The Original Marshall Vintage might be my favorite speaker for a Marshall....

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Another thing is that the changing T codes usually meant a design difference. But sometimes T code désignations were changed for other reasons. One amp manufacturer would have an OEM model made exclusively for them so it got badged with its own T code. But then another company wanted that same model for their own products. So Celestion, in order to avoid a legal mess with company 1 would put out the same speaker with a new T number and label for company 2. It’s basically the Steve Freyette/VHT story but I‘ve read here and there about other accounts of this too.
In the case with the 80s Vintages, most are 8 ohm from what I've seen. There's only 1 T code for the 8 ohm M Vintage; T3896. Since they still make the 8 ohm today per VES, that means that the formula for the cone changed in some way to make the newer ones have an extended top end.
Vs the 16 ohm, which were T3897 in the 80s cabs and now are T3987 since 91 and are noticeably brighter. So, the 8 ohm kept the same T code, but got brighter, vs the 16 ohm that got a new code and also got brighter.
Strange and mysterious, this Celestion company. 👻
I never reference in the room fyi when I’m writing here, all my experiences come from close mic’d. What’s considered big low end to you? Like Give me an example?

I mean this is just a bullshit clip, but this is just a v30 and a 57. Plenty huge to me….
Thanks for the clip, will check it out when I get home.

Big low end, hmm….Typically the speakers I have liked and used are more GB ish…T1511 55hz 20 watt GB’s are what I used for many years till they finally gave out. Never really found anything to replace them since.
Classic Leads /CL80’s. Reg 25 watt GB’s are ok. Redbacks and EV’s. WGS British Lead, ET65’s, VHT P50’s.
Recently picked up a vintage Hiwatt cab, front loaded with Fanes. Still figuring those out, different animal.

All of those I can run the bass pretty low and treble around noon on the amp and be happy with the feel. Hook up a V30 and I am always thinking, where did the bass and highs go? Best I can do is run the v30 and add some of the RB to get some lows and highs.
Thanks for the clip, will check it out when I get home.

Big low end, hmm….Typically the speakers I have liked and used are more GB ish…T1511 55hz 20 watt GB’s are what I used for many years till they finally gave out. Never really found anything to replace them since.
Classic Leads /CL80’s. Reg 25 watt GB’s are ok. Redbacks and EV’s. WGS British Lead, ET65’s, VHT P50’s.
Recently picked up a vintage Hiwatt cab, front loaded with Fanes. Still figuring those out, different animal.

All of those I can run the bass pretty low and treble around noon on the amp and be happy with the feel. Hook up a V30 and I am always thinking, where did the bass and highs go? Best I can do is run the v30 and add some of the RB to get some lows and highs.
I wonder if your cab has something to do with no lows/highs out of the V30? Keep in mind I'm not a big V30 fan; other than with Mesas and now these older Marshall Vintages. But in Mesa cabs, THUNDEROUS low end with Marks and Rectos (bass on 3-4 on rectos) and Jubilees also had plenty of tight lows. These two cabs now are an 800 slant, and a 1992 Anniversary Marshall straight cab. Definitely not lacking in lows with those vintages in those 2 cabs.
They aren't as huge as my JBL D120 lows, but I doubt many other speakers can come close to those other than a 15' JBL.
I wonder if your cab has something to do with no lows/highs out of the V30? Keep in mind I'm not a big V30 fan; other than with Mesas and now these older Marshall Vintages. But in Mesa cabs, THUNDEROUS low end with Marks and Rectos (bass on 3-4 on rectos) and Jubilees also had plenty of tight lows. These two cabs now are an 800 slant, and a 1992 Anniversary Marshall straight cab. Definitely not lacking in lows with those vintages in those 2 cabs.
They aren't as huge as my JBL D120 lows, but I doubt many other speakers can come close to those other than a 15' JBL.
I really don’t know. The v30/RB mix I have been recording with are in the bottom of a Mesa OS slant cab. Not sure how old that cab is. There were a pair of UK V30’s in the Hiwatt cab but mixed with two original Fanes. Haven’t tried micing up that one speaker yet. Other than that I have tried them in most of my cabs at one time or another…VHT FB 4-12 and 212’s, Wizard V front 412 and 212. Don’t think I have tried them in my basketweave cabs.
Using the Triple Recto thru the OS cab, the low end is crazy big, bass is on zero when I use it.

Playing live it was many years with my loaded plexi rig, og 5150 thru the T1511’s…then the UL thru the P50’s (also tried V30’s, H 30’s etc) then Wizard Metal till I got my MC1…used GB’s in the 412’s. Now I am old and just use 212’s 😄 and not playing out much. Hard to find a speaker for a 212 that is a GB sound but higher wattage…
I really don’t know. The v30/RB mix I have been recording with are in the bottom of a Mesa OS slant cab. Not sure how old that cab is. There were a pair of UK V30’s in the Hiwatt cab but mixed with two original Fanes. Haven’t tried micing up that one speaker yet. Other than that I have tried them in most of my cabs at one time or another…VHT FB 4-12 and 212’s, Wizard V front 412 and 212. Don’t think I have tried them in my basketweave cabs.
Using the Triple Recto thru the OS cab, the low end is crazy big, bass is on zero when I use it.

Playing live it was many years with my loaded plexi rig, og 5150 thru the T1511’s…then the UL thru the P50’s (also tried V30’s, H 30’s etc) then Wizard Metal till I got my MC1…used GB’s in the 412’s. Now I am old and just use 212’s 😄 and not playing out much. Hard to find a speaker for a 212 that is a GB sound but higher wattage…
If you can find the first version G12 65, the T3120 from 78/79 they are the brightest version of a 65 and remind me of a high wattage GB. Really great at high volume; lower volume good but much better loud. Not as tight a low end as a V30 but more similar to a GB in that respect.

I had a 1974 Marshall slant with those 8 ohm 1511s. Definitely more lows and scooped mids compared to the more common 1221s. I couldn't believe they were greenbacks, with such scooped mids lol
If you can find the first version G12 65, the T3120 from 78/79 they are the brightest version of a 65 and remind me of a high wattage GB. Really great at high volume; lower volume good but much better loud. Not as tight a low end as a V30 but more similar to a GB in that respect.

I had a 1974 Marshall slant with those 8 ohm 1511s. Definitely more lows and scooped mids compared to the more common 1221s. I couldn't believe they were greenbacks, with such scooped mids lol
Had two cabs loaded ith them. These T1511’s were 55 hz 16 ohm from ’68, really great sounding. Mine were not scooped though, nice balanced speaker. The other cab loaded with them was brighter and not as loud.

I remember you mentioning those 65’s, the ones Ihad were in a JCM 800 cab and were pretty dull.
Apperently these 16 ohm Marshall Vintage speakers have nothing in their tone that sets them apart from a regular 16 ohm Vintage 30. Just saying.
I'm not sure where the whole all tone controls around noon thing started. I have heard this countless times from many different individuals. ... But I think it's completely bull shit.

I might drastically change my settings if I change guitars or cabs I am using.
I don't hesitate to turn a knob all the way up or off if it gets the sound I want.

To me it's like saying I only drive my car 35mph. Much faster or slower doesn't work for me. So I drive the same speed no matter what road I am on or what vehicle I am driving.
Apperently these 16 ohm Marshall Vintage speakers have nothing in their tone that sets them apart from a regular 16 ohm Vintage 30. Just saying.
This thread is mostly about the first version 1985-1990 8 ohm only Marshall Vintage...which is FAR DIFFERENT than any other version of a V30. They did make a 16 ohm version that went into the Jubilee combos, but I've not heard or even seen a 80s version 16 ohm cab.
Had two cabs loaded ith them. These T1511’s were 55 hz 16 ohm from ’68, really great sounding. Mine were not scooped though, nice balanced speaker. The other cab loaded with them was brighter and not as loud.

I remember you mentioning those 65’s, the ones Ihad were in a JCM 800 cab and were pretty dull.
Those would probably have been the T3054; which are far darker than the T3120 from 78/79. The T3054 is the most common 65 from what I've seen.
It'd be interesting to buy one and put it in my 89 cab to hear the differences........may have to do this. I'll be expecting it to be sizzly bright compared to my 89s.
Too many variables when comparing old/new speakers to contend with to draw any definite conclusions. Cones may absorb moisture or dry out, suspensions may loosen up if the speaker’s been pushed hard for years. Also voice coils can get affected by the speaker working at or near it’s thermal limit over time as well.
Too many variables when comparing old/new speakers to contend with to draw any definite conclusions. Cones may absorb moisture or dry out, suspensions may loosen up if the speaker’s been pushed hard for years. Also voice coils can get affected by the speaker working at or near it’s thermal limit over time as well.
Well, if it has an extended high end like the 90s versions have it should be pretty obvious. But at 240 shipped across the pond, I don’t know if it’s THAT pressing an issue lol.