The night James Hetfield called me and my buddy " dicks "

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Man metallica is a weird band.

After they ran out of Dave and Cliff's ideas its like they are literally incapable of writing good music.

It's a really odd situation, because they are the biggest metal band in the world, and havent written anything worth a shit in like 40 years.

Those early tunes certainly are killer though, especially the first two albums. IMO RTL is by far the most consistent and best album of their career.

Master and Justice have their moments but anyone who says they don't skip 2/3 of the tracks is lying their ass off.

Haha, I read your post and thought it was my quote. I use to say that exact same thing. "Once they ran out of Mustaines riffs...."
Haha, I read your post and thought it was my quote. I use to say that exact same thing. "Once they ran out of Mustaines riffs...."

Great minds, and all ?

I'm sure we're not the only ones to have this thought ?
Great minds, and all ?

I'm sure we're not the only ones to have this thought ?
I don't like Hetfield. Always thought he was a dickhead. At least Mustaine has some what of a personality, as much of a dickhead he is.
Man metallica is a weird band.

After they ran out of Dave and Cliff's ideas its like they are literally incapable of writing good music.

It's a really odd situation, because they are the biggest metal band in the world, and havent written anything worth a shit in like 40 years.

Those early tunes certainly are killer though, especially the first two albums. IMO RTL is by far the most consistent and best album of their career.

Master and Justice have their moments but anyone who says they don't skip 2/3 of the tracks is lying their ass off.
Justice yes, but the only skip on Master for me is The Thing That Should Not be.

As I’ve gotten older I’ve grown to hate these kinds of moments in concerts. Breakdown sing alongs, drum solo’s, guitar solo pieces. All I see is filler to pad the time or give a singer a break, or time to get a quick sniff, glass of wine or blowjob under the stage when you could have got 3-4 more songs, hopefully fun deep cuts. Sure, when I was beginning guitar I ate up good live solo spots but that was in the 80’s when guitar, post Eddie and Randy, got really interesting for a minute. I think what cured me was Zakk on the No Rest tour. At about the 15 minute mark of his solo it was just total noise and gets ridiculous because especially with the small vocabulary he has on guitar, he can get done in 2 minutes ?
I don’t mind a good spot used to show off a bit, that involves the whole band.

Who am I kidding. I haven’t seen an arena show since the 90’s…the sound is usually bad and there weren’t any bands I wanted to see playing them…? Christ, I just realized I haven’t seen live music, period, in 17 years.
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You must have forgotten Leper Messiah is on side two XD
Nah, I like that one too. It’s certainly not near as strong as the others but I still dig it. Plus I’ll take it over anything they’ve produced since 1991.
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Nah, I like one too. It’s certainly not near as strong as the others but I still dig it. Plus I’ll take it over anything they’ve produced since 1991.
The only good part in LM is the double time section in the middle. Basically Mustaine's part with a good Hammett solo.

I think its awful except for the middle double time section, as gary said.

Justice yes, but the only skip on Master for me is The Thing That Should Not be.

As I’ve gotten older I’ve grown to hate these kinds of moments in concerts. Breakdown sing alongs, drum solo’s, guitar solo pieces. All I see is filler to pad the time or give a singer a break, or time to get a quick sniff, glass of wine or blowjob under the stage when you could have got 3-4 more songs, hopefully fun deep cuts. Sure, when I was beginning guitar I ate up good live solo spots but that was in the 80’s when guitar post Eddie and Randy got really interesting for a minute. I think what cured me was Zakk on the No Rest tour. At about the 15 minute mark of his solo it was just total noise and gets ridiculous because especially with the small vocabulary he has on guitar, he can get done in 2 minutes ?
I don’t mind a good spot used to show off a bit, that involves the whole band.

Who am I kidding. I haven’t seen an arena show since the 90’s…the sound is usually bad and there weren’t any bands I wanted to see playing them…? Christ, I just realized I haven’t seen live music, period, in 17 years.

You aren't missing out, Metallica live has gone downhill in a huge way since the 90s. I've never been huge on solo spots that last longer than a minute or two - probably the coolest i've ever seen was Kari from (formerly, now) Tyr doing a monster drum solo that was 3-4 minutes. Still the best drum sound I've ever heard.
I think its awful except for the middle double time section, as gary said.

You aren't missing out, Metallica live has gone downhill in a huge way since the 90s. I've never been huge on solo spots that last longer than a minute or two - probably the coolest i've ever seen was Kari from (formerly, now) Tyr doing a monster drum solo that was 3-4 minutes. Still the best drum sound I've ever heard.
I love seeing Metallica live, i always will. However, the bullshit filler that Kirk and Rob do, as the call it, a doodle is an absolute dumpster fire. It's sound awful, they put about 14 seconds of thought into and it doesn't really showcase anything. Which goes to prove its the sum of the parts in that band that make them who they are. Remove any one of them and it's just not there. The other part is every time I've seen them, they fuck up something, forgotten lyrics, fucked up solos, fucked up sound, etc. My wife and I recently saw Toto and Journey, Bryan Adams and Dave Stewart's Eurythmics. Every one of them were at the top of their performances, which given Lukather and Schon, I'd expect nothing less. Metallica has been doing this shit over 40 plus years, why can't they perfect it yet? Still going to pay stupid money to see them again this leg of the US tour.
I love seeing Metallica live, i always will. However, the bullshit filler that Kirk and Rob do, as the call it, a doodle is an absolute dumpster fire. It's sound awful, they put about 14 seconds of thought into and it doesn't really showcase anything. Which goes to prove its the sum of the parts in that band that make them who they are. Remove any one of them and it's just not there. The other part is every time I've seen them, they fuck up something, forgotten lyrics, fucked up solos, fucked up sound, etc. My wife and I recently saw Toto and Journey, Bryan Adams and Dave Stewart's Eurythmics. Every one of them were at the top of their performances, which given Lukather and Schon, I'd expect nothing less. Metallica has been doing this shit over 40 plus years, why can't they perfect it yet? Still going to pay stupid money to see them again this leg of the US tour.

Yeah I could never bring myself to pay that much money to watch a band fuck up songs and milk time with 15 minute "solos"

Considering how much Metallica tickets cost, you might wanna reconsider as well brother XD
Yeah I could never bring myself to pay that much money to watch a band fuck up songs and milk time with 15 minute "solos"

Considering how much Metallica tickets cost, you might wanna reconsider as well brother XD
and to think .... I literally paid 10 bucks for my ticket .... I think the price on the ticket was around 20 ... we did buy them off a kid that couldn't go ...
Not a huge fan of the band. One of my buddies in Maui was at Cheeseburger in Paradise years ago. JH sent his kid up to ask if he could play some complex Beethoven tune on his Strat. Needless to say, no. But he was a real dick about it to my buddy, Harry Troupe, and then put 1 penny in the tip jar. This was 17 years ago, I believe. Not surprised he called you a dick. Egos...sheesh! Harry would smoke James like a joint.
Not a huge fan of the band. One of my buddies in Maui was at Cheeseburger in Paradise years ago. JH sent his kid up to ask if he could play some complex Beethoven tune on his Strat. Needless to say, no. But he was a real dick about it to my buddy, Harry Troupe, and then put 1 penny in the tip jar. This was 17 years ago, I believe. Not surprised he called you a dick. Egos...sheesh! Harry would smoke James like a joint.

Ego is right!

"My kid is entitled to play your guitar" good lord
what cured me was Zakk on the No Rest tour. At about the 15 minute mark of his solo it was just total noise and gets ridiculous because especially with the small vocabulary he has on guitar, he can get done in 2 minutes ?
He was at it when I saw Zakk Sabbath earlier this year too, though I think I got lucky and Zakk called it quits before hitting 15 minutes of wankery. Still, he had enough time to widdly-widdly on stage, walk off stage up the stairs onto the balcony to widdly-widdly there, then walk back down to the stage again and widdle some more. The widdling didn't stop during the walking either.
Man if it weren't for their absolutely killer first 4 albums, I wouldn't give two shits about Metallica now :ROFLMAO:

They're mutli millionaires who have made their bank and have no reason to be angry any longer. Once the anger and fire are dead, the good music will follow suit.
Man if it weren't for their absolutely killer first 4 albums, I wouldn't give two shits about Metallica now :ROFLMAO:

They're mutli millionaires who have made their bank and have no reason to be angry any longer. Once the anger and fire are dead, the good music will follow suit.