority never wear masks. Stupid Cuntnutz. :lol: :LOL:

I'd wear a full face mask 24/7 if I looked like this..


Say's the tosser hiding behind an avatar of a pussy sheriff that thinks he's a cowboy from up north :hys: David Clark the fake cowboy democrat, that love's Trump :lol: :LOL:

Don't you have some spotted dick to finish up?

Whatever you say Sloth, Rocky Road?

I see a gay :emofag: :grim: Krull rabbit hole opening. You're trying to lead me into it. I said Sweden did do shutdowns, I proved it. Now you're pissed :lol: :LOL:
Perhaps your buddy WGAF will get in that hole with you.