THE Rockman thread

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Man this is the second Rockman post I've seen .
I don't care what others say or think .
I think they sound great !!!
I had forgot that I had a rockman sustainer until I read these .
I'm not even sure why and when I got rid of it ?
Wish I still had it !!!
Did our log on info transfer to the new forum? Are you able to get any of the old content?
Sorry for the bad news, but the old forum was lost in a database crash. Patrick wasn't able to recover it. We have to start again...
Shark Diver":jvu3i8v1 said:
As opposed to the too tight, overly sterile tones of today ;)

Agreed! :yes:

I used a TS9 into a model 100 Sustainor/Chorus-Echo in 1986, and made some cool sounding original recordings with it.

If George Lynch went back to using his TS9/Rockman/Marshall rig... It just worked well for his playing style. Something about the Rockman makes it easy to get a more playable tone and feel, but you're locked into THAT tone.
TrueTone - could you expand on the TS9 into the Sustainor. In front or in the loop? How did you set the TS9? How was Lynch using this setup?

Will have to try this with my XPR when I get home :)
ned911":3a2rqie1 said:
TrueTone - could you expand on the TS9 into the Sustainor. In front or in the loop? How did you set the TS9? How was Lynch using this setup?

Will have to try this with my XPR when I get home :)
George used a ABY switch > TS9 > 2 x Rockman X100's mounted in 'Rockmount' racks > effects return of 2 x 100 watt Marshall JCM800 heads. He set one Rockmount to clean, and the other to distortion.

*Not to dis the XPR, but I personally could not get that unit to sound as good as the Sustainor or the X100.

Another excellent 80's tone setup is an X100 plugged into the front of a NMV Super Lead 100 (bright cap removed). Set the TS9 to taste... TS9 > Sustainor > Roland RE-301 chorus-echo > Marshall Super Lead is a stupendous rig! This rig was as close as I've ever been to getting first album Boston guitar tone.
TrueTone500":1r8k41tn said:
The Rockman... When you just have to have that grotesquely polished, overly compressed 1980's sound! :lol: :LOL:

That is somewhat true with the Rockman headphone amplifiers, the compressor has fixed settings. With the Sustainor and Distortion Generator, the story is different. You can adjust the compressor. You can also use EQ's more easily with the Sustainor and Distortion Generator.

The Distortion Generator has a built-in pre-distortion EQ and is frequently paired with a Rockman Instrument Equalizer for post-distortion EQ. This allows you all kinds of control over the sound. The Sustainor can be also be used with a pair of Rockman Instrument Equalizers to provide pre and post-distortion EQ, allowing even more control.

The XP Series adds programmability to that. It has a built-in 3 band pre-distortion EQ and 5 band post-distortion EQ that can have up to 100 presets.

I think I know what you mean, that "Epic" sustain, plus chorus and echo kind of lead sound. It's hard to get away from that on the headphone amps, but the Rockmodules and XP series give you a lot more options.


Dont forget to truly capture the rockman sound in all its glory you need full range cabs, or better yet, the rockman cabs- although there were only 50 made..My xpr is the cats meow for me, better all around for me than the sust. or DG.The key is to use at least 2 eqs for the sus. & DG( my dg has an added pre eq insert point), but with one eq in the loop of my xpr its killin it.goes way beyond boston tones, will almost do death metal.When I play out in my 80s tribute band w/ the xpr,the F.O.H. guy every time comments on how good the tone is compared to everything out there today.He told me he personally liked the the tone I got better than the ax fx, kemper, and line 6 bands he's ran before.The only pieces I am looking for is the pg 2,the rackmount dual loop,and maybe the xpra..but the hyperspace pedal is where its at if you wanna go all the way. :)


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The web site is back on the air. It is a forum for SR&D equipment users. It's intended to provide a forum on the Internet for the users of SR&D designed gear, along with the re-released equipment sold by Dunlop. It's my hope to continue the community provided by Patrick Pearce all these years.

Many thanks go to Patrick for giving the Rockman community its own place on the Internet. I had hoped to retain the old accounts and posts. Unfortunately the old board was lost in a database failure and the accounts and postings from the old board are unavailable. We'll have to start over. If you had an account in the past, you will have to create a new one. The account creation process will ask you a question about Rockman products. This was necessary because of all the automated forum spamming that goes on these days. See Wikipedia and for the answers. The URL is:

If you are a die-hard Rockman user, this might be just the place for you.


XPR is basically a programmable X100 :)

Did he run the TS9 into the X100 - push the X100? or switch between the TS9 and the X100's?

I'll post a pic of my stuff on the new forum.
ned911":2nyxe892 said:
Did he run the TS9 into the X100 - push the X100? or switch between the TS9 and the X100's?

He ran the TS9 in front of the X100. Guitar > TS9 > X100 in Rockmount > amp effects return...

To place an OD in front of an amp (back in the day) was referred to as 'pushing' or 'hitting' the amp. I must be getting old. :aww:
i had one back in the day. X-100. 1989-ish lol....never got to try it through a real amp so i can't really comment on it aside from that it was ....i dunno...."ok" lol
That's the beauty of it. You can still try an X-100 now. I have a 25 year old SR&D Ace. It still works.
When ZZ Top released Afterburner, and everyone was like; "What the fuck happened to Billy's guitar tone? It sucks!"

Good songs - shit guitar tones; courtesy of the Tom Scholtz Rockman.

Terry Manning's response when asked about the Eliminator sessions, and the Billy's use of the Tom Scholtz 'Rockman' guitar processor...

"THERE WAS ABSOLUTELY NO ROCKMAN USED ON THIS (Eliminator) RECORDING! Not a little bit, not a tiny bit, NOT ANY! I don’t know how these stories get started. Billy may indeed have used Rockman at a later date, after I left the situation, but I did not allow it when I was working with him. He did bring one in to try, but I was not satisfied with the sound, compared to an amplifier..."
- Terry Manning ... e-rockman/

Honest to goodness tube amp tone! :thumbsup:
Lynch NEVER used the Rockman in that way...they went to FOH only, NOT into Marshalls. He only heard the TS9/Marshall on stage...the Rockmans were blended in for the audience, they are to be used full range, they suck any other way. ULAK was recorded like this, Rockman blended in (into the board direct full range) along with the Marshalls and Laney AORs.
paulyc":1upttvpu said:
Lynch NEVER used the Rockman in that way...they went to FOH only, NOT into Marshalls. He only heard the TS9/Marshall on stage...the Rockmans were blended in for the audience, they are to be used full range, they suck any other way. ULAK was recorded like this, Rockman blended in (into the board direct full range) along with the Marshalls and Laney AORs.
Then why did he say that he did?

Are you calling George Lynch a liar?

Are you telling me that you cannot hear the Rockman all over those ULAK recordings?

George Lynch stated in a 85/86 Guitar World (or Guitar for the practicing asshole) that he used exactly the rig that I described. I personally didn't need to read it, since I could tell he was using a Rockman just by listening to the album. I'm not saying he used it on every cut, but it's definitely in there.

Tell me that's not a Rockman... Go ahead!
In Guitar Player he gave up the goods on recording ULAK and his live set up for touring, and I DID read it...yes, I hear Rockman on ULAK, BUT NOT JUST ROCKMAN...he describes the recording process in good detail in that GP article. To my ears some songs have more Rockman blended in, others less.

For example, the call and response solo in Till the Livin' End...the first solo (call), is his tiger striped maple strat into a Marshall, and the second (response) is a different strat into a Laney AOR head. No mention of Rockman, I doubt he used a Rockman for ANY solos ever, as at that time there were no modules available, and the headphone amps are hard to pick fast with because the compressor's release time is too slow.

Christ, you didn't even READ it !
paulyc":30awytyz said:
In Guitar Player he gave up the goods on recording ULAK and his live set up for touring, and I DID read it...yes, I hear Rockman on ULAK, BUT NOT JUST ROCKMAN...he describes the recording process in good detail in that GP article. To my ears some songs have more Rockman blended in, others less.

For example, the call and response solo in Till the Livin' End...the first solo (call), is his tiger striped maple strat into a Marshall, and the second (response) is a different strat into a Laney AOR head. No mention of Rockman, I doubt he used a Rockman for ANY solos ever, as at that time there were no modules available, and the headphone amps are hard to pick fast with because the compressor's release time is too slow.

Christ, you didn't even READ it !
1. I never said that George used ONLY a Rockman on the ULAK recordings.
2. You said; "George Lynch NEVER used the Rockman in that way...", when he in-fact did.
3. You said; "...he NEVER used Marshall's", when he in-fact did.
4. You stated; "------, you didn't even READ it!", when in-fact I did. I think maybe you're combining his live rig with what was used in the studio?
You said he plugged a TS9 into a Rockman then into a Marshall...that's what I said he never did...the Rockman was along side the Marshalls (and Laney AORs) in the mix.

You said you didn't need to read the article in Guitar for the Practicing Asshole because you could hear it...I'm saying the article I read was Guitar Player (it was the guitar synth issue, with Lynch in one of the upper corners of the cover), when you oped to the Lynch article, he's holding a custom Kramer Baretta with a reverse headstock painted yellow with black tiger stripes outlined in red (a pre-cursor to the purple sunburst Tiger he made with ESP).
paulyc":31weev1n said:
You said he plugged a TS9 into a Rockman then into a Marshall...that's what I said he never did...the Rockman was along side the Marshalls (and Laney AORs) in the mix.

You said you didn't need to read the article in Guitar for the Practicing Asshole because you could hear it...I'm saying the article I read was Guitar Player (it was the guitar synth issue, with Lynch in one of the upper corners of the cover), when you oped to the Lynch article, he's holding a custom Kramer Baretta with a reverse headstock painted yellow with black tiger stripes outlined in red (a pre-cursor to the purple sunburst Tiger he made with ESP).
Yes, but you said... Oh f#ck-it! :lol: :LOL:

The issue where he said he did the TS9 > Rockman > Marshall fx loop thing was one where he was holding the J. Frogg guitar. I think it was anyway. I know he said it, because I immediately connected my TS9 and Rockman up the same way. Sounded cool for about a month, then I traded them for a '72 Marshall Super Lead head. The guy still bitches about that trade... \:D/