Hey Sean,
I think I get what your asking, I use the midi buddy midi switch, it is not programmable like your dmc(meaning ch1 on the midi pedal will be ch1 on the effects unit midi memory) but it works fine for what I do. Sometimes I lose my bearing dealing w/ midi if I am running more than 1 midi device,so I try keep it simple for my own peace of mind.
Anyhow I go from the pedal to the midi in on the vh4, midi thru to the glass nexus.
I simply hit ch 1 on the midi pedal and then go to the vh4, set it to chl1,hit store on the amp, then I would set the glass nexus for whatever effects I need for that preset, you can run delay & reverb at the same time plus 1 modulation effect, set those as needed and hit the store button the the glass nexus, it flashes,go to your midi pedal hit the chl 1 again and you have your preset stored!!! works great!
I said it in another post but I run the glass nexus thru the serial loop w/ really good patch cables,i could not get it to sound good in the parellel loop. it does not bother me much as far as tone loss goes, if I were recording I might hear the difference and add the effects later and leave the signal path unaltered, but it is great live.
The effects are not as programmable as the rack units or even single pedals but I think the quality is awesome! The flanger sounds like a friggin monster in the intro to killing in the name of. Very cool trem,rotary etc...
C-4 I have had no issues at all thankfully, I do not use a direct box, not sure why anybody would

maybe they were talking about the distortion units the same company makes, but even then I think you can go right to the pa without a box.
sorry for the long winded reply.