Those Facebook Photos

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Keep seeing the same two clips from a couple of my FB photos so it's only fair I put them in context.

New Lamp.jpg
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It's been 16 years since I've had a drink. No AA, I just stopped. I attended several AA meetings in the early days, but the 'drunk-a-log' thing was just too depressing. Returning to the things that I did before I took-up drinking was the most beneficial. The worst part of sobriety is this... The way you feel when you wake-up, it never gets any better than that. I remember one of the rehab counselors saying; "Your sleep cycle is never going to go back to what it was." In my experience, she was correct.
It's been 16 years since I've had a drink. No AA, I just stopped. I attended several AA meetings in the early days, but the 'drunk-a-log' thing was just too depressing. Returning to the things that I did before I took-up drinking was the most beneficial. The worst part of sobriety is this... The way you feel when you wake-up, it never gets any better than that. I remember one of the rehab counselors saying; "Your sleep cycle is never going to go back to what it was." In my experience, she was correct.

Good on you man!

I also went cold turkey with no AA.
Wife finally made me choose - she wasn't going to see me drink myself to death.
I'd been around 165-170 pounds my entire adult life but around that time had gotten
down to 133. :oops:

First sober day was 12/14/2018 and we were moved into a new apt by 01/04/2019.
That was key for me. No old hiding places lurking around.
The drunk brain dude was always scratching at the f-ing door though.

Just hit 3 years and it feels real good. One year sober for each decade I was addicted.

HA. Reminded of something. My boss basically made me check this place out a few weeks before I quit.
Went for an interview and first thing was a piss test and breathalyzer. They wanted me to check in right
there on the spot - I hadn't had a drink all day yet so the DTs were pretty bad while I was there.

I'd be locked in for 10 days with 24/7 medical supervision (and detox drugs if I needed them).
No TV. No computer. No cell phone. Clothing and books needed to be screened first.

It was mandatory you attend meetings with the other patients pretty much all day with breaks to eat and read.


TV and my laptop saved my life that first week!!!
HA. Reminded of something. My boss basically made me check this place out a few weeks before I quit.
Went for an interview and first thing was a piss test and breathalyzer. They wanted me to check in right
there on the spot - I hadn't had a drink all day yet so the DTs were pretty bad while I was there.

I'd be locked in for 10 days with 24/7 medical supervision (and detox drugs if I needed them).
No TV. No computer. No cell phone. Clothing and books needed to be screened first.

It was mandatory you attend meetings with the other patients pretty much all day with breaks to eat and read.


TV and my laptop saved my life that first week!!!
Yeah, I went through all of that. I arrived with a bottle of Xanax that had been prescribed to me by my doctor... They took it. AA meetings were mandatory, of course. They also had us attend a CA (cocaine anonymous) meeting. Talk about 'next level' degeneracy. :oops:

I never went into DT's, but I saw others going through it. If memory serves, those patients were given librium. As former patients, we get one free B complex shot per month, for life. I no longer live in Ohio, so that's out.
I never went into DT's

It wasn't actual delirium tremens at the clinic, more like really bad shakes and looking like something a cat had just puked up.

The REAL DTs came during the first few days of cold turkey. ???‍???
@Mark Skid
a dude on another forum told me he went full blown DTs after getting arrested and spending a long weekend
in a holding cell full of degenerates.

Not a single person messed with him though and a few guys actually looked after him.
Said he spent most of the time fetal position on a bench while shaking like he had 120 volts running through him.

One patient was hallucinating to the point where (according to him) he called 911 because Mickey Mouse was playing a saxophone (loudly) on his neighbors roof. He was a successful businessman, not some down-and-out Joe. I learned a lot, and even though I went back to drinking, I never forgot the experience, or the things I learned. My mom used to say; "You won't grow-up until after I'm gone." As usual, she was right. Once she passed-away, my perspective changed.
My mom used to say; "You won't grow-up until after I'm gone." As usual, she was right. Once she passed-away, my perspective changed.

Same with my dad.
Proud to be a full 5 months sober when he passed. All the emotions were 100% pure.
He'd been out of it for years so he was never aware that I'd crashed and burned.


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What a nice pity thread from a vile cunning rat. You’re not fooling everyone with your bullshit. Where are all your alts giving you sympathy too? Pathetic. ?
I lost my best buddy and housemate of 12 years to alcohol in 2004; he was only 31! He hit it real-hard for that 12 years 'though and after trying every day to help him, I wasn't surprised of course.

Donnie, I reckon the move just 3 weeks into it would've helped tremendously. It's like going on holiday - if you're a smoker you can often go without when away from your usual surroundings. That all falls apart the second you have your first cigarette or bong 'though.

So, what I'm saying is that the move, combined with your discipline, especially in the early weeks and months, is what you've probably got to be thankful for, along with any support you received from loved ones of course.

As I've said to you in the past, well done man! No small feat.