Tighter JB?

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Rex Rocker

Rex Rocker

Well-known member
I might be part of the minority that finds the JB too fat.

I come from playing actives which have a lot less low-end. I've always liked the JB's cutting upper-mid spike. But I've always thought it's mega stuffy in the low-mids.

Is there anything that addresses this issue? I don't mean in the *quality* of the low-end/low-mids, but in the *quantity*. Like, I don't want a "bigger but tighter" low-end. I just want less low-end from it.

Is there a pickup that has this? But without going for an extra sizzly high-end? Or are actives a better bet if I want that?

I've had that one... and it is tighter, but also bassier. And sizzlier. I just want a thinned out JB, but that doesn't start sounding harsh either. Maybe I'm looking for an oxymoron?
Perpetual Burn is just that…..a squeezed in JB with a little less output.
If I was looking for a tighter JB, I'd probably take a serious look at the Duncan Thrash Factor. It's supposedly a tighter JB with less low end. More highs too. Whether they're more sizzly or not, I don't know.
The Distortion and JB have little in common, I would not look there. Nor would l go with a Custom. Great pick up with a tight, fat low end and chugs for days, but I don't love the Custom for lead tones.

For a tighter JB, I'll second the Thrash Factor, although I have never tried it. I belive that is exactly what that pick up is designed to be. Personally I like the MCP Afwayu for this application. It has the JB's singing lead tone, more balance mids and a tight but not dry low end. Great pick up.
Try Suhr aldrich !! I been liking it alot ! It's definitely tighter darker and less of that loose mids you get..
Carvin m22sd is in the JBish area also IMO.
Bright and hot a5 with strong but tight bass for a non-ceramic.
Better in guitars with mahogany or basswood bodies and/or rosewood boards IMO. Can use a bit of lower-mids from the guitar IMO.
I know your not big on dmz, but have you ever tried a regular Norton?

I've always heard the jb and pegasus in the same light when listening to youtube comparisons. On paper and possibly in real-life("feel") they are worlds apart, but when I hear them on demos the pegasus sounds much like a leaner jb.
Having had them in the same guitar, I totally recommend the ToneNerd Roxy, or Sunset. Sunset more polite, Roxy more like the Suhr Ssh+, bit hotter with more low end, but still super tight. Both a better JB.
Having had them in the same guitar, I totally recommend the ToneNerd Roxy, or Sunset. Sunset more polite, Roxy more like the Suhr Ssh+, bit hotter with more low end, but still super tight. Both a better JB.
Agreed. I prefer the SS but I think the Roxy is what the OP is looking for