The Official Epic Pics / Gifs / Vids, Threads & Riffs Thread

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Bout time. I've wanted to do this for awhile. Post 'em if you got 'em. :yes:

MonkeyMan/Mods - please do not move this to Off Topic. We will keep this clean enough an political free. If we move it there it will get destroyed :D

Plus we need something here that is light hearted and fun, especially for those that dare NOT enter the OT. Similar to GGF's thread.

Rule #1 - No political BS please. If you are that compelled, make your own thread in teh OT.
Rule #2 - No nudity, harassments, threats or other off put bullshit. This is a great community. Don't be that guy.


I will kick it off and I'm going to reserve some space for Epic Threads so start collecting those, even from other forums like TGP and old HCAF.



3 days is a small price to pay for 100% peace-of-mind brother. :dunno:

As you'd know, I afford all but the most-obvious bots this privilege.
I've done a search but can't find what the limit is on file sizes. Also what types of files are allowed. Anybody keen?
I'm not aware of any limit mate, but good forum etiquette would be to keep the size to a minimum.

I mean, just think of all the pics and GIFs the server's had to store for OTC. :LOL:
I'm not aware of any limit mate, but good forum etiquette would be to keep the size to a minimum.

I mean, just think of all the pics and GIFs the server's had to store for OTC. :LOL:

I've heard you say your photo upload ability comes and goes. I have the same issue but mostly with gif files. Yesterday I had a 23 second long mp4 and converted it to gif but no matter what I tried it wouldn't post until I got the file size below 6 MB.

I don't know if it's because I got the file small enough or I cut the frames in the gif from 578 to 200. This made it choppy but still pretty good. The thing is that I wasted a good amount of time on it and if there were some sort of guidelines it would've been helpful.
Sounds like you've already discovered a rough limit mate.

My upload speed's horrendous but perhaps someone could export a pic at several different sizes and determine what the limit is.

I'll give it a go but it could take a while. I also don't have a camera and know I don't have any big images...
691818-large-big-cats-wallpaper-3840x2160-xiaomi 9.3mb.jpg

OK, This was the largest one I could "create" using the Mac's factory editor - 9.3mb.

Didn't know how to make it any bigger. Tried editing it but this was as big as I could get it.

Point is it's certainly not a 6mb limit. IMHO pics and GIFs should be kept practically-small for the benefit of members' browsing experiences, as I suggested earlier... and server space.

HTH mate.