There are many morons and pro-Islamic terrorist jew haters on my timeline who keep saying things like “Israel needs to deescalate” or “we shouldn’t level Gaza”. Do you want to see what every single Palestinian child is being taught in Gaza from the time they are born? Watch this video and tell me why ANYONE should ever have sympathy for the Palestinians when they are running child’s programming about killing Jews.
Also, don’t tell me Islam is the “religion of peace”. Because it’s not, and this video is further evidence of what Islam teaches. GAZA needs to be destroyed and all HAMAS terrorists and HAMAS supporters need to be eradicated by the IDF for the sake of terminating future Islamic terror attacks.
Everyone who attended the pro HAMAS rallies throughout America today are just as much of terrorists as the HAMAS terrorists who carried out the attacks on Israel yesterday.Every single one of those animals should be monitored by the FBI, but the FBI is too busy monitoring Trump supporters to do their job and go after actual terrorists and their supporters.
There will never be peace with these people. This is evil and it needs to be destroyed. I refuse to coexist with people who teach children to kill Jews.Watch and share, because this is considered 100% normal to Palestinians. This is what these people do.