There is a guy who posted on TGP that he bought a guitar but he is afraid to play it because he’s worried about Covid.

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There are are so many pussies and Karen's...and jokesters there that I sometimes can't tell what's real or troll.

But the fact that there are so many of the pussy/Karen's makes it low hanging fruit to make troll posts like that.

So I'm 66.6% sure that one is a troll.
that shit is so 2 years ago :p

only on the gear page.

Howard Sterns, neurotic ass bought all new gear so he could do his show from home, but wouldn't touch it for 2 weeks because of the same fears.
Seriously Howard went from "NY, FEARLESS, KING OF MEDIA, HOWARD STERN!!!1 to Mort Goldman in a matter of like a year.

Is the end game for these paranoid fucks, to live for ever or something!?! DO YOU REALLY WANT THAT IN THIS DAY AND AGE!?!
we have a nice park here that has a trail that goes along the beach that ive been riding my bike and walking on literally all my life, i stopped last couple years cause i got tired of people waiting for me to appear in sight so they can stop and make a big scene of themselves putting their mask on looking at me like im a terrorist when im in my own back yard. yesterday i figured was the first nice day, lets go for a walk.. same thing, multiple woman stopping to put their masks on and stepping aside into the woods so i could walk by looking at me with a look of disgust i cant even describe. whacky times
anyone who remembers high school biology or took a food service bio class... You're ALWAYS one wrong pathogen away from a temporary, yet extreme, illness, at ALL TIMES. from food, from organic drugs (i.e shrooms), from touching surfaces, to airbourne shit... or from being handled too much. all of those things can cause the same issues as a bad oyster, or a time temp abused piece of wet cheese. have fun out there :p
He just needs to drill a few holes and pour bleach in them…ya know, just like injecting bleach would work well with people.

The be fair, this was never actually said. During a new conference Trump was talking about UV light or some powerful light that might be able to kill Covid. He then said see something like a disinfectant that could knock it out in a minute. “By injection inside, almost like a cleaning. Since it gets in the lungs and does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be Interesting. For all of that we would need to use medical doctors. It sounds interesting to me”.

The be fair, this was never actually said. During a new conference Trump was talking about UV light or some powerful light that might be able to kill Covid. He then said see something like a disinfectant that could knock it out in a minute. “By injection inside, almost like a cleaning. Since it gets in the lungs and does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be Interesting. For all of that we would need to use medical doctors. It sounds interesting to me”.
Yes, “injecting a disinfectant”….you can choose to add any disinfectant and it’s still the same ridiculous assertion.
He’s not the only pres who says stupid things though….I once bought my father a small calendar of 365 days of George W -isms…he laughed all year long.