Tonal characteristics of EQ spectrum

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I guess we´re mostly discussing post EQ here, but just to highlight a different aspect for guitar players what´s "best" to do before an overdriven amp EQ-wise can be different from what an audio engineer would do at the desk. Horses for courses, as they say. I think few guys would boost 750-1K midrange 20dB on a track, like you definitely might do with a Furman PQ3 in front of a Marshall with great results.
I was wondering about this?
I run my JTM45 pretty hot and use guitar volume to clean up.
My only interests in EQ is before the amp or in the effects loop.
I believe that is the only discussion any of us are having.

The different types of EQ and how you use it.
The topic is very subjective.
Personal taste in EQ can be all over the place.

Not to mention every rig is different.