I like you Monkeyman. You are a good moderator and you don’t take anything personally, and don’t seem to sweat the small stuff.
Hey, thank you for the compliment brother; much-appreciated!
In my defense, I guaranty that you can’t find one male on this board that votes Dem that wouldn’t also place his mouth over another man’s penis, so I’m not defaming anyone. If a guy can take a large penis up his butthole, a few words from me ain’t going to cause him any pain. With the shit we have put up with from the left we have earned a bit of fun, not to mention these folks are cheering on the downfall of our country, evidenced by every clown world policy they support, and every lie that comes out of their mouths. Just boot all of the traitorous fucks on this site, and problem solved.
Again, no disrespect to you personally
None taken brother.
I hear you 100% man.
Coupla things:
You can talk about
anything -
that's freedom.
We only ask that it be done without disrespecting the mods, overt racism, porn pics and sexual ad-hom describing acts of members in their private sex lives.
Constant back-and-forth in kindergarten-style tit-for-tats and games of one-upmanship, apart from ruining what is a good vibe for most (it gets tiresome and peeps have to scroll through it), achieve nothing. Zero. Nada. If there's any hope of helping someone to see the light, it starts with a good idea, planting a seed, leading by example and so on. I mean, we all know this.
The alternative is this. It never gets old when dogs do it, but humans, not so much:
Anywho, I'm not sweatin' this one iota and I hope you can still see some utility in remaining semi-active even 'though there's a behavioural "limitation" in-place to help maintain a "wholesome" community vibe.
At least you can talk about anything. Posting where the primary purpose is abuse has well-established homes on the 'net, such as 4chan.
Lastly, you're wrong about the owner. Sure, he's put ads and a home page in-place in order to help justify RT's existence, but he's always been fantastic as a boss; he lets us run the forum how we see fit 'cause he respects the heritage and the fact that we're not your run-of-the-mill rock-geetar forum.
All-Good mate. Have a good one.