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danyeo":9e01f said:
Looks like some assholes over there have the need to stick up for guns on a day like today.


I hope the douchebag who waves his gun around like it's his cock shoots his big toe off.

Wow....I sure didn't expect to see something like that after all the talk about how bad HC is...interesting. :loco:
The mayor of Nagasaki was just shot and killed in Japan where guns are illegal. If someone wants to get a gun...they can do so anywhere in the world. It's our society and the fact that there are 7 billion people on the planet...there are bound to be a few fucked up individuals.
Maybe it's too easy here in the states to get a gun and that's not right but banning guns altogether will only leave criminals with guns.
Videogames, TV shows, movies, sensational news reports....it all has effects on us and some people can't handle it. I see mental illness as a big part of the equation.
Canada does not count- 32 million people VS. 300 million here in USA. Do the math.

Oh yea...and HC does suck hairy crack. :thumbsdown: