This Forum Needs to be Shut Down...I Will Make Sure!!!!

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Well since covid can cause pneumonia and lack of oxygen, and lack of oxygen causes cardiac arrest. It doesn't take too much to put two and two together. But do carry on with your conspiracy theories.
How do you know that those people did not have conditions and would have died anyway? Or that they had those conditions and THEN got covid, PRESUMING it wasn't the flu or something else, since a large percentage of those who test positive have false positive tests? We await your answer, doctor.
How do you know that those people did not have conditions and would have died anyway? Or that they had those conditions and THEN got covid, PRESUMING it wasn't the flu or something else, since a large percentage of those who test positive have false positive tests? We await your answer, doctor.
And how do you know that they would not have lived several more years had they not contracted covid? I await your answer doctor.
And how do you know that they would not have lived several more years had they not contracted covid? I await your answer doctor.
I don't know, unlike your confident bullshit. But I do know a lot of medical professionals, from oncologists to heart specialists, and regular medical doctors (since I work with them and I'm a contributor to the Merck Manual), and from what they're telling me, this is a SCAMdemic with hardly a thing going on in the hospitals, and many patients are written down as having died from covid DID NOT. They had other complications that caused their death. And so, you may ask, what if covid contributed... you mean... like the fuckin' flu, which all but disappeared? With so many false-positive tests, I suspect highly that most deaths are around the flu, which has been happening for hundreds of years. I know more people who died or got violently ill (without recovering) from the vaccine than from covid. I had covid, as did my fiancee... no problem... we took some good doses of Vitamin D with Zinc and Selenium and everything went just peachy (more me than her, but I'm healthier and she has an auto-immune disease. But, to show I'm a good sport, I donate my jabs to you.
AHhhhhhhhhh grasshopper covid losing its luster, now we cant have that can we.
ummm been having a few health issues-what have I missed?
I'm sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well JackBooted. You haven't missed much, just a loon that went into complete meltdown and got themselves banned.
Well since covid can cause pneumonia and lack of oxygen, and lack of oxygen causes cardiac arrest. It doesn't take too much to put two and two together. But do carry on with your conspiracy theories.
and there you have it ... you prove once again what a complete and utter fucking moron you are.
Joe Biden is the Jimmy Carter of the new millennium.
TAKE from the people and call all white people racist.
Blames the police for the life style people choose or are forced into by their own families and peers.

Fixing things starts with the family unit, not with labeling me a racist.
Joe Biden is the Jimmy Carter of the new millennium.
TAKE from the people and call all white people racist.
Blames the police for the life style people choose or are forced into by their own families and peers.

Fixing things starts with the family unit, not with labeling me a racist.

Carter was a god compared to Biden.

And Carter sucked mightily.

Biden is nothing more than a senile meat puppet.
Biden came up with vaccine for covid. At least that’s what he thinks