The Reissue Dual Rec is Modeled after a Rev G, NOT Rev F

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Never did a ton of research, just plug in with a boost and see what happens - but aside from the FX loop difference, did the circuit change from C, F, G or was the difference in tone from the transformers. My guess is the circuit would be similar except for maybe component variances. All I remember is SteveK giving me Recto wisdom in that the G = Good, the F = F'n Awesome
Agree to disagree ?‍♂️ Rev C Rectos are for people that dislike Rectos in general and want a “modded Marshall” with a different mid focus.
Seriously? So Rev C’s sound like excessively bright, fizzy, modded Marshalls?
Have you ever actually played a C?
I have owned a couple rev f duals, several rev g duals and triples, dual and triple 3ch solo head, dual and triple MW heads (still own triple MW), 4 tremoverbs (still own a 93’), 3 roadsters, 3 RKiis. I have also played a C side by side a rev g and rkii.

My thoughts: my favorites were the rkii, rev f, mw triple and tremoverb but especially with the older amps the particular amp makes a difference. I kept the current tremoverb I have now because it I like it more than all the others it’s probably my favorite one I have owned to date. The rev c is brighter and crunchier true, but it loses the “canvas” quality a bit and couldn’t achieve the thicker quality of some of the later ones. It also had the mark iii effect where played for an extended time could become fatiguing to the ear. Cool amp for sure but also had a shit clean if that matters.
I could never get along with the roadster, too dark and lacks something in the punch department, just softer darker and weaker feeling. Second least favorite is the single recto cuz the lack of power, third would be the 100w solo head. Ymmv
Whatever it’s supposed to be, I’ve not been wow’d by anything I’ve heard so far, it just sounds.. neutered?? Like not dumpy with that kind of fizzy top I expect a dual recto?
I'm thinking about picking up a Road King to go along with my Tremoverb and Triple G.

I only played on a few briefly. What's the difference between the Road King / Road King II / Road King II Rev 2 ???

(Not sure if I have II Rev names right)
I found the Gs, both Dual and Triples to have no bounce whatsoever, terrible feel for lead work. The F was a revelation in that regard. Gs seemed to be rhythm only amps, at least the 5 (3 early G Duals, 2 Triples) that I had.
F Triples and the C I had were great lead amps, and had a much faster response.
Maybe those Gs needed new tubes? But, I've never noticed a change in feel with new tubes. It seemed to be a commonality between the revisions, since all 5 Gs had that same flat feel.
See i had the opposite experience. I had an old rev f that i couldnt get right, and was always dry sounding for a lack of a better description. My rev g has more mid content, and even with my weird settings, sounds brutal, tight, and fluid. Just easier to play. Ive owned several different rectos over the years, and theyve all been different. Even a tremoverb that just sounded dead to me. My rev g duall i have now thats been through the ringer is always my goto, and just kills. Would like to get a rev c oneday tho….
I would be happy to participate in a reamp fest of different rectos.

I get we all have memories of our experience with amps we have HAD but why not let everyone hear for themselves?
When I listen to unboosted Rev F vs Rev G demos, I hear a very, very slight difference. The Rev F is like, 3% tighter and brighter. Also these demos are never done with the knobs at extreme settings so I always wonder if just turning up the Treble or Presence on the G would eliminate the differences further. However once the amps are boosted, the differences are even less pronounced.

Seriously, listen to these amps (MW, Rev F Triple with EL34's, Rev G Dual, Rev F Dual) and tell me with a straight face that the Dual F and Dual G are "significantly different." They're about as close as two amps can get without being identical. I swear I've heard other demos with two amps of the actual same make and model that sound more different than these amps in this video. Awesome video, btw.

People on the internet tend to exaggerate things. A lot.

Yep, couldn't agree more. Amps, tubes, speakers...most times, highly exaggerated in terms of differences between type/version/etc. Not always but like you said... "A Lot". I'll listen to Jason comparo clip later, but I'd bet in the room, the difference is like you said, may 3%, or may even 5%, but that's gonna be perceived differently by people. Not everyone can tell or cares about 3-5% and others it might mean they have to have it. Such a weird fucking thing this gear game.
Agree to disagree ?‍♂️ Rev C Rectos are for people that dislike Rectos in general and want a “modded Marshall” with a different mid focus.
I gotta disagree big time with all due respect of course. I may not have had as many as you, but did AB 3 different Rev C’s with the same exact tubes to be fair as well as AB it with a Rev D and 2 Rev F Triples and have tried 4 Rev C’s total. They don’t sound anything like any modded Marshall I’ve had when AB’ed (including lots of Cameron’s among others). They sound basically like other Recto’s with more teeth/aggression and clarity. I could on any of the Rev C’s I’ve played dime the presence and treble (not that I prefer that) and it’s still a much darker and fatter, low mid dominant sound when AB’ed with the Marshall 2203’s I’ve had, SLO’s, Wizard’s, Naylor’s and a few others. Those amps are way brighter with much higher sitting mids, no contest. They’re still dark, fat amps that are only bright relative to other Recto’s IME. And I’m a huge recto fan fwiw that grew up in the ‘90’s. I love my Marshall’s too, but the Rev C (and other Recto’s) is top 3 for my taste, while my favorite Marshall’s (modded or stock) would fall just a little outside that (still love them too)
Yep, couldn't agree more. Amps, tubes, speakers...most times, highly exaggerated in terms of differences between type/version/etc. Not always but like you said... "A Lot". I'll listen to Jason comparo clip later, but I'd bet in the room, the difference is like you said, may 3%, or may even 5%, but that's gonna be perceived differently by people. Not everyone can tell or cares about 3-5% and others it might mean they have to have it. Such a weird fucking thing this gear game.
We all hear things differently, but to me these differences are more often than not pretty big or at least enough for it to make or break my experience with the gear as being magical must haves vs just nice but I don’t need it
I gotta disagree big time with all due respect of course. I may not have had as many as you, but did AB 3 different Rev C’s with the same exact tubes to be fair as well as AB it with a Rev D and 2 Rev F Triples and have tried 4 Rev C’s total. They don’t sound anything like any modded Marshall I’ve had when AB’ed (including lots of Cameron’s among others). They sound basically like other Recto’s with more teeth/aggression and clarity. I could on any of the Rev C’s I’ve played dime the presence and treble (not that I prefer that) and it’s still a much darker and fatter, low mid dominant sound when AB’ed with the Marshall 2203’s I’ve had, SLO’s, Wizard’s, Naylor’s and a few others. Those amps are way brighter with much higher sitting mids, no contest. They’re still dark, fat amps that are only bright relative to other Recto’s IME. And I’m a huge recto fan fwiw that grew up in the ‘90’s. I love my Marshall’s too, but the Rev C (and other Recto’s) is top 3 for my taste, while my favorite Marshall’s (modded or stock) would fall just a little outside that (still love them too)
All good! If everyone thought like me, it would be boring as hell ? I’m not saying a C sounds like a modded Marshall. I’m saying they seem to be appealing to the same crowd that usually gravitates toward “that” type of sound. I joke Rev Cs are Rectos for the people that hate Rectos, haha. When I think of the “Recto sound” that defined a decade and many genres of music, it’s the Rev G (honorable mention to F which is close).

I’m also the oddball that seems to love the opposite of everyone else. I prefer F and G to anything that came before, and I like the OG 3 channel better than the MW ?‍♂️ As far as straight tone, anyway. MW kills it on versatility and options.
All good! If everyone thought like me, it would be boring as hell ? I’m not saying a C sounds like a modded Marshall. I’m saying they seem to be appealing to the same crowd that usually gravitates toward “that” type of sound. I joke Rev Cs are Rectos for the people that hate Rectos, haha. When I think of the “Recto sound” that defined a decade and many genres of music, it’s the Rev G (honorable mention to F which is close).

I’m also the oddball that seems to love the opposite of everyone else. I prefer F and G to anything that came before, and I like the OG 3 channel better than the MW ?‍♂️ As far as straight tone, anyway. MW kills it on versatility and options.
Yes, disagreements are a necessary spice for sure. Agreements are boring. I think they appeal to guy’s like myself that generally just prefer tones that are more raw, gritty, rough around the edges and vintage Marshall’s by nature tend to be one version of that vs Friedman for example totally ruining that for me. I really hate tones that are too smooth or muffled. Maybe tones that are perfect for you would be too polite/smooth or rolled of for my taste, who knows. There’s no doubt that a G or F defined the sound as that’s what they used, but a C to me is what they should’ve used in a perfect world. A more toothy, aggressive version of that sound with more complexity/interesting stuff going on around the notes. I also fwiw only use the orange ch as I always found the red to sound to bland tonally and too smooth for my taste. For me the orange ch defines that iconic throaty gravely growl like a fire breathing dragon that I’ve only gotten on these 2 ch Recto’s. It’s been one or my favorite sounds ever since I first picked up the guitar at age 14

I also just got fwiw a mark iic the other day (not a +) and it might be the most unsmooth/rough around the edges amp I’ve tried so far. I think the c+ is a better all around amp, but for a lot of what I like I’m in heaven lol
Does anyone know what Rectifier the Synergy DRect is based upon?

Is it a completely new version or based upon a previous one?
Well, guess I’ll stack it against an F and G and see what all the fuss is about ?


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This thread makes it clear people's taste are all over the place. Taste is subjective. Individual amps and rigs vary.

I definitely prefer Red over Orange. That for me has been consistent with all the ones I have played on.

I remember the first time I had three Tremoverb in a room together. I was surprised how different they sounded.
Yep, differences in taste make the world go round. I’ve always been an Orange Modern guy.