The UN is terrified of Trump because he is America First.

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Honestly it seems difficult to envision a one world government seeing as WW3 appears on the horizon.
The one world gov happens after WWIII.
I’m not saying it’s impossible, but it seems unlikely that the eastern and western powers are going to join forces or that one side will concede any power whatsoever.
Why you guys wanna be bringing in imaginary creatures into it ? Why not blame it on Santa Claus or the Loch Ness Monster ?
I’m not saying it’s impossible, but it seems unlikely that the eastern and western powers are going to join forces or that one side will concede any power whatsoever.
After the catastrophe of WWIII people will be looking for solutions and the antichrist will provide them.
Why you guys wanna be bringing in imaginary creatures into it ? Why not blame it on Santa Claus or the Loch Ness Monster ?
Saint Nicholas is a historical figure. And it's pretty obvious we really don't know what exists in the great deep.
After the catastrophe of WWIII people will be looking for solutions and the antichrist will provide them.

Saint Nicholas is a historical figure. And it's pretty obvious we really don't know what exists in the great deep.
So we just make up a word for the evil that exists in the great deep.
Who gives a fuck about the UN really.
Only when it’s my money (tax dollars) that goes to countries who WON’T defend themselves or help pay others to do it.
It isn’t our job to completely fund the UN, pay up or pay the consequences.
That's a compliment to him.

If you wanted to razz him, you might have called him titty lover.
The UN is a tax we pay to have lower income shithole countries do the dirty work that we wont do ourselves.
Kinda like the US Military does the US Gov dirty work for the politicians.
The UN is a tax we pay to have lower income shithole countries do the dirty work that we wont do ourselves.
Kinda like the US Military does the US Gov dirty work for the politicians.
I’d like to know which shithole countries that are UN members are doing our (US) dirty work for us, I’m not aware.
AFAIK we’re not getting squat for considerable “investment”.