The stroke I had a few months back is slowing me down

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Hey y'all,

The stroke I had is slowing my thinking down. I've been lying to myself that I'm fine. I'm not...some days, just THINKING feels like I'm trying to walk through waist deep wet cement. Plz send prayers, good thoughts, good mojo. Thanks much and God bless y'all!

- Jphnny
Hey y'all,

The stroke I had is slowing my thinking down. I've been lying to myself that I'm fine. I'm not...some days, just THINKING feels like I'm trying to walk through waist deep wet cement. Plz send prayers, good thoughts, good mojo. Thanks much and God bless y'all!

- Jphnny
I'm always sending my prayers Johnny. Sorry to hear that brother. Make sure you are getting magnesium, potassium, and zinc along with salt in these summer months especially if you are outdoors a lot. I know the mountains can get toasty in the summer daylight hours. I also like Niacin for reducing any built up heavy metals in your body, there is a lot of that stuff in our environment and food now, especially if you are a seafood enjoyer. My very best to you this weekend Johnny. Rest up. Get fluids. Please keep us posted brother.
Dammit man. Sorry to hear that. I’m having issues with my m.s. but I have made my peace with it. Look into alternative therapy stuff. Lions mane and cordyceps help with neurorrgeneration. There’s other treatments as well. Ozone treatments and hyperoxygenation of the blood. You never know what might help brother.
Maybe it takes time to heal and repair? Hope you see improvements soon.

Thanks, man. I hope I'll bounce back. I told my wife I wasn't gonna follow through with the neurologists because I figured there was nothing to be done.

She said, "Well, you don't know that, and how would you like it if I stopped getting a mammogram every year?" I said "Well shit, I can't argue with that." LOL God, I love her!
I'm always sending my prayers Johnny. Sorry to hear that brother. Make sure you are getting magnesium, potassium, and zinc along with salt in these summer months especially if you are outdoors a lot. I know the mountains can get toasty in the summer daylight hours. I also like Niacin for reducing any built up heavy metals in your body, there is a lot of that stuff in our environment and food now, especially if you are a seafood enjoyer. My very best to you this weekend Johnny. Rest up. Get fluids. Please keep us posted brother.

Thanks, brother. You da man. :)
Dammit man. Sorry to hear that. I’m having issues with my m.s. but I have made my peace with it. Look into alternative therapy stuff. Lions mane and cordyceps help with neurorrgeneration. There’s other treatments as well. Ozone treatments and hyperoxygenation of the blood. You never know what might help brother.

Thanks, bro. Like you, I'm at peace with my situation. Sorry to hear you have MS. You're in my prayers. When they told me I had had a stroke awhile back, for some reason I can't explain, it didn't phase me in the least. Normally, I'll at least say something like "What the fuck?" LOL
Hey, hang in there Johnny. ❤️

As Steve said, hyper-oxygenation can work miracles.

Practically-speaking, keeping fluids up, taking your vitamins and limiting foods and drinks that come in bottles could help. Back in the day they used to use xylene and toluene to clean jars and bottles at the factories before they filled 'em with food and drink. If they still do that, well, that sux. They definitely have an adverse effect on the brain, causing cancer even.

Keep us posted with how you're coming along man; we'll listen!
Definitely praying for you. The power of prayer is real. I understand the severe brain fog and and just trying to think straight being a serious issue. After some health problems and very painful family tragedies, started having issues with terrible brain fog ,irritability, and just trying to function well was seriously hard. Some suggestions: 5000 iu vitamin d3 with 90 mcg k2 with food. Carnivore diet has also worked wonders with my heart health and many other issues. Magnesium, zinc, n-acetyl cysteine and milk thistle. Getting out in the sun everyday, especially when the sun is setting and allowing the sun to get in thru your eyes. Thus increasing melatonin in your body, a super powerful antioxidant. Last but not least is movement, get up, move and groove. So many underestimate the benefits of just getting up and walking, movement and exercise daily. One of the best things you can do for your mental and physical health is get outside, get busy, move and groove and things start to improve. Blessings to you in Jesus name my friend!!!
Thanks, bro. Like you, I'm at peace with my situation. Sorry to hear you have MS. You're in my prayers. When they told me I had had a stroke awhile back, for some reason I can't explain, it didn't phase me in the least. Normally, I'll at least say something like "What the fuck?" LOL
Quick story. I woke up one morning with my right side numb. I knew it wasn’t a stroke because my face was fine. Instead of numb imagine wrapping your side in an ace elastic one…that was the feeling. They found about 7 lesions on my brain and a mass in my neck as well as lesions on my spine. Then they discovered I had stage 4 thyroid cancer. Surgeon was shocked that I was not upset. I used it as a teaching moment for her and I had an office full of inmates when she called. Yes I was at work in a prison. I put her on speaker. She asked me again if I was okay. I said yes I am. Whatever God wills will take place. Then I told her and them that I was a Christian saved by Jesus Christ of Nazareth. What was the worst possible outcome to this….that I could die and have the opportunity to meet my savior and go to heaven if he wills it? Like I said…teaching moments…later on an inmate told me that I was the hardest mother fucker he had ever seen. He said that a doctor calling him up and telling him some shit like that…he would not react like I did. Not bragging about it. But you and me are a different generation dude. What is getting depressed and moping about going to help? Nothing and nobody.
Quick story. I woke up one morning with my right side numb. I knew it wasn’t a stroke because my face was fine. Instead of numb imagine wrapping your side in an ace elastic one…that was the feeling. They found about 7 lesions on my brain and a mass in my neck as well as lesions on my spine. Then they discovered I had stage 4 thyroid cancer. Surgeon was shocked that I was not upset. I used it as a teaching moment for her and I had an office full of inmates when she called. Yes I was at work in a prison. I put her on speaker. She asked me again if I was okay. I said yes I am. Whatever God wills will take place. Then I told her and them that I was a Christian saved by Jesus Christ of Nazareth. What was the worst possible outcome to this….that I could die and have the opportunity to meet my savior and go to heaven if he wills it? Like I said…teaching moments…later on an inmate told me that I was the hardest mother fucker he had ever seen. He said that a doctor calling him up and telling him some shit like that…he would not react like I did. Not bragging about it. But you and me are a different generation dude. What is getting depressed and moping about going to help? Nothing and nobody.
^You guys are way tougher than me. This is orthodox thinking up here. t I already consider you my orthodox brother here we just need to make it official, heh heh. I'll bet holy cross will have their new building complete this summer. Counting on you to take that grand tour and report back with pics. I'd love to make that drive and ride out with you but I still ain't even visited my old man yet this year. He's been on and off with prostate stuff and is starting to show his age so that's my vacation priority #1 right now since I haven't seen him in about five or six years. Same for my mother.
Quick story. I woke up one morning with my right side numb. I knew it wasn’t a stroke because my face was fine. Instead of numb imagine wrapping your side in an ace elastic one…that was the feeling. They found about 7 lesions on my brain and a mass in my neck as well as lesions on my spine. Then they discovered I had stage 4 thyroid cancer. Surgeon was shocked that I was not upset. I used it as a teaching moment for her and I had an office full of inmates when she called. Yes I was at work in a prison. I put her on speaker. She asked me again if I was okay. I said yes I am. Whatever God wills will take place. Then I told her and them that I was a Christian saved by Jesus Christ of Nazareth. What was the worst possible outcome to this….that I could die and have the opportunity to meet my savior and go to heaven if he wills it? Like I said…teaching moments…later on an inmate told me that I was the hardest mother fucker he had ever seen. He said that a doctor calling him up and telling him some shit like that…he would not react like I did. Not bragging about it. But you and me are a different generation dude. What is getting depressed and moping about going to help? Nothing and nobody.
Wow, brother! It sucks you've had to deal with that and I admire your way of handling it. I figure that God made me, so he gets to do what he wants with me. He's proven time and time again that he loves me and looks out for me, so I trust him. You're right about our generation... I think most of us just try to handle our business and let the chips fall where they may. Whining never fixed a fuckin' thing. I can understand being scared and having a good cry or whatever, but I refuse to live in victim mode. I won't lie; I get scared at times but I just keep on truckin' as best I can. John Wayne said it best: "Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway."
^You guys are way tougher than me. This is orthodox thinking up here. t I already consider you my orthodox brother here we just need to make it official, heh heh. I'll bet holy cross will have their new building complete this summer. Counting on you to take that grand tour and report back with pics. I'd love to make that drive and ride out with you but I still ain't even visited my old man yet this year. He's been on and off with prostate stuff and is starting to show his age so that's my vacation priority #1 right now since I haven't seen him in about five or six years. Same for my mother.
Well I have pretty much made up my mind to convert. I am just so disillusioned with the local churches and culture that I have just refused to go to any Protestant church locally. And I disagree with papal authority so Catholicism is out.
Wow, brother! It sucks you've had to deal with that and I admire your way of handling it. I figure that God made me, so he gets to do what he wants with me. He's proven time and time again that he loves me and looks out for me, so I trust him. You're right about our generation... I think most of us just try to handle our business and let the chips fall where they may. Whining never fixed a fuckin' thing. I can understand being scared and having a good cry or whatever, but I refuse to live in victim mode. I won't lie; I get scared at times but I just keep on truckin' as best I can. John Wayne said it best: "Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway."
Crazy thing is that those issues were the start of some heavy stuff that I and my family had to go through. But we handled it. Maybe sometime I will post it up. I already have I’m sure in other threads. O death where is thy sting? O grave where is thy power? lol… I paraphrased that loosely…