Thought I’d bring back some memories

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I remember ordering from columbia house and seeing this wicked album cover thinking it should be a great metal album! (I had no idea who they were)

Boy did I get a surprise!!!! :eek:

I bet lol
my sister let me pick 2 albums from rising stars vhII and toto I on her columbia house account in 79??

i miss the whole anticipating, then searching for and finding that special treasure at cool new and used record store, buying it and racing home, pulling the pristine LP out of the sleeve trying not to smudge it, and playing an album for the first time on a killer sounding system while pouring over the jacket artwork and credits.
Man. Talk about bygone days. Makes me very nostalgic…and I guess melancholy. Those were the days man. I’d bike down to the mall, grab a slice and a soda…hit the arcade and then the record store. GD I miss those days.

On topic…We sold our home this week of 15 yrs…bet we had 50 CDs from my wife and my early days.
They were Napster before Napster was Napster..basically what bands get paid for their music today sadly..
Yeah, I'm sure I owe Columbia House a pretty penny (actually, a penny is about all the money they ever got out of me).

The bad part about ordering that first 12 or 13 cassettes for a penny, was when you were down to your last few picks, and there was nothing left you were interested in. So you told yourself things like "Yeah, I guess Adam Ant is alright.", and begrudgingly added "Goody Two Shoes" to the list. :LOL:
I remember I randomly picked this album, and it is still one of my favorites today.

I did this in 1983 or so and it was a penny for 11 or 12 at the Ozzy's Speak Of The Devil and the rest of the cassettes I don't even remember because that was the only one I just had to have....but that one right there is what started it all for me. Great memories.
i still remember the first three 45s i bought. FM by Steely Dan, Imaginary Lover by Atlanta Rhythm Section and Bakers Street by Gerry Rafferty

early LPs
Triumph - Just a Game
zeppelin 1&4
Def Lep - On through the night/high n dry
Black Flag - Jealous again
Circle Jerks - Group Sex
Kiss Alive I/II
Decline of the western civilization

and my family had a vast collection from the Motown box set to Ventures, Beach Boys to Sinatra to movie soundtracks (Oliver, Oklahoma, Sound of Music, Blue Hawaii, Star is Born, Annie, Disney..)